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Students, these are 5 hottest career choices in the world right now!

Many students find that their degree subjects leave their options for employment open. With the addition of some work experience and internships along the way, you might have several different fields to choose from.

Millennials, increasingly, are used to the idea of a career taking a non linear path. You will certainly change companies and jobs over the course of an average career, and you might change career paths entirely.

The upside of this reality is the variety we can expect in a modern career. The downside is that the choice can become somewhat overwhelming. One place to start, if you're considering your employment options right now, is to look at the graduate employment market and go where there is most demand. Data from the UK and USA shows which career choices are hot right now for graduates, based on the demand from major employers.

Check out these areas to boost your chances:

Banking and Finance

In this sector a number of positions made the grade in both the UK and US figures, including Sales Accounts and Business Development Managers, Business and Financial Project Managers, Consultants, Analysts and Advisers, across various financial and investment areas. The National Association of Colleges and Employers found that finance was one of the most in demand majors from businesses in the US. Let's face it, it's not a sector that's going to disappear any time soon.

Customer Service

28% of businesses surveyed by Careerbuilder in the USA, said that they were planning on recruiting graduates into customer service positions. With a wide range of opportunities, and any customer facing business needing specialists in this field, it can be a good choice for graduates. Although some degree majors across subjects such as retail, travel and tourism may give an advantage, customer service recruiters will look at personality, drive and relevant work and volunteer experience when taking on new graduates.

Information Technology

IT is a more difficult area to predict, but will certainly grow. The US figures suggested that a massive 30% of businesses would be recruiting in IT positions in the next year, whilst a recent report from the UK Government also concluded that IT was a hot career choice from graduates and school leavers right now. Highlighted roles include Programmers and Software Developers, Specialist Managers, Web Designers and Developers and Analysts.

Retail and Sales

21% of businesses surveyed in the USA said they were planning on recruiting for sales roles in the near future. Retail is also expected to be a hot area in the UK, with businesses recruiting an increasing number of graduates as consumer confidence returns following a particularly difficult few years for the sector. With a wide range of opportunities, and great options for accelerating career growth, retail and sales are great graduate employment prospects.

Accountancy and Professional Services

Accountancy and Professional Services careers came out as hot choices both sides of the Atlantic, with 22% of US businesses planning on recruiting in this area this year. Graduate schemes in these areas can be competitive, but the rewards are good. Further your career prospects with specialist qualifications at a higher level, with in-demand subjects such as tax accounting particularly lucrative.

Of course, there are opportunities for graduates to kick start their careers in many different areas. In the UK, for example the government also predict an increased need in engineering and science roles, not only for scientists, but for managers of research and development, and engineers across mechanical, design and development areas. There is also increased recruitment in some areas of the public sector in the UK which creates opportunities for graduates to excel as well as future proof their careers.

It is worth noting that of the businesses surveyed in the UK, 37% of graduate roles would be filled by students who had already worked in the business in internships, industrial placements or holiday work experience. If you ever needed a reason to get a holiday internship with an interesting business, this is it! Gather as much skills and experience as you can, choose a growth industry and give yourself the best chance of finding your dream role.


US Career Builder Info:

UK Highfliers Report:

UK Government Report:

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