
Work Visas in Spain

Spain Work Visa permits you to legally work and get paid in Spain as a foreigner.

Work Permit Types:

  1. Spanish Work Permit A: Suitable for seasonal work placements with 9 months maximum duration
  2. Spanish Initial Work Permit B: With a maximum duration of 1 year, this type of work permit is for a specific employment or profession and location.
  3. Spanish Renewed Work Permit B: This permit is the renewed version of the Initial Work Permit B. Under this type, the holder is allowed to extend the duration up to a maximum of 2 years and to carry out several professional undertakings.
  4. Spanish Work Permit C: Aside from the fact that this is a renewal of the Work Permit B, this type allows the holder to fulfill ANY activity in Spain.
  5. Spanish Permanent Work Permit: This type has an unlimited period but it is required to be renewed every 5 years. Once your type C expires, you are now eligible to apply for a permanent work permit.
  6. Other Work Permits: This type are permits granted under special circumstances like employment in the Spanish borders provided the holder still goes home in his or her country of origin or an exceptional non-EU citizen is a holder provided he or she has greatly contributed to Spain's economy and cultural advancement.

If you are from European Union member countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland, you are exempted from obtaining a visa for this purpose. General work-visa requirements are:

  • Job contract 
  • Complete job descriptions and company background
  • Employer’s social security number
  • Work authorization which is your employer’s responsibility to get for you. 
  • Medical clearance 
  • Police record
  • Validation certificate for a no-criminal record
  • Proof of your qualification as a professional
  • Your flight details and accommodation in Spain
  • Valid passport (with validity of at least 4 months)
  • Fully accomplished application form based on the type of work visa you need.
  • Three (3) passport-sized photos


To Apply:

  • Gather all the documents needed for the specific visitor visa type and check for other relevant requirements that can help you with your application process.
  • Search for various visa service providers within your country of origin and make an appointment. Once the appointment day comes around, make sure you show up.
  • Another option is submitting your documents to Spanish embassies and consulates near you. For a complete list of the Spanish embassies, please refer here.