Success Stories

International Antarctic Expedition
Thanks for letting me know about this opportunity, in addition to all of the encouragement and support. I will be participating in a 13-day international Antarctic expedition! I will send you all hugs and greetings from the edge of the world.
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The College of Idaho
I must say that I am in love with your website! I was able to attend an all-expenses-paid conference in Colorado. I will be graduating next year, so I will definitely be on your website daily for the foreseeable future... Anyway just wanted to say thanks for all the work you do! Love!
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Millennium Campus Network
I am enjoying New York City at the MCC 2014 Summit! Thank you for letting me know about this life-changing opportunity.
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Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
I am super excited to announce that I will stay in Munich until the end of August for a short course and internship organized by the University of Cincinnati, Colorado Boulder, and LMU Munich!
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Academia Sinica Taiwan
I got accepted to the TIGP-International Internship Program at the most prestigious research institution and national academy in Taiwan! I saw that opportunity posted at
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