2025-26 EMship+ - European Master Course in Advanced Ship and Offshore Design

Deadline: February 01, 2025




  • Belgium
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • United Kingdom
Liège, Lieusaint, Nantes, Rostock, Genoa, Szczecin, Galați, Southampton


The objective of the EMSHIP education platform is to provide a high education level in Naval Architecture and Ship & Offshore Design, through 2 years Master Courses (see Offical EMSHIP Programme - Uliege web site). EMSHIP gives the opportunity to candidates to demonstrate their talents and offer them the necessary skills to work in this challenging industry. 


The EMSHIP+ education (former Erasmus Mundus) in Advanced Ship and Offshore Design.

  • Duration: 24 months (120 credits)
  • Starting month of the Masters Course:  September 

EMSHIP Added Values

  • Two engineering degrees (double degree) awarded by two European countries (Belgium and Germany, France or Poland), giving in Europe access to the Title of Engineer;
  • Mobility in minimum two EU countries, with a possibility of Internship in a 3rd one (Italy, Romania, UK and France, but also worldwide in Japan, USA, Australia, Korea, Brazil, ….)
  • High diversity of specialization: Pleasure craft (Solent, UK) , yacht design (UNIGE, Italy), CFD and hydrodynamics (ICAM-France, UGAL Romania), Offshore structures, Production, Ship design, Structures, Offshore Wind and Renewable Marine Energy (UPM) …
  • Full English education, with opportunity to learn French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, …
  • INTERNSHIP in Industry - shipyard, class. Societies, … (3 to 5 months)
  • Possibility to apply for SCHOLARSHIP


The consortium is composed of nine European universities with a strong expertise in the diverse fields of Marine Engineering:

  • University of Liège (Belgium), coordinator of the program 
  • University of Rostock (Germany) 
  • Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM)
  • Centrale Nantes (France) 
  • West Pomeranian University of Technology (Poland)
  • Dunarea de Jos University of Galati (Romania) 
  • ICAM - Institut Catholique d’Arts et Métiers (France)
  • University of Genova (Italy)
  • Southampton Solent University (UK)


Awarded Degrees


Master Study - 2 years program - (120 credits)

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Admission criteria

  • Some pre-requisites in mathematics, physics, solid mechanics, materials science, fluid mechanics, dynamics of mechanical systems and computer programming are required.
  • English B2 level (TOEFL) or equivalent is required too.

Candidates with specific CVs are also invited to apply:

Engineers searching for advanced education in :

  • Hydrodynamic and structural analyses of ships and offshore structures,
  • CAD and information technology,
  • Shipyard and production technology,
  • Commercial ships , mega/motor yachts, sailing pleasure crafts , ...
  • Offshore Wind Energy (Supply vessels, Offshore wind turbines, FOWT, ...),
  • Ocean Engineering (Oil and Gas technology).


Deadline: February 01, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

About 25 full ERASMUS MUNDUS SCHOLARSHIPS will be available for all the nationalities (EU et NON EU students).


A full scholarship for non EU includes:

  • The full tuition fees (8000€/year)
  • A monthly allowance for living expenses of 1000€/month
  • Installation fee: 1000€ (lump sum at arrival)
  • Travel expenses (3000€/year – lump sum)
  • A health insurance (value 500€/year)

A full scholarship for EU includes :

  • The full tuition fees (4000€/year)
  • A monthly allowance for living expenses of 1000€/month
  • Travel costs: 1000€/year
  • A health insurance 500€/year

A student having full ERASMUS MUNDUS Scholarship will not be eligible for monthly allowance while he/she is studying in his/her home country (for example, a Belgian student with this scholarship will not get monthly allowance 1000€/month in the first year of the program).

CONSORTIUM SCHOLARSHIPS (industrial scholarships)

The consortium offers industrial scholarships for EU and NON EU candidates applying to M120. The number (3-4/intake) and amount of scholarships will be fixed according to to the fund availability. It will be distributed according to candidate CV’s quality and their motivation. A full scholarship is not given. We prefer to give partial scholarship to several students instead of full ones to only a few.

The Consortium scholarship may include (one of two of the following, not all):

  • Tuition fees (up to 5.000€ / year, valid for 2 years).
  • Free Health insurance at ULiège.
  • Travels: up to 500€.
  • Monthly allocation for living and housing (200-300€/month, during few months).


Academic Scholarship concerns excellent applicants, and this scholarship will cover a part of tuition fees and about 500€ / month for EU student and 850€ / month for non EU students.


If a student has not yet benefited from an ERASMUS study grant, he/she can apply during his/her stay at ULiège for a standard ERASMUS mobility grant (mobility inside EU) for the mobility to ECN, URO or ZUT (up to 12 months – beware: internship period can’t be covered by this scholarship). This is accessible to all students (except for those who have full Erasmus Mundus Scholarship or a Consortium Scholarship).

It is aimed to cover a part of the expenses due to the mobility, but it is not at all sufficient for a living! The scholarship is a lump sum (200~300€/Month), calculated on the basis of the destination and the number of months of study to be done there. A first transfer of 70% of the grant is done at the beginning of the stay in the destination university, after completion by the student of a certain number of administrative tasks, and the remaining 30% are transferred at the end of the mobility period, after completion by the student of a certain number of administrative tasks. The administrative tasks will be explained to the applicants in due time.

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