2025 AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award

Deadline: October 21, 2024


Grant Trainings & Fellowships Business Plan Creative Ideas


  • Australia


The AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award is Australia’s leading award empowering and celebrating the inclusive and courageous leadership of women involved in Australia’s rural and emerging industries, businesses, and communities, now and into the future.



Over the past 21 years, the Award has gained a significant profile, and is recognised as a program of influence among parliamentarians, industry, media and Award alumni. Each state and territory Winner receives a $15,000 Westpac grant for their project, business or program, access to professional development opportunities and alumni networks.

AgriFutures Australia is committed to the future growth and advancement of the Award as a means of identifying, celebrating and empowering women. The Rural Women’s Award is one of many AgriFutures Australia initiatives ensuring our rural industries prosper now, and into the future.

The project or initiative may be commercially or non-commercially focused, and must align with AgriFutures Australia’s strategic priorities such as:

  • Innovation
  • Creativity
  • Community sustainability
  • Education
  • Productivity
  • Agribusiness
  • Regional development
  • Technology

The bursary can be used for

  • formal training in leadership and business management;
  • overseas study tours;
  • establishing business plans or pilot programs;
  • developing educational or promotional campaigns;
  • networking at forums and conferences to grow your knowledge of industries and markets;
  • developing training programs;
  • testing information technology initiatives;
  • developing or testing a new business concept or innovation; and publishing books

The bursary cannot be used for buying capital equipment (without the explicit approval from AgriFutures Australia) or further tertiary education such as a Diploma, Masters or Doctorate degree.

Winners will also have the opportunity to complete a professional development training course, and will attend a three-day workshop with all other state/territory winners, to focus on further professional development skills and refinement of their winning idea, project or initiative.

About AgriFutures Australia

AgriFutures Australia is a new beginning for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC). We are an organisation that proudly focuses on the future of Australian agriculture. We live and work in the regions and represent the interests and aspirations of farmers and rural communities.

Our vision is to grow the long-term prosperity of Australian rural industries. In practical terms, this means:

  • Initiatives that attract capable people into careers in agriculture, build the capability of future rural leaders, and support change makers and thought leaders.
  • Research and analysis to understand and address important issues on the horizon for Australian agriculture.
  • Research and development for established industries that do not have their own Research & Development Corporation (RDC), including the Rice, Chicken Meat, Honey Bee and Pollination, Thoroughbred Horse, Pasture Seeds, Export Fodder, Ginger and Tea Tree Oil industries.
  • Research and development to accelerate the establishment and expansion of new rural industries, such as Deer, Buffalo, Kangaroo and Camel Milk.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Who can apply?

  • Applicants must have an existing project, business or program which is live and up and running, or will be live within three months of the application being submitted.
  • The existing project, business or program falls into one or more of these categories: Community, Collaboration, Commercial
  • The existing project, business or program must align to the values of the Award
    • Empathetic
    • Authentic
    • Cooperative
    • Confident
    • Courageous
    • Grit
    • Resourceful
    • Pragmatic
    • Clarity of Purpose
    • Inclusive
    • Innovative
  • Applicants need to be over 18 years old and identify as female
  • Applicants must be Australian citizens or permanent residents
  • Location is no barrier. If you want to create impact, innovate and make a difference and/or contribute to enhancing the prosperity of rural and regional Australia, then we want to hear from you
  • No formal qualifications are required
  • Detailed Award guidelines can be found here.
  • If you know someone who should apply for the AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award, please email their name, contact details, and project area to rwa@agrifutures.com.au.

When we refer to “rural industries” we mean agriculture, forestry and fisheries.


Deadline: October 21, 2024

Cost/funding for participants

What is the grant?

The $15,000 Westpac grant is awarded to each State/Territory Winner, providing the financial resources to support a project, business or program that will benefit rural industries, businesses and/or communities.

The grant can be used for formal training in leadership and business management; overseas study tours; establishing business plans or pilot programs; developing educational or promotional campaigns; networking at forums and conferences to grow your knowledge of industries and markets; developing training programs; testing information technology initiatives; developing or testing a new business concept or innovation; and publishing books.

The grant cannot be used for buying capital equipment or further tertiary education such as a Diploma, Masters or Doctorate degree.

The National Winner will be awarded an additional $20,000 Westpac grant and National Runner Up, an additional $15,000. These additional funds can be used for the above-mentioned activities, plus may also be used to assist in meeting national commitments such as speaking engagements as the National Winner or Runner Up.

Winners will also have the opportunity to complete a professional development training course, and will attend a three-day workshop with all other state/territory winners, to focus on further professional development skills and refinement of their winning project, business or program.

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