2025 WE Empower UN SDG Challenge

Deadline: April 12, 2025

Program Starts: September 22, 2025

Program Ends: September 29, 2025


Business Plan


  • Online
  • United States of America
New York


The WE Empower UN SDG Challenge is the first-of-its-kind global competition for social entrepreneurs who are advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals and inspiring entire communities to act to create the world we want by 2030.

Applications for 2025 WE Empower will open in March 2025.


The WE Empower Challenge honors innovative women leaders from around the world who are pushing the SDGs forward through sustainable business practices and inspiring others to follow suit. The opportunity recognizes their innovative work and provides Awardees with capacity-building training sessions and opportunities to connect with an unparalleled global network to advance their enterprises. This program elevates and showcases the valuable contribution women entrepreneurs and business leaders can make toward the SDGs and solving the world’s greatest challenges.

Why Women Entrepreneurs?

  • Leadership: Women business owners have a multiplier impact on their staff, their customers and their broader communities. Global initiatives such as the World Bank’s Women, Business and the Law project support and guide women business owners to help advance gender equality
  • Economic Contribution: Research from McKinsey demonstrates as much as $12 – $28 Trillion could be added to the global economy by 2025 if all countries bridged the gender gap. Women entrepreneurs play a critical role in global wealth creation.
  • Gender-Based Violence: Violence against women and girls affects one in three girls and women worldwide, undermining both dignity and potential and inflicting huge costs – including economic cost. The economic cost of violence against women and girls underscores the dire need for commitment and action from all sectors, including the private sector. A 2015 study found that domestic violence against women and children costs the global economy $8 trillion.

What to Expect

Applicants must answer basic identifying information about themselves, their business, and their primary country of business. -Applicants must identify which world region they are located in from the following regions:

  • Europe and North America
  • Middle East and North Africa
  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Asia-Pacific
  • Latin America and Caribbean

The application requires answers about how your work relates to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and your vision for a sustainable future.

The application asks you how you will help foster gender equality through your work.

Applicants will be asked to answer several security questions, provide social media profile information (if applicable), and agree to the terms and conditions within the contest entry form.

Finally, applicants must submit a two-minute video using the following guidelines.

Video Specifications

Please submit a short video of yourself (maximum of two minutes) providing the information and answering the questions listed below, in English. A video submission is a required part of the competition.

In designing your response, please remember that less attention is paid to the quality of your video and more attention is given to the quality of your response. It is acceptable, if you wish, to make your short video using a smartphone. Videos will not be judged past the two-minute mark.

What to answer in your video

  • What is your full name?
  • What is the name of your business or organization and your job title?
  • In which country does your business or organization primarily operate?
  • What is the mission of your business or organization?
  • How does your work advance the UN SDGs that you selected?
  • What is the impact of your activities on the UN SDGs?
  • What do you hope to achieve if you are selected as a winner?

How to submit your video

  • Video attachments may be hosted on a video site such as YouTube or Vimeo, or on file-sharing websites such as Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. 
  • Please provide password in the space provided if video is password-protected or ensure video has permission to be viewed with link, especially if using Google Drive.
  • You may also upload a video file. File size should not exceed 20 MB and preferred file types are MP4, MOV, and WMV.
  • Video may be a maximum of two minutes. Videos will not be judged past the two-minute mark.
  • Please do not upload any written material or promotional videos as they will not be considered. 
  • It is acceptable to make your short video using a Smartphone.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate


To be eligible to enter this competition, applicants must meet all of the following criteria. Finalists will be required to provide evidence of sales (i.e. tax returns and/or audited financial records).

  • You must identify as a woman entrepreneur.
  • You must have lead decision-making ability within your entity.
  • Your business or organization must have been in operation for at least three years as of August 1, 2025.
  • You must employ at least three full-time employees or full-time equivalents.
  • Your business or organization must generate a minimum of $75,000 in annual revenue. For nonprofit organizations, revenue may comprise donations, grants, and funds raised through various fundraising activities.
  • You must be professionally proficient in English.
  • You must be at least 21 years old by August 1, 2025.
  • You must be available to travel to New York, NY, and participate in all events from September 22 – September 29, 2025, and if necessary, able to participate in a virtual program from August through December 2025.


Applicants will be assessed based on a variety of factors, including the following considerations.

  1. Commit to the entire week of the in-person program (travel permitting) or a virtual program held from August through October 2025 – no exceptions.
  2. Applicant’s business or organization has a substantial impact on the SDGs and a clear vision for how their business will create the future we want in 2030.
  3. Help shape the community dialogue about women’s advancement and the SDG’s in their region, and wield the influence necessary.

Applicants with more than one business or organization, please complete the application regarding the business/organization that you would like to focus on during this Global Challenge opportunity, if you are selected to participate in the program.


Deadline: April 12, 2025

Program starts:

September 22, 2025

Program ends:

September 29, 2025

Program Starts: September 22, 2025

Program Ends: September 29, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

In 2025, the WE Empower Challenge Awardees will participate in events surrounding the 79th UN General Assembly as well as will connect with renowned business experts from around the world. Awardees will also participate in a dynamic pitch competition, hosted by fashion designer, activist and Vital Voices Board Member Diane von Furstenberg, to present their business for the opportunity to receive a $20,000 grant.

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