ACER - Agency for the Cooperation of the Energy Regulators - Traineeship

Deadline: As soon as possible


Government International Organizations


  • Slovenia
Trg republike 3 1000 Ljubljana


The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), a European Union Agency, was created by the Third Energy Package to further progress the completion of the internal energy market both for electricity and natural gas. ACER was officially launched in March 2011, and has its seat in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

​Are you a strongly motivated, highly qualified and competent graduate? If your answer is yes, you landed in the right place.

The ACER traineeship programme aims to attract university graduates who are interested in developing professionally by embarking on an exciting learning opportunity.

The programme creates a pool of talents with first-hand experience in the European Union and on the Agency’s specific procedures. In exchange, trainees acquire technical and operational experience through their everyday work in the Agency and are able to practice the technical knowledge acquired in their studies or professional careers.

A traineeship at ACER is a great opportunity to develop professionally in a multinational and intellectually stimulating environment, while contributing to the Agency's mission.


The Agency

As an independent European structure which fosters cooperation among European energy regulators, ACER ensures that market integration and the harmonisation of regulatory frameworks are achieved within the framework of the EU’s energy policy objectives. The latter aim to create: 

  • A more competitive, integrated market which offers consumers more choice; 
  • An efficient energy infrastructure guaranteeing the free movement of energy across borders and the transportation of new energy sources, thus enhancing security of supply for EU businesses and consumers;
  • monitored and transparent energy market guaranteeing consumers fair, cost-reflective prices and the deterrence of abusive practices.

ACER is thus a central institution in the creation of a Single Energy Market to the benefit of all EU consumers!

Aim of the traineeship

The traineeship programme, offered by the Agency, aims to attract strongly motivated, highly qualified and competent applicants while treating them in a professional manner, so that both parties can benefit from the programme. An official traineeship programme creates a pool of people with first-hand experience trained in the European Union and the Agency’s specific procedures, who will be better prepared to collaborate with the Agency in the future.

In exchange, trainees can acquire technical and operational experience through their everyday work in the Agency and are able to put into practice the technical knowledge they have acquired during their studies or professional careers.

A traineeship at the Agency is an opportunity to receive professional work experience in a distinctly multinational and intellectually stimulating environment, while contributing to the Agency's mission in assisting national regulatory authorities (NRAs) to perform their duties at EU level and to coordinate their actions whenever necessary.

How to apply?       

Interested candidates are invited to complete the Application Form for the open traineeship programme, attach a copy of diploma and send it to:        

Selection procedure

A list of eligible and suitable applicants whose applications, and in particular, educational background, qualifications, competences, motivations and preferences suit best the identified needs in accordance with the established and available places.

Prior to the final selection decision, applicants may be contacted to vertify their availability, suitability, language skills, as well as to discuss reciprocal expectations.

Finally, the Agency’s Director selects the trainees based on the list of suitable applicants and on the number of places available. All candidates are informed in writing about the outcomes of the selection procedure. Selected candidates receive all necessary information concerning the traineeship.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Who can apply?

The traineeship programme is opened for university graduates, nationals of a Member State of the European Union, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein who have completed their university studies (3 years or more), attested by a diploma. ACER also opened its traineeship programme to Ukrainian graduates. 

Traineeship candidates are also required to have a very good knowledge of at least two EU languages, one of them should be English.

Traine​eships last a minimum of 3 months to a maximum of 6 and can be extended once for up to 6 other months (1 year in total).


Deadline: As soon as possible

Cost/funding for participants

Traineeship grant

Trainees not receiving a salary, scholarship or other form of financial support are provided with a monthly grant. As of 1st January 2024, the Traineeship grant amounts to 1,265.36 EUR. Trainees can also be awarded some extra contributions:

  • Travel expenses (beginning and end of traineeship): Trainees who have completed at least a 3-month traineeship period might be entitled to the reimbursement of their travel expenses.

  • Public transportation: All trainees are granted a monthly pass for public transport within Ljubljana.      

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