APL Media - Youth internship

Deadline: As soon as possible




  • United Kingdom
Kentish Town, London


APL Media has launched a Youth Internship initiative designed to attract and nurture emerging talent from underrepresented groups, providing a chance to grow and develop within the environs of our medium-sized publishing company in Kentish Town, London.


Working across all APL Media titles and events, interns will support the editorial teams with a range of admin and editorial tasks. Key atention should be given to upholding the editorial standards of APL Media, completing tasks in a timely manner, contributing to all editorial channels and actively seeking out opportunities beyond the listed responsibilities. These tasks, among others, will cover the following areas:

  • Writing
  • Admin
  • Events
  • Design
  • Marketing
  • Sales

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

More info:

  • Applicants should beaged 16 and above
  • Candidates are responsible fortheir own accommodation, food and travel
  • Successfully shortlisted candidates will be interviewed online. Interviewers will be looking for candidates who are able to express a strong interest in journalism and publishing
  • Candidates should apply two to three months ahead of their intended dates of availability


Deadline: As soon as possible

Cost/funding for participants

The APL Media Youth Internship offers:

  • Four weeks’ paid internship offering hands-on experience in travel & lifestyle publishing across a range of departments and products
  • Access to The Masterclasses online travel writing and photography sessions
  • CV and cover leter workshop
  • Career advice on next steps
  • The option of one-hour mentoring sessions once a month forup to a year, via Zoom, with an APL Media editor
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