Balloon Ventures Investments

Deadline: As soon as possible


Grant Business Plan Tech & IT


  • Kenya
  • Uganda


Looking for Investment? Balloon Ventures invests in Small and Growing Businesses located in secondary towns and cities in Kenya and Uganda.


We invest in Small and Growing Businesses.

Are you:

  • Looking for investment of between $5,000 and $50,000 to grow?
  • Looking for support to improve the business, e.g. managing money, making more sales or recruiting better staff.
  • Passionate about creating good quality jobs for people in your local community?

Is the business:

  • More than 1-year old and registered in Kenya or Uganda?
  • Generating monthly revenue of $2000 or above?
  • Employing more than 4 full time members of staff

If the answer to all these questions is, “yes“, we want to hear from you! 

Balloon Ventures

Investing in Good Jobs

We grow high potential small businesses in Kenya and Uganda. This creates safe, secure and fairly paid work where it’s needed most.

A sustainable and scalable model to create millions of good jobs in emerging markets

By combining long term investment with our step by step growth methodology, we challenge conventional investor logic and make previously unviable investments, viable.

Through this journey, we deploy our Good Jobs Framework to create safe, secure and fairly paid work that moves entire families out of poverty.

The problem

Globally, 2 billion people work in the informal sector. In East Africa, it’s around 75% of the population. Women and youth are disproportionately represented. Informal work is typically low paid, insecure and unsafe. The benefits of economic development are only unlocked through access to Good Jobs.

The opportunity

Exceptional informal sector entrepreneurs do exist. We believe there are over 2 million in sub-Saharan Africa with the potential to create 40 million Good Jobs. Currently, they are excluded from investment and support to grow. As a result, they start small and stay small – a huge missed opportunity.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate


Deadline: As soon as possible

Cost/funding for participants

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