Braunschweig Projects 2025/26: Artist Funding of the State of Lower Saxony at the University of Art Braunschweig

Deadline: October 18, 2024


PHD Fellowship & Research


  • Germany
University of Art Braunschweig (HBK Braunschweig)


Braunschweig University of Art (HBK Braunschweig) is an artistic-scientific university with the right to award doctoral and post doctoral qualifications. With around 1,000 students in the fields of liberal arts, art education, performing arts, design, visual communication, art history and media studies, the HBK Braunschweig is one of the largest art academies in Germany.

Under the title "Braunschweig Projects", the HBK Braunschweig announces a total of 7 scholarships for the year 2024/25 on behalf of the State of Lower Saxony: 

  • 5 scholarships in the field of fine arts
  • 2 scholarships in the field of sound art


The scholarships are part of the promotion of young artists by the university and the state. They are aimed at artists who would like to work on a project in the immediate vicinity of the HBK Braunschweig. With their project proposal, the scholarship holders should make a significant contribution towards the further development of forms of artistic practice.

Scholarship holders will be integrated into the university by a mentor who will be a fine arts professor. Scholarship holders will be able to choose their mentor themselves. In addition, all professors of the fine arts will be available for artistic discourse with the scholarship holders. The university actively supports the mediation of contacts.

The scholarship holders will have the opportunity to present the current status of their artistic project internally, within the university, during the scholarship period. In addition, they will also be obliged to participate in a joint final presentation.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

A pre-requisite for a scholarship is a successfully completed art degree. The most recent studies must have been completed after 01.04.2014 and before 01.04.2021. Scholarship holders must be able to show proof of extensive artistic practice and exhibition participation.

A scholarship cannot be granted if the applicant is receiving regular benefits from third parties during the funding period (e.g. residence or salary payments or work scholarships) or a state subsidy.


Deadline: October 18, 2024

Cost/funding for participants

Funding is provided in the form of scholarships of 1,250 euros per month over a period of 12 months. During this time, scholarship holders are required to reside at the HBK Braunschweig for at least 8 months during the lecture period in the summer and winter semesters. The funding period will begin on 01.04.2025. Scholarship holders can move into their accommodation from 15.04.2025.

There will also be an allowance for project and travel costs. After deduction of the travel costs of all scholarship holders, the remaining amount will be divided among the scholarship holders on the basis of a project calculation and in consultation with the chosen mentor. The realisation of the contributions for the final exhibition as a joint project will be in the foreground in the awarding.

A residential studio in Braunschweig, designed for one person, will be provided rent-free for the duration of the stay in Braunschweig for reimbursement of the incidental rental costs of approximately 90 euros per month.

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