Dugout Internship Program

Deadline: As soon as possible




  • India
  • Online


Dugout is a sports magazine whose aim is to concentrate on the Indian sports scene and engage and involve people from different walks of life to bring out a creative and an interactive end product. One of the reasons why other sports minus Cricket don't garner much attention is the media. We are here to change that trend. We are here to change mindsets. That in a nutshell gives you a rough idea on our vision and what we are looking to do at Dugout.


Student Representative (SR): 

The SR’s are the backbone of the organization and each and every one of you has a very crucial role to play in giving direction to this magazine. 

We firmly believe in the fact that until you think of something as your own you cannot give your best to it. So that would be the first step. 

Your tenure will be of 6 months. After completion of your tenure you will be given an internship certificate. 

There will be a shortlisting process and depending on your performance and your preferences you will be assigned further roles after completion of your Internship. 

  • Roles

  • Responsibilities

  • Perks 


1. Visibility:  The SR’s main role is to spread visibility about the magazine in their Circles - college, friends, acquaintances etc. Everything that you do, any person you talk to, any work that you do comes back to this single point agenda: Visibility.

The question that rises here is, how do we keep a track of your work? Because there would be a lot of SR’s doing their part in their respective colleges. And how whatever you do in your college to spread visibility would have the maximum impact? That brings us to, 

2. Opportunities:  We are rolling out 4 specific opportunities that people can apply for. They are ‘Designer’, ‘Writer’, ‘Social Media’ and ‘Cartoonist’. Apart from these 4 options there will be another option called ‘Other’ where the applicant can fill anything that he/she thinks can be added to the magazine. Also please remember to tell the people to mention your name in the ‘Recommended by’ column. 

Applicants applying for Opportunities can fill this Google doc and record their responses http://goo.gl/forms/zP3tOq8577  


1. Spread the word about the magazine among your friend circles.

2. Start small and be smart and resourceful. 

3. Spread it to your social circles. 

4. Since Visibility is what we are aiming at, get the Facebook page liked by the people. This eases your work a lot because they will be simultaneously in touch with both of us. 

5. We want this to be a platform for interested and capable candidates to showcase their talents on a huge stage. So please make sure you make the most out of this opportunity. 


1. Upon completion of your tenure, you will be awarded with an Internship certificate. 

2. Depending on your work and your preference if we are impressed with what we see we shall retain you after your Internship.

Candidates applying under ‘Opportunities’ section shall also be awarded with Internship certificates and would be a permanent fixture if we like their work.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate


Deadline: As soon as possible

Cost/funding for participants

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