EMOTION - An Erasmus Mundus master in translational cosmetic and dermatological sciences

Deadline: February 28, 2025




  • Belgium
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Spain
Namur, Berlin, Vercelli, Elche


The European Master in Translational Cosmetic and Dermatological Sciences (EMOTION) is a two-year 120 ECTS, English-taught, joint program, which focuses on Research & Development (R&D) and heavily includes transversal and transferrable skills.



EMOTION trains the next generation of R&D leaders in the dermatological and dermacosmetic field, but at the same time provides sufficient know-how to allow graduates to work in other pharmaceutical and cosmetic R&D sectors. The aggregate market for medicines and cosmetics in the world is over two trillion euros, 10% of which is solely for skin disorders.

EMOTION is a two-year Masters degree funded by the European Commission. Scholarships, that cover tuition and subsistence, are available both for European and non-European students. All courses are taught in English and students will study in at least two of the partner Universities. In the last semester, a personalized program will bring the student to perform her/his thesis work either in industry or in academia.

EMOTION is open to all motivated and bright students that want to undertake a career in R&D, contributing to the development of new drugs or new cosmetics. The program is focused on skin and provides dedicated workshops to foster tomorrow’s leaders in the field.

Shaping tomorrow’s skin well-being and health

  • A unique Master devoted to R&D of cosmetics and dermatological drugs.
  • An international thriving environment with the possibility to travel.
  • An Erasmus Mundus Masters degree fully taught in English.
  • Erasmus Mundus scholarships that cover tuition, travel and subsistence.
  • Excellence in research joined to excellence in teaching.
  • Strong ties with the academic and industrial world.
  • Fostering entrepreneurship and excellence.
  • Dedicated workshops to prepare tomorrow’s leaders in the field.

About the Program

The mission of EMOTION is to educate the future generation of translational scientists and professionals in dermocosmesis and dermatologic therapies and to equip them with the skills and competences to work in R&D. To achieve this aim, the EMOTION consortium has been designed and structured to assemble an integrated group of scientists/teachers/professionals with complementary expertise that covers the entire interdisciplinary field.

The EMOTION consortium is composed of the University of Piemonte Orientale (UPO; Italy), the University Miguel Hernández (UMH; Spain), the University of Namur (UNAMUR; Belgium), and Humboldt University (HU; Germany) via a collaboration with Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

In the first year, that will be held in Italy, courses on anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, dermatology, regulatory affairs, pharmaceutical technology and medicinal chemistry will be taught together with workshops on project management, drug discovery, and peculiarities of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors.

In the first semester of the second year, students will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in non-clinical cosmetic and pharmaceutical research (in Spain) or in clinical development (in Belgium). The number of students attending UMH or UNamur will be balanced in numbers. Allocation of students to one of the institutions will be done based on student preference and merit (i.e. top students based on ECTS marks will be allowed to choose their destination up to completion of allocated places). Students will attend all three workshops, which are intended to introduce them to the industrial world and provide them with transferrable and soft skills (including communication, job seeking skills and know-how for entrepreneurship).

In the second semester of the last year, the students will have the possibility to carry out their thesis work in industry or in academia.

At the end of the program, students will be expected to be able to actively contribute to the development of products. Alongside research, students will have a know-how of market dynamics.

It is envisaged that most graduates will work in pharmaceutical industries or in cosmetic industries carrying out research and development programs.

It is important to note that both fields are economically important and are expanding, as there is a constant need for innovation in drugs and cosmetics. Health and wellbeing, including healthy aging, are priorities in the modern world. Importantly, the master intends to stimulate students towards entrepreneurship, and thereby develop their own businesses. Last, while the course is designed to provide an in-depth knowledge on skin, it provides solid basis for working in research and development of any pharmaceutical or cosmetic field.

A generous number of scholarships, for both European and non-European citizens, are provided by the European Commission. Students that will not be eligible for the scholarships will nonetheless be allowed to participate in the program provided they meet the merit requirements.

While the Master hopes that the number of students attending UMH or UNamur will be balanced, it will be up to the students to choose their destination.

The Master is structured in:

  • two semesters in Italy and one semester in either Spain or Belgium, according to whether the intellectual inclination of the student is towards preclinical or clinical research. Basic, background information will be provided by University professors, but testimonials from the productive world will be heavily relied upon to provide up-to-date and valuable information to transit to the industrial environment and to make an impact in the R&D arena. All semesters also include practical work. Depending on the semester and the option taken by the student, practicals will be in synthetic and extractive chemistry, pharmaceutical technology, biotechnology, pre-clinical and clinical pharmacology.
  • three thematic workshops focused on transferrable skills. The workshops will be mainly conducted by professionals transmitting hands-on experience on specific topics and will be the occasion to create a network with the productive sector. Indeed, representatives of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors will also attend these workshops. The three workshops will be on the description of the reference markets, on communication and job seeking skills and on the development of their entrepreneurship skills. The workshops will also be the culminating moment for project work that has been carried out during the previous semester.
  • six-month research project either in academia (including Humboldt University in Germany) or industry. The project will be mentored by one of the staff of the Master but the activities will be tailored to the ambitions of the student, and will therefore be carried out either at one of the four Universities, in a different University or in industry. The work carried out will be the subject of the thesis that the student will be expected to write and discuss for his final degree.

Students will have the opportunity to live in at least two countries, interact with other cohorts and travel as highlighted by the following mobility scheme:


The double degree will be awarded after the completion of 120 ECTS in two of the four Partner Institutions (UPO and UMH or UNAMUR).

The titles awarded will be:

  • UPO: Master di primo livello European Master on Translational Dermatological and Cosmetic Sciences
  • UMH: Master Europeo en Cosmética Traslacional y Ciencias Dermatológicas
  • UNAMUR: Master en Sciences Biomédicales, Finalité Spécialisée en Recherche Clinique

The degrees awarded will be accompanied with a diploma supplement which will document the grades and ECTS achieved in each component of the double degree.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Admission to EMOTION requires: 

  • A Bachelor degree or higher from a recognized academic higher education institution (equivalent to a European undergraduate degree of 180 ECTS – 6 semesters) in a field related to the EMOTION area (for example Pharmacy, Medicine, Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Genetics, Molecular Biology). The grade average of the previous study should prove high qualification of the applicant.
  • The proof of English proficiency documented by an internationally recognized certificate (at least level B2).


Deadline: February 28, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships

The course will be dedicated to a maximum of 33 students.

15 Erasmus+ EMJMD EMOTION scholarships will be available. For intake 2025-2027, the Joint Admission Board can allocate up to three more scholarships.

Erasmus+ scholarship eligibility rules (set by EACEA): 

  • Minimum 75% of the grants must be allocated to Partner country** students.
  • Partner country** student who has lived or carried out their main activities in a Programme country* for more than 12 months in the past 5 years will be considered as a Programme country* student. 
  • Maximum 3 grants will be allocated to students from the same country. 
  • Students with more than one nationality must state with their application under which one are willing to apply. 
  • Contribution to subsistence costs will not be given to the scholarship holders for the EMJMD periods (study/research/placement/thesis preparation) spent in their country of residence, nor to scholarship holders from a Partner country** for the EMJMD periods exceeding one trimester (i.e. 3 months or the equivalent of 15 ECTS credits) spent in any Partner country**.

* Programme countries: EU member countries plus former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey.

** Partner countries: Other countries which are not considered as Programme countries.

Scholarships will cover the following items:

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