EMship+ - European master course in Advanced Ship and Offshore Design

Deadline: January 31, 2025




  • Belgium
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • United Kingdom
Liège, Lieusaint, Nantes, Rostock, Genoa, Szczecin, Galați, Southampton


The objective of the EMSHIP education platform is to provide a high education level in Naval Architecture and Ship & Offshore Design, through 18 months Master Courses. EMSHIP gives the opportunity to candidates to demonstrate their talents and offer them the necessary skills to work in this challenging industry (marine and offshore field).


The EMSHIP+ education (former Erasmus Mundus) in Advanced Ship and Offshore Design.

  • Duration: 24 months (120 credits)
  • Starting month of the Masters Course:  September 

EMSHIP Added Values

  • Two engineering degrees (double degree) awarded by two European countries (Belgium and Germany, France or Poland), giving in Europe access to the Title of Engineer;
  • Mobility in minimum two EU countries, with a possibility of Internship in a 3rd one (Italy, Romania, UK and France, but also worldwide in Japan, USA, Australia, Korea, Brazil, ….)
  • High diversity of specialization: Pleasure craft (Solent, UK) , yacht design (UNIGE, Italy), CFD and hydrodynamics (ICAM-France, UGAL Romania), Offshore structures, Production, Ship design, Structures, Offshore Wind and Renewable Marine Energy (UPM) …
  • Full English education, with opportunity to learn French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, …
  • INTERNSHIP in Industry - shipyard, class. Societies, … (3 to 5 months)
  • Possibility to apply for SCHOLARSHIP


The consortium is composed of nine European universities with a strong expertise in the diverse fields of Marine Engineering:

  • University of Liège (Belgium), coordinator of the program 

  • University of Rostock (Germany) 

  • Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM)

  • Centrale Nantes (France) 

  • West Pomeranian University of Technology (Poland)

  • Dunarea de Jos University of Galati (Romania) 

  • ICAM - Institut Catholique d’Arts et Métiers (France)

  • University of Genova (Italy)

  • Southampton Solent University (UK)

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

EMSHIP+ corresponds exactly to the needs of the European and Worldwide Marine Industry. Candidates can apply for EMSHIP+ Master in Advanced Ship Design WITH orWITHOUT scholarship

English practice is mandatory as all the lectures are in English.

Targeted Candidates

Candidates must have an engineering Bachelor degree. Feel free to contact Prof P. Rigo, Emship coordinator, if you have any questions on this issue.

Master Study M120 Eligibility Conditions:

The targeted candidates are:

  • Undergraduate Students having a BSc (typically a bachelor in 3 years as in Europe (called BAC+3), or in 4-5 years in other countries). If specialized, the bachelor should be in Mechanics, Aero, Naval Architecture, Ocean Engineering, Civil Engineering, Material engineering or related fields;
  • Engineers with a Master degree (MSc , BAC+5) in Mechanical Engineering, Marine Engineering, Civil Engineering or related fields, searching for advanced education in Marine Hydrodynamics, in Ship and offshore Design, Ship and offshore Structures, Production, and Information Technology (to upgrade his existing knowledge);
  • Engineers looking to start a career in classification societies, R&D units or in maritime engineering companies;
  • Candidates looking for an ideal preparation for a PhD (or R&D) in the maritime field;
  • All Candidates must have a relevant background in : (See Prerequisites)
    • Mathematics, Physics, Numerical Analysis
    • Physics of materials, Applied thermodynamics ,
    • Mechanics, Mechanics of materials, Solid mechanics,
    • Fluid mechanics 

This Master is open to students having at least a bachelor in 3 years (180 credits), but there are some prerequisites. Of course students having bachelor in 4 or 5 years, or students with a master degree are also welcome, but similarly, the same prerequisites apply.

The eligibility of the applicants, which do not have an engineering bachelor degree from ULiège (Univ of Liege, Belgium), has to be validated by the Admission Committee of the School of Engineering of ULiège. Only the students having at least a Bachelor [degree awarded before the 1st Sept of the year the EMSHIP program starts (*)] and who satisfy the relevant prerequisites will be eligible. Therefore, it is important that you provide clear information about the courses you have studied (or still studying) before to start MESHIP.

(*) this means you can apply in Oct-Dec to start in Sept the year after, with the condition that you will have your Bachelor degree before 1st (15th) Sept of that year.

To be admitted at this Joint Programme “EMSHIP+ - Advanced Design of Ships and Offshore Structures”, candidates must fulfil the following conditions:

  • Be holders of a “Bachelor of Science” or “Bachelor of Engineering” degree, with at least 180 ECTS (credits), in Mechanical Engineering, Naval Architecture, Ocean Engineering, Civil Engineering or related fields (*)
  • Have appropriate command of English language

(*) A master in one of these fields is also accepted.

and one of the following conditions:

  • Be holder of a “bachelier en sciences de l’ingénieur, orientation ingénieur civil”, with 180 ECTS (Belgium);
  • Be holder of a “Master en sciences industrielles” or “Master en sciences de l’ingénieur industriel” (Belgium)
  • Be holders of a “Bachelor of Science” degree , with 180 ECTS (Poland)
  • Be graduated from the studies of a second cycle with at least a total of 210 ECTS obtained during the studies (Poland),
  • Be holders of another degree considered similar to those mentioned above (at least 180 ECTS) with the agreement of the academic authorities of ULiège


Deadline: January 31, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

There are 20 full Erasmus Mundus scholarships for NON-EU and 8 for EU students.


For the next cohort (September 2021) 20 Erasmus Mundus scholarships for NON EU and 8 for EU will be available (to be confirmed in Sept 2020).

A full scholarship for non EU includes:

  • The full tuition fees (8000€/year)
  • A monthly allowance for living expenses of 1000€/month
  • Installation fee: 1000€ (lump sum at arrival)
  • Travel expenses (3000€/year – lump sum)
  • A health insurance (value 500€/year)

A full scholarship for EU includes :

  • The full tuition fees (4000€/year)
  • A monthly allowance for living expenses of 1000€/month
  • Travel costs: 1000€/year
  • A health insurance 500€/year

A student having full ERASMUS MUNDUS Scholarship will not be eligible for monthly allowance while he/she is studying in his/her home country (for example, a Belgian student with this scholarship will not get monthly allowance 1000€/month in the first year of the program).

CONSORTIUM SCHOLARSHIPS (industrial scholarships)

The consortium offers industrial scholarships for EU and NON EU candidates applying to M120. The number (3-4/intake) and amount of scholarships will be fixed according to to the fund availability. It will be distributed according to candidate CV’s quality and their motivation. A full scholarship is not given. We prefer to give partial scholarship to several students instead of full ones to only a few.

The Consortium scholarship may include (one of two of the following, not all):

  • Tuition fees (up to 5.000€ / year, valid for 2 years).
  • Free Health insurance at ULiège.
  • Travels: up to 500€.
  • Monthly allocation for living and housing (200-300€/month, during few months).


Academic Scholarship concerns excellent applicants, and this scholarship will cover a part of tuition fees and about 500€ / month for EU student and 850€ / month for non EU students.


If a student has not yet benefited from an ERASMUS study grant, he/she can apply during his/her stay at ULiège for a standard ERASMUS mobility grant (mobility inside EU) for the mobility to ECN, URO or ZUT (up to 12 months – beware: internship period can’t be covered by this scholarship). This is accessible to all students (except for those who have full Erasmus Mundus Scholarship or a Consortium Scholarship).

It is aimed to cover a part of the expenses due to the mobility, but it is not at all sufficient for a living! The scholarship is a lump sum (200~300€/Month), calculated on the basis of the destination and the number of months of study to be done there. A first transfer of 70% of the grant is done at the beginning of the stay in the destination university, after completion by the student of a certain number of administrative tasks, and the remaining 30% are transferred at the end of the mobility period, after completion by the student of a certain number of administrative tasks. The administrative tasks will be explained to the applicants in due time.

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