Einstein Visiting Fellow - Einstein Foundation

Deadline: November 15, 2024


Fellowship & Research


  • Germany


The Einstein Visiting Fellowship aims to enhance the international profile of universities and research institutions in Berlin by involving leading scientists and scholars from abroad in long-term academic research collaborations.


The programme primarily targets researchers whose expertise can sustainably promote specific areas of academic excellence in Berlin. In contrast to typical visiting researchers who stay at an institution for one semester, the goal of the Einstein Visiting Fellow programme is to integrate Fellows into Berlin’s academic landscape on a sustainable basis.  

Einstein Visiting Fellows are expected to set up a working group in Berlin in consultation with their hosts and come to Berlin at least three times a year for several weeks, or once a year for more than six weeks, to work with the group. While in Berlin, Visiting Fellows will also work on joint projects which they have initiated with other Berlin-based researchers, and run courses and other events in agreement with their host institutions. The funding proposal should also outline how the Fellow plans to use digital formats to supervise the research group while not in Berlin.


Applications in all disciplines are welcome. Proposals must be submitted in English using the application forms provided online by the Einstein Foundation. All deadlines are announced on the Foundation’s website. 

If an eligible institution has set internal deadlines for applications to the Einstein Foundation, please contact the relevant person at your institution in good time (contact details can be found on the Einstein Foundation’s website).  

Applications must include the following:

  • The Einstein Visiting Fellow’s name, curriculum vitae, and list of publications. 
  • An explanation of the importance of the Einstein Visiting Fellowship to the host institution, including information on: 
  • the joint research project proposed by the Fellow and the host institution, including a work schedule, 
  • the size and focus of the working group to be created in Berlin, 
  • past and current research collaborations with the Einstein Visiting Fellow being nominated, 
  • the Fellow’s expected contribution to enhancing teaching at the host institution, 
  • the frequency and duration of the Fellow’s proposed visits to Berlin as well as a concept outlining how digital tools will be used to supervise the research group, 
  • the activities planned to integrate the Fellow into Berlin’s research landscape, 
  • the administrative and organizational support to be provided by the host institution, 
  • research-oriented equity and diversity standards and principles of effective career support in academia.  
  • An explanation of the importance of the Einstein Visiting Fellowship for long- and medium-term cooperation between the host institution in Berlin and the Fellow’s home institution. 
  • If an application is submitted by an entity that is not (or no longer) receiving third-party funding, the entity’s excellence and importance for the profile of the applying institution must be separately stated. 

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate


Applications may be submitted by a Berlin-based Cluster of Excellence funded through Germany’s Excellence Strategy, as well as by Einstein Centers, Einstein Research Units, DFG Research Training Groups, and Collaborative Research Centers if the funding period set out in the proposal does not exceed the duration of their current funding period. The eligibility of entities who are not (or are no longer) receiving third-party funding, or whose focus is creative or artistic, is judged on a case-by-case basis and will be permitted providing adequate justification is given.

All applications must be endorsed by the host university or Charité – Universitätsmedizin.


Deadline: November 15, 2024

Cost/funding for participants


The Foundation will provide up to €750,000 over four years.  

These funds are intended for the creation of a working group in Berlin (comprising a minimum of two researchers), which may include a postdoctoral position that will involve the handling of managerial functions for the group. Members of the research group are to be allocated at least 75% FTE positions. Scholarships may only be funded in exceptional cases requiring separate justification and authorization from the Einstein Foundation. 

In addition, the funds may be used for:

  • an appropriate expense allowance for the Einstein Visiting Fellow – in accordance with the regulations governing the host institution – which is to be based on the Fellow’s qualifications and position in their home country and must not exceed 10% of the project’s total funding. This does not include the Fellow’s expenses for travel to and accommodation in Berlin. 
  • directly incurred expenses as deemed necessary by the Fellow for his or her research project.

The host university or Charité – Universitätsmedizin will provide the office space and infrastructure required. 

There is no contractual relationship between the Einstein Foundation and Einstein Visiting Fellows. All necessary arrangements must be agreed between the institution submitting the application and the Fellow. 

The respective scientist or scholar will hold the title of “Einstein Visiting Fellow” for the duration of the funding.


Funding is provided for a maximum period of four years and cannot be extended.


Grants from the Foundation are disbursed through the budget of the host university or the Charité – Universitätsmedizin as third-party funding. The host institution acts as employer of persons funded by the Einstein Foundation’s grant and will provide the space and infrastructure required.

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