Erasmus Mundus European Master in Tourism Management (EMTM) 2026-2028

Deadline: January 31, 2026




  • Denmark
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
Syddanmark, Ljubljana, Girona


The Erasmus Mundus European Master in Tourism Management (EMTM) is a two-year joint master program tailor-made by 3 European universities situated in Denmark, Slovenia and Spain.


The main aim of EMTM is to prepare future professionals who will embrace responsibility in tourism institutions making sustainable and effective decisions. EMTM provides students with an integrated knowledge of the dynamics of tourism development, sustainable management, the role of cultural diversity, innovation and governance in tourism and trains future researchers in the field of tourism management.

The Erasmus Mundus European Master in Tourism Management (EMTM) is a two-year world-class integrated programme aimed at qualifying graduates to deal with the huge challenges in contemporary tourism.

Tourism is a total social and economic phenomenon, which calls for a holistic approach to tourism education where broader aims of the industry and society are explicitly addressed in tourism curricula. The European Master in Tourism Management (EMTM) provides students with a far-reaching and integrated understanding of the multiple disciplines and paradigms concerned with the subject which are bound together through the framework of sustainability.

The EMTM is a fully integrated two-year joint European programme promoted and tailor-made by three university partners:

  • The University of Girona (Spain), known for its research and pursuit of teaching excellence in tourism product innovation and destination management;
  • The University of Southern Denmark (Denmark), internationally recognized for its research and education in the field of sustainable tourism development; and
  • The University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), renowned for its excellence in tourism policy design and tourism environmental management and economics. The medium of instruction is English.

Students follow a mandatory mobility scheme, starting the first semester in Kolding, Denmark, where they are introduced, at an advanced level, to the conceptualization of tourism development with particular attention to sustainability, strategic communication and economics.

Moving next to Ljubljana, Slovenia, for the second semester, students learn about policy instruments, indicators and management tools available for tourism policy and strategy design, with emphasis on environmental issues in tourism development.

Spending the third semester in Girona, Spain, students become competent in effectively implementing tourism with particular emphasis on the effective management of organizational networks, consumers, innovation processes and new tourism products.

The fourth semester is exclusively devoted to the completion of the Master thesis. After a successful and timely completion of all four semesters, students are awarded a joint diploma (degree) of Master of Science in Tourism Management.

EMTM’s main objectives are to

  • (a) prepare future professionals to strategically manage and make sustainable and effective decisions in placements of high responsibility in tourism institutions;
  • (b) provide future professionals with an integrated knowledge of the dynamics of tourism development, the principles of sustainable management, environmental issues, the role of cultural diversity and creativity for innovation and the governance of tourism networks the quality management of customer services; and
  • (c) train future researchers in the field of tourism management.

What makes EMTM different?

EMTM is recognized by the European Commission for its academic excellence and is included in the list of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees under the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

Since all Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees must involve studies at a minimum of 2 institutions, EMTM students follow an obligatory mobility path at 3 universities. The first semester is spent at University of Southern Denmark followed by a second semester at University of Ljubljana in Slovenia and a third semester at University of Girona in Catalonia, Spain. The fourth and last semester is dedicated exclusively to writing the master thesis.

Carefully selected candidates from around the globe form a class of approximately 30 students every year, ensuring a highly motivating study environment, an array of perspectives and a unique multicultural experience. EMTM graduates hold a joint Master of Science (MSc) issued by all 3 institutions involved in the program.

Field Trips

One of the main elements that makes EMTM a unique program in the field of tourism studies, is the fact that it takes place in three totally different countries of the European continent, that can provide the visitor with three different tourism experiences. One of EMTM's biggest goals is to give students a taste of the local tourism industry in each of the three countries, therefore it organizes at least one field trip for the class in each semester. 


  • Internships are not an obligatory part of the EMTM program but students are highly encouraged to undertake training during a summer break or while writing their master thesis.
  • Students should show their own initiative in looking for internships either through university offices or via other bodies such as EMA or AIESEC.

Summary of Expected Dates:

  • December 2021: Launch of the call for applications.
  • March 31, 2022: Deadline to apply to the EMTM programme for non-EU citizens.
  • April 29, 2022: Deadline to apply to the EMTM programme for EU citizens.
  • April - May 2022: Communication of selection results to applicants.
  • May 2022: Enrolment of the students.
  • June - August 2022: 1st semester preparations.
  • End of August 2022: Introduction week in Kolding, Denmark.
  • September 2022: Start of the 1st semester.

Please note that these dates are subject to change.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Admission criteria

The main admission criteria for EMTM applicants are:

  • Completed university bachelor's or master's degree/s (=180 ECTS credit points or more) in the field of: tourism, economics, business administration, geography or other related fields in the social sciences or humanities.
  • Excellence on obtaining the university degree/s (the average grades must be A or B, minimum 70%).
  • English language proficiency proved by one of the following certificates:
    • TOEFL iBT with at least 88 points. At the time of application, the test results cannot be older than two years. TOEFL ITP tests are not accepted.
    • IELTS Academic with an overall grade of at least 6.5 (not older than two years at the time of application).
    • C1 Advanced (CAE) with minimum level C or C2 Proficiency (CPE) from Cambridge Assessment English.

You are exempt from documenting your English skills if your first degree (bachelor/undergraduate degree) was taken in the USA, Canada (English speaking part), Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom or Ireland. Please note that if your degree was only partly taught in one of the above countries, you are not exempted from documenting your English skills but must do so as indicated on this page. It is not sufficient to enclose a letter from your home university. Not even if the language of instruction at your home university is English.


Deadline: January 31, 2026

Cost/funding for participants

Scholarship amounts

The scholarship includes the student's participation costs (i.e. tuition fees, full insurance coverage and any other mandatory costs related to the student's participation in the course), a contribution to student travel and installation costs and a subsistence allowance for the entire duration of the EMJMD study programme.

Contribution to the participation costs:

Up to 14,000 € for Partner Country scholarship holders and up to 7,500 € for Programme Country scholarship holders, which are paid by the European Commission to the EMTM coordinating institution.

Contribution to travel and installation costs:

  • 1,000 € per year for travel costs for scholarship holders residents of a Programme Country.
  • 2,000 € per year for travel costs + 1,000 € for installation costs for scholarship holders residents of a Partner Country whose location is situated at less than 4,000 km from the EMJMD coordinating HEI.
  • 3,000 € per year for travel costs + 1,000 € for installation costs for scholarship holders residents of a Partner Country whose location is situated at 4,000 km or more from the EMJMD coordinating HEI.

Contribution to subsistence costs:

1,000 € per month for the entire duration of the EMJMD study programme (24 months maximum). Contribution to subsistence costs will not be given to the scholarship holders for the EMJMD (study /research /placement / thesis preparation) periods spent in their country of residence.

These and other provisions related to the participation in the EMTM programme are included in the student agreement.

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