Erasmus Mundus - Functional Ad. Materials Engineering with Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability (FAMEAIS)

Deadline: January 15, 2025




  • Belgium
  • France
  • Germany
  • Portugal
Liège, Louvain, Bordeaux, Grenoble, Augsburg, Darmstadt, Aveiro


FAMEAIS is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master programme organised by high level European Universities in the frame of ERASMUSais.


Our Dual Mission is to:

Address Global Challenges such as Sustainability, Energy, Environment, Health, and Security which are of vital concern to stakeholders worldwide.

Addressing these urgent global challenges will require:

  • Creative thinking
  • Effective use of global resources
  • Increased cooperation across regions, sectors, and academic disciplines
  • A cadre of well-trained global leaders

FAMEAIS sparks rapid innovation in these critical areas by assembling interdisciplinary teams of researchers from their institutions and from around the world and challenging them to develop collaborative projects based on creative approaches. 

Build Global Leadership capabilities

For young scientists and engineers to solve the world’s most pressing problems.

For example, they must:

  • Collaborate easily across sectors and disciplines
  • Build global teams with complementary strengths
  • Understand the broader implications of their research
  • Communicate their research to diverse stakeholders

They must also develop:

  • Advanced science and engineering competences
  • Understanding of policy, manufacturing, and technology management
  • Strong international working relationships
  • Knowledge of international R&D infrastructures
  • Interdisciplinary and intercultural communication skills

FAMEAIS develops these capabilities through its unique international Master program.
International collaboration is emphasized within internships of master students in close collaboration with EMMI research and industrial partners.

A well-established and working infrastructure

The FAMEAIS master programme (Functional Advanced Materials Engineering with Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability) is based on an existing Erasmus Mundus Joint Master FAME+ (Functional Advanced Materials and Engineering). It is running since 15 years and has granted more than 300 graduates, coming from the major countries from around the world.

The new FAMEAIS programme aims to provide high-level graduates for European research and industry, proactive in mobilizing artificial intelligence methods and addressing the sustainability challenges in the field of Advanced Materials, a strategic key enabling technology for European competitiveness.

The FAMEAIS programme involves the same 7 European high level universities (Grenoble INP-UGA, TU Darmstadt, U. Aveiro, U. Augsburg, U. Bordeaux, U. Liège, U.C Louvain) from 4 countries (France, Germany, Belgium, Portugal) and provides a broad coverage of different education systems in Europe together with the way to integrate them in a large educational and industrial community.

Students start in one of two partner universities (Grenoble INP-UGA, France; TU Darmstadt, Germany) for the first year, then move on to another partner university for the second year. (see:  mobility).

This scheme ensures a common basic level of competences on the one hand through the coordinated curriculum developed between Grenoble and Darmstadt, and a high-level specialisation offered by each of the partners according to the particular needs and preferences of the students for the second year.

FAMEAIS curriculum implements Artificial Intelligence training and sustainability considerations through the teaching of Physics and Chemistry of Materials. The teaching assets rely on innovative learning practices based on learning-by-doing approach, virtual exchanges and blended mobility. Associated partners from industry, RTOs, worldwide universities and alumni are strongly involved in student mentorships, e-seminars, plant visits, company internships and master thesis.  Fully taught in English, this 120 ECTS master programme will lead to Double Master Degrees in Materials Science.

The FAMEAIS graduates, prepared to work in a multicultural professional environment, will join industry and/or PhD positions, or even start their own business in the technological domain of functionalized advanced materials, tackling both technological and sustainability challenges.


The master FAMEAIS is organised in 4 semesters.

Semester 1 and 2 (60 ECTS*) are followed in a single university, which can be Grenoble INP-UGA or TU Darmstadt. These two semesters deal with general topics about materials science.

Semester 3 (30 ECTS*) is followed in one of the 7 universities of the Consortium, necessarily in a different country as the first year of the master. This third semester is dedicated to a specialisation provided by one of the partner universities as world-leading expert; it is made of mandatory and elective courses.

Semester 4 (30 ECTS*) is a 6 months master thesis, preferably followed in the same location as semester 3, although exceptions can be accepted to this rule.

*ECTS (European Credit Transfer System): Created by the European Community to facilitate students’ mobility across Europe by a mutual recognition of their education unit values. To obtain a Master of Science degree, 120 ECTS are necessary (i.e. 30 ECTS per semester). 

FAMEAIS Master is committed to offer inclusive services to all the students. The consortium implements specific measures for students suffering from long-term impairments. If you want to benefit from this service, please contact us, our partner universities will be pleased to assist you.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Who can apply?

Students from European and non-European countries are welcome to apply for the FAMEAIS Master program.

Admission criteria

Academic excellence

  • FAMEAIS recruits excellent students in the field of materials science. Their academic records will be an important criterion.
  • Applicants should hold a relevant first cylcle degree: the degree should be in Science or Technology or Engineering (Physics, Chemistry, Metallurgy, Materials Science, Electrochemistry and related fields) or its equivalent from an internationally recognized higher education institution that is an official and recognized part of the national education system, and can be found on an official list or in an international handbook that is completed by some international organization (e.g. UNESCO).
  • If you are in the final year of undergraduate education : you may be admitted on the condition that your bachelor degree will be awarded before you enroll.

Motivation for FAMEAIS

  • The adequacy between the applicant’s career plans and FAMEAIS is evaluated.
  • Applicants must express a precise idea of the professional field that they are aiming for, what aspects of the programme they find attractive and explain how it fits their career plans.
  • It is also important that they demonstrate their willingness to the host universities of the FAMEAIS consortium. 


References are mandatory, applicants should choose at least two referees. 

Professional Experience

Relevant professional or research experience is appreciated.

Language requirements

All courses are taught in English. Applicants are required to attach an official language test report to their application.

Acceptable language tests and their minimum scores
IELTS (Academic IELTS only)

  • Overall Band Score: 6.5
  • Writing Band Score: 5.5

TOEFL (IBT = Internet Based Test, PBT = Paper Based Test)

  • Total score: 92 (IBT), 580 (PBT)
  • Writing score: 22 (IBT), 4.0 (PBT)

CAE/CPE (CAE = Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English, CPE = Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English)

  • Grades accepted: A, B, C

The minimum requirements are very strict. If the applicant’s score does not fulfil the minimum requirements, the applicant is not eligible to apply and the application cannot be processed. IELTS, TOEFL and PTE results are valid for two years starting from the test date. The CAE and CPE results do not have an expiration date. If TOEFL institution code is needed, please use Grenoble INP-UGA code: 6050.

English language test exemptions
Applicants who have completed a higher education degree:

  • in an English-language programme requiring a physical on-site presence at a university in countries where English is a native language. If the degree includes studies from another university also these studies must be completed in English in such a country and university that exempts the applicant from the language test.
  • at a university or polytechnic in an EU/EEA country in English. The language of the degree must be stated in the degree certificate or its appendix, the transcript of records or other official document, such as diploma supplement, issued by the higher education institution in question.


Deadline: January 15, 2025

Cost/funding for participants


Master students awarded the Erasmus Mundus scholarship*, will receive a grant of 1400 EUR per month for the entire duration of the FAMEAIS Master programme (24 months maximum).  

* Only eligible to the students who have never received Erasmus Mundus funding previously.

Visiting scholars will receive a grant of 1 000€/week if the residence is situated in Europe and 1 400€ if the residence is situated beyond European borders, for a minimum duration of 1 week. 

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