Erasmus Mundus - Human rRghts Policy and Practice Masters (EM HRPP) - 2026-27

Deadline: December 01, 2025




  • Norway
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • United Kingdom
Tromso, Deusto, Gothenburg, Roehampton


Are you passionate about human rights? At the Master’s Programme in Human Rights Policy and Practice you get the opportunity to study human rights from a multidisciplinary perspective, in four different countries. This full-time programme is organized by a consortium of four partner universities and taught in English. After graduation, you will be prepared to work professionally with human rights in a changing global context.


About the Programme

Human rights is an interdisciplinary field, involving legal and political processes, globalization, social structures and civil society, methodologies needed to ensure reliable data, and the cultural and ethnic boundaries that challenge human rights implementation.

One programme - four universities 

The Erasmus Mundus master’s programme in Human Rights Policy and Practice is organized by a consortium of four partner universities: 

  • The University of Gothenburg, Sweden (lead partner);
  • The University of Deusto, Bilbao/San Sebastian, Spain;
  • Roehampton University, London, UK;
  • The Arctic University of Norway (UIT), Tromsø, Norway.

The first semester of study takes place at the University of Gothenburg, the second semester at the University of Deusto, and a third semester at the University of Roehampton. Mobility to Norway will be included for those students supervised in their master thesis by UIT. Teaching modules will be complemented with a Professional Seminar Series, field visits, and an internship during the third semester with a human rights organization in London. During the fourth semester, you are required to write a dissertation, supervised by academic staff from one of the four partner universities. 

Immersive learning and joint teaching 

The programme offers a uniquely comprehensive and immersive approach to teaching and learning, allowing you to build your skills, knowledge, and practical experience and prepare yourself to be a confident professional in the field of human rights.

Through lectures, group teaching, seminars, and field visits, you will learn about these main subjects:

  • human rights theory
  • human rights in the context of politics and the market economy
  • research methods and methodologies
  • human rights defenders
  • social movements and nongovernmental organizations
  • Preparing you for professional work in human rights

Our programme has an enhanced focus on employability and professionalization. Particular attention is paid to provide you with a range of core skills for employment, such as report writing, project management, campaign creation, and public speaking, embedded throughout the various modules.

Furthermore, the Professional Seminar Series will give you additional opportunities to practise what you learn. Associate Partners from academia and the public, corporate, and third sectors are involved in the design and delivery of the seminars, and in organizing study visits throughout the duration of the programme. Lastly, during the third semester, there is an internship possibility with a human rights organization in London. These various forms of integrated collaboration will prepare you for the challenges of building and enhancing your career after graduation in the field of human rights.

Structure and content

The first semester in Sweden lays the foundation for the programme by introducing human rights as an interdisciplinary field and begins to examine where responsibility for human rights should lie.

The second semester in Spain prepares you to produce and access quality human rights knowledge and evidence, and examines relativistic approaches to human rights in light of cultural and ethnic diversity.

The third semester in the UK gives you the opportunity to practise what you have learned through an internship at a human rights organization in London, the Professional Seminar Series, and modules about theorizing human rights and social change.

The fourth semester consists of writing your master’s thesis in Human Rights Policy and Practice, based at one of the four partner universities.

After graduation

Graduates receive the joint Degree of Master of Science in Human Rights Policy and Practice, issued by the University of Gothenburg.
After graduation, you will be prepared to:

  • work professionally and effectively with the protection, promotion, and implementation of human rights in a changing global context;
  • use analytical skills and expertise in human rights perspectives, contexts, organizations, policy-making, and practice;
  • evaluate and apply these skills to different cases and environments;
  • and develop human rights-based policies, programmes, and projects with professionalism.

Our alumni work for nongovernmental organizations such as Amnesty International, Doctors Without Borders, and Save the Children, in various UN agencies, and as lawyers, researchers, and teachers.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Who Should Apply?

Do you have practical experience in human rights work and want to broaden your skillset and deepen your understanding?

Do you want to gain critical knowledge of human rights as an interdisciplinary academic discipline in three or four diverse countries?

Are you interested in how human rights can be interpreted from different academic disciplines?

If you think this profile reflects your interests and ambition, then apply for this unique programme.

Entry requirements 

To be eligible for the programme you must have the following:

  • A first degree equivalent to 180 credits or 180 ECTS from an internationally recognized university or college. 
  • A minimum of two year’s practitioner experience in the field of human rights. Practitioner experience may include regular employments, internships, and voluntary work. 
  • A minimum English language qualification of English B/English 6 at upper secondary level or the equivalent level of an internationally recognized test, for example, TOEFL, IELTS, or equivalent alternatives as stated in the call for applications each year by the University of Gothenburg.

Scholarship eligibility criteria

  • Scholarship students must have already obtained a first higher education degree or demonstrate a recognized equivalent level of learning according to national rules and legislation in place by the application deadline. That means that scholarship applicants must hold a higher education degree by the programme admissions deadline in mid-January.
  • Students who have already obtained an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) scholarship and former Erasmus Mundus Master/Doctoral Course scholarship holders are not eligible for an additional scholarship under the Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMC) action. Students benefiting from an EMMC scholarship cannot benefit from another EU grant while pursuing their EMMC studies.
  • The list of countries whose nationals are eligible for a scholarship is presented here. A differentiation between programme country students and partner country students is applied. No more than 25% of the total number of scholarships available will be awarded to programme country students.
  • Scholarship holders spending part of their EMMC studies in their country of residence are not entitled to benefit from the monthly living-cost allowance for this period. The monthly living-cost allowance is not given to scholarship holders from partner countries for EMMC periods exceeding three months (the equivalent of 15 ECTS credits) spent in any partner country.
  • Students from partner countries who have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the programme countries (EU + Turkey, Macedonia, Norway, Lichtenstein, and Iceland) will be considered programme country applicants according to the 12-months rule.
  • Please note: in any given academic year, student candidates can apply for a maximum of three different joint programmes supported by the Erasmus Mundus scholarships (see the EMJMD catalogue).
  • A full and timely application is necessary to apply.


Deadline: December 01, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

The Erasmus Mundus Programme provides EU-funded scholarships for third-country students and EU/EEA students who have applied to and been accepted by the Human Rights Policy and Practice master´s course. The programme offers around 15 scholarships per year.

What does the scholarship cover?

The student grant covers the participation costs, a monthly allowance for living costs, and a contribution to travel and installation costs. Each grantee will receive EUR 1,000 each month for living costs during the 24-month duration of the programme. The scholarship also includes a contribution to travel and installation and any other type of costs to be paid in two instalments, as well as the Human Rights Policy and Practice participation costs including health insurance coverage for 24 months.

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