Erasmus Mundus - International Master of Science in Health Management in Aquaculture (AquaH)

Deadline: February 28, 2025




  • Belgium
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Spain
Ghent, Wageningen, Trondheim, Barcelona


AquaH is a 2-year master programme that studies the interaction between the health of aquaculture species and their environment. The programme contributes to the sustainable supply of healthy and tasty seafood by training experts that are able to develop innovative solutions to current and future health and disease problems in the aquaculture industry.


The AquaH programme was created in 2019 by a consortium partnership between 4 leading European academic institutes that wanted to answer the challenge of educating and training the next generation of health managers within the field of aquaculture. Identifying a real shortfall of health management both in research and the private sector, the programme developers realised there was a large need to provide innovative expertise to the field to answer the growing challenge of global food demands and overfishing.

The final programme structure was awarded the prestigious Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) due to the consortium’s strong internationalisation and corresponding student and staff mobility.

EMJMDs aim to:

  • Foster excellence, innovation, and internationalisation in HEIs
  • Boost the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and support the EU’s external action in the field of higher education
  • Improve the level of competencies and skills of Master graduates and their employability


  • Ghent University
  • The Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Wageningen University
  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and
  • Universitat de Barcelona

Each partner’s long standing expertise and strong reputation in aquaculture research created the ideal programme to advance the field of Aquaculture Health Management, which accordingly afforded the programme the prestigious Erasmus Mundus award. As part of the award, students who wish to study on the programme can apply for the Erasmus Mundus scholarship.


The programme consists of an initial common semester that is carried out at Ghent University, then in the 2nd and 3rd semester students can choose between 3 learning paths that will deepen their knowledge on a specific aspect of the overarching programme theme.

Our learning paths

  • The Norwegian University of Science and Technology - Delivers a focus on the relationship between the ecosystem and health
  • Wageningen University - Delivers a focus on preventing disease and maintaining adequate health, whilst minimising the impact on the environment
  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona & Universitat de Barcelona - Delivers a focus on the relationship between animal physiology and health

In the 2nd or 3rd semester, students will undertake an internship with a company or research institute among our extended international network of partners and contacts. The internship is a practically oriented scientific project where they will gain the skills and knowledge that will prepare them for the labour market.

Finally, in the 4th semester a master dissertation or thesis is undertaken that will combine a students acquired skill and knowledge.


  • Semester 1 – Ghent University, Belgium - The semester provides a thorough foundation on the current landscape of aquatic immunology, virology, microbiology, and other essential disciplines and is taught using a combination of in-house academic expertise and renowned international guest lecturers.
  • Semester 2 & 3 : choose between 3 learning paths
    • Ecosystems and Health at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway.
    • Disease Prevention Management & Health at Wageningen University (WU), Netherlands.
    • Physiology and Health at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Universitat de Barcelona (UAB/UB), Spain.
  • Semester 4: Master dissertation (30ECTS)


The aquaculture sector has seen a massive increase in production over the past 35 years due to major technological and biotechnological advances. Increased knowledge on the biology, nutritional requirements, environmental conditions, health management, husbandry, domestication, farming technology, and genetic improvement of the cultured species in breeding programmes has been a major driver for increased aquaculture output. The ever-continuing intensification in aquaculture systems, along with an increased production scale has, however, inevitably resulted in the increased occurrence of viral and bacterial disease outbreaks.

This has created a high need for Aquaculture Health Management experts that can answer the growing global demand for individuals that can answer the health challenges in the aquaculture industry and contribute to a growing, innovative sector that is key to the world’s food needs. 

The AquaH programme will prepare you for a range of diverse career options, including:

  • Head of R&D teams in one of the leading aquaculture pharma companies
  • Self-employed consultant in fish disease issues
  • Governmental veterinary officer responsible for farmed fish health and welfare, quarantine regulation, food quality and security control etc.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Academic Requirements

Candidates must:

  • Hold a Bachelor’s degree of min 180ECTS (equivalent to 3 years) from a university or recognised equivalent institute.
  • A Grade Point Average (GPA) for this BSc of at least 70% of the maximum grade
  • Demonstrate through their transcripts of records to have successfully acquired basic science training in at least 5 out of 7 of the following fields:
    (i) Mathematics
    (ii) Physics
    (iii) Chemistry
    (iv) Biochemistry
    (v) Biology
    (vi) Microbiology
    (vii) Engineering
  • Statistics qualifications at level 1 and 2*
  • Some academic or professional background in aquaculture is recommended

Language requirements

The applicant must be proficient in English. English language proficiency can be met by providing a certificate (not older than 5 years) of one of the following tests:

  • TOEFL IBT 92, with subscore for speaking 23
  • ACADEMIC IELTS 6,5 overall score, with a min. of 6 for writing and 6 for speaking
  • ESOL CAMBRIDGE English CAE (Advanced) score between 176-210 or Grade C
  • note! TOEFL/IELTS predictive tests and TOEIC will not be accepted 

Language of instruction is not accepted anymore, except for:

  • applicants who have a diploma (Secondary Education, Academic Bachelor Degree, Master Degree) that is awarded by a recognised institution in the Flemish Community.
  • applicants who are nationals from or have obtained a bachelor and/or master degree in a higher education institute with English as the mode of instruction in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland or Canada (when graduating from a Canadian institute a student must have a certificate that the mode of instruction was English).


Deadline: February 28, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

The programme features a limited number of Erasmus Mundus Scholarships. These scholarships cover the tuition fee + a 1000€ monthly allowance + up to 7000€ contribution to be used for travel and installation costs. Applications for the scholarship are included in the online application process.

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