Erasmus Mundus Japan – Master of Science in Imaging and Light in Extended Reality (IMLEX)

Deadline: January 17, 2025




  • Belgium
  • Finland
  • France
  • Japan
Leuven, Kuopio, Saint-Étienne, Toyohashi


The multidisciplinary IMLEX programme brings together image conversion, lighting and computer science. The objective of the programme is to train experts who in addition to a solid theoretical understanding of virtual reality will also possess strong practical skills in virtual reality applications. Students on the IMLEX programme will benefit from European research expertise combined with Japanese expertise in research addressing virtual reality and robotics. The European Commission and the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) have selected IMLEX as one of the first Erasmus Mundus Master Joint Degree Partnerships with Japan.


IMLEX is implemented by a consortium of four universities:

  • University of Eastern Finland
  • Toyohashi University of Technology (Japan),
  • University Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne (France)
  • KU Leuven (Belgium)

The Japanese associate partners are Utsunomiya University, Chiba University and Itoh Optical Industrial Co. The programme also has leading virtual reality companies from Finland as collaborators, companies specialized in Lighting, as well as the multinational Nvidia corporation.


The universities of the IMLEX consortium have cooperated in Master’s level education for a long time. For example, CIMET and COSI Master’s Programmes have been running for more than 10 years, and we are proud to say that our graduates have made exceptionally impressive careers, many of them attributing their career success to the programmes! You can read more in the COSI programme website.

University of Eastern Finland and Toyohashi University of Technology have launched a Double Degree Master’s Programme in Computer Science and Engineering. This DDP has given valuable experience how to bring together European and Japanese academic processes.


Joint IMLEX study programme

IMLEX programme provides a multidisciplinary and innovative approach combining Imaging, Lighting and Information Technology. The objective is to educate students in advanced technologies, methodologies and practical applications with two goals: to improve the career prospects of graduates and to meet the needs of industry and society. Students will develop professional and social skills useful in both European and Japanese cultural context. Graduates will have competences in: Extended reality (XR): Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality (AR, MR, VR); industrial environments with robots and complex elements; Imaging; Rendering; Lighting.

IMLEX curriculum

IMLEX study programme is divided in two study tracks:

  • Lighting track (UEF – KU Leuven – TUT – Thesis)
  • Computational Imaging Track (UEF – UJM – TUT – Thesis)

All applicants will indicate their preferred track in the application phase, and the track choice will be defined during the student selection process. Selected students will be informed of their track in the letter of admission.

Semester 1

  • All IMLEX students start their studies in September, for fundamental courses at the University of Eastern Finland: preparatory courses in Photonics, Information Technology, Imaging, and Robotics.

Semester 2

According to the chosen study track:

  • Computational Imaging at the University Jean Monnet, or
  • Lighting at the KU Leuven.

Semester 3

  • The second study year starts in October in Japan at Toyohashi University of Technology, with topics of Lighting and XR / Computational Imaging and XR.

Semester 4

  • Master’s thesis in one of the partner universities or in the industry.

The programme is completely taught in English. Students are encouraged to study the local languages, especially Japanese.


IMLEX graduates will have a multiple Master’s Degree from three universities, depending on their study track:

  • From University of Eastern Finland (for all graduates) - Master of Science in Computer Science “Imaging and Light in Extended Reality”
  • From Toyohashi University of Technology (for all graduates) - Master of Engineering
  • From KU Leuven (Lighting track) - Erasmus Mundus Japan – Master of Science in Imaging and Light in Extended Reality
  • From University Jean Monnet (Computational Imaging track) - Master Optics, Image, Vision, Multimedia with the specialization “Imaging and Light in Extended Reality”

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

  • We welcome applications from persons who hold a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Electrical Engineering, Photonics, or in a closely related field. You should submit your application electronically via Please click on the links on menu to learn more about our admission requirements.
  • You can apply for an Erasmus Mundus (EMJMD) scholarship by answering the scholarship question in the application form.


Deadline: January 17, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

The Erasmus Mundus scholarship covers

  • participation costs (including the tuition fees, library and laboratory costs)
  • full insurance coverage
  • any other mandatory costs related to your participation in the Master
  • a contribution to your travel and installation costs
  • includes a monthly subsistence allowance for the entire duration of the study programme.

The scholarships are available for non-EU and EU students, and the total amount of the scholarship varies according to your nationality and place of residence.

What is included in the Erasmus Mundus scholarship

Contribution to the participation costs

  • 8 000 EUR per year per scholarship holder from a Partner Country
  • 4 000 EUR per year per scholarship holder from a Programme Country

Contribution to travel and installation costs

  • 1 000 EUR per year per scholarship holder resident in a Programme Country for travel costs.
  • 2 000 EUR per year for travel costs + 1 000 EUR for installation costs for a scholarship holder, resident in a Partner Country less than 4000 km from Joensuu, Finland (the EMJMD coordinating HEI)
  • 3 000 EUR per year for travel costs + 1 000 EUR for installation costs for a scholarship holder, resident in a Partner Country 4 000 km or more from Joensuu, Finland (the EMJMD coordinating HEI)

Contribution to the subsistence costs

  • 1 000 EUR per month for the entire duration of the EMJMD study programme (24 months maximum). Contribution to subsistence costs will not be given to the scholarship holders for the EMJMD periods (study/research/placement/thesis preparation) spent in their country of residence, nor to scholarship holders from a Partner Country for the EMJMD periods exceeding one trimester (i.e. 3 months or the equivalent of 15 ECTS credits) spent in any Partner Country other than Japan.

EMJMD scholarships for students from Partner Countries

The above scholarships (max. 47 000 EUR) can be applied by the students whose citizenship is one of the Erasmus+ Partner Countries (see above). Partner Country students who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, training or work) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any Programme Country are considered as Partner Country students. The five-year reference period for this 12-month rule is calculated backwards from the submission deadline of applying for an EMJMD scholarship.

Students with Partner Country citizenship who do not fulfil the Partner Country criteria defined above (12-month rule) count as Programme Country students. Students with a double nationality (of a Partner and of a Programme Country) must specify the nationality under which they submit their application.

Individuals who have already benefited from an Erasmus Mundus Master’s Course scholarship are not eligible for a second scholarship in order to follow the same or another Erasmus Mundus Master’s Course. Students benefiting from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship cannot benefit from another Community grant while pursuing their Erasmus Mundus Master’s studies.

A maximum of three students with the same nationality per Category can be awarded an EMJMD scholarship. (This rule does not apply to the Toyohashi University of Technology students who are selected in the TUT student quota and are not EMJMD scholarship holders).

EMJMD scholarships for students from Programme Countries

The above scholarships (max. 34 00 EUR) can be applied by the students whose citizenship is one of the Erasmus+ Programme Countries (see above).

Students with a Partner country citizenship who do not fulfil the Partner Country criteria defined above (12-month rule) also count as Programme Country students. Students with a dual nationality (of a Partner and of a Programme Country) must specify the nationality under which they submit their application.

Individuals who have already benefited from an Erasmus Mundus Master’s Course scholarship are not eligible for a second scholarship in order to follow the same or another Erasmus Mundus Master’s Course. Students benefiting from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship cannot benefit from another Community grant while pursuing their Erasmus Mundus Master’s studies.

A maximum of three students with the same nationality per Category can be awarded an EMJMD scholarship

JASSO Scholarships

In this Erasmus Mundus – Partnership with Japan programme, Japanese students from the Toyohashi University of Technology can apply for scholarships from JASSO. Please see more information in the TUT IMLEX website.

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