Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Program in Astrophysics and Space Science-MASS

Deadline: February 15, 2025




  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Serbia
Nice, Bremen, Rome, Belgrade


The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master program in Astrophysics and Space Science-MASS is jointly delivered by a Consortium of four Universities: Rome “Tor Vergata”, Belgrade, Bremen, and Côte d’Azur. MASS is an intersectoral, research-oriented Master program, covering state-of-the-art research in six main pillars: Gravitation and Cosmology, Stellar Astrophysics, Exoplanets, Astrophysical Techniques, Astrostatistics and Big Data, and Space Science.


MASS allows its students to move among the four Consortium Universities to be exposed to the theoretical aspects of modern astrophysics, to the knowledge/use of observational facilities and/or to the data reduction and science exploitation of big data sets coming from current/forthcoming ground-based or space-borne experiments. 


MASS is a 2-years Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) course in Astrophysics and Space Science. It is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union and is jointly delivered by a Consortium of four Universities (Rome “Tor Vergata”, Belgrade, Bremen, and Côte d’Azur). A number of Third Parties, including public research institutions, National Space Agencies, small and medium enterprises and space industries contribute actively to the program. Because of this, MASS is an intersectoral, research-oriented Master program, covering state-of-the-art knowledge and research in six main pillars: Gravitation and Cosmology, Stellar Astrophysics, Exoplanets, Astrophysical Techniques, Astrostatistics and Big Data, and Space Science.

MASS is a full-time program open to top-ranked students of any nationality. Its official language is English, with the possibility for students to learn the languages of the host countries. It leads to a Master of Science degree in Astrophysics and Space Science that in the first course edition (2022 – 2024) will take the form of a multiple degree. The degree will be complemented by a Diploma Supplement to facilitate the degree recognition in other countries.

The goal of the program is to provide students with knowledge and skills tuned to continue their career in PhD programs, but also desirable to the private sector.

MASS will offer its students a number of academic paths to help them to choose how to move among the four Consortium Universities depending on the chosen field of specialization. In the end, MASS students will be exposed to the theoretical aspects of modern astrophysics, to the knowledge/use of observational facilities and/or to the data reduction and science exploitation of big data sets coming from current / forthcoming ground-based or space-borne experiments.


Students can build their mobility scheme across the 4 Consortium Universities in the respect of a few constraints and subject to approval by the MASS Teaching Committee. Students will express their choice for the 2nd semester during the 1st semester, by November 15th. At mid-term during the 2nd semester, they will express their choices for the 3rd and 4th semester.

Mobility scheme constraints:

  • The 1st semester can only take place at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”;
  • The 2nd semester cannot take place in Rome. Students must choose one of the other 3 Partner Universities.
  • The 3rd semester can take place in any of the 4 Consortium Universities.
  • Students must spend a semester in each of at least 2 countries that differ from their country of residence at enrolment stage and at least one of which is an EU Member State or a third country associated with the Erasmus+ Programme;
  • In each mobility period (semester), students must earn at least 30 ECTS credits.
  • The 4th semester is devoted to the Master thesis, that is offered jointly by the Universities where the student spends the 3rd and 4th semester. If a student spends both semesters at the same location, there must be an additional supervisor from another Consortium University.

Some examples of pre-approved study curricula focussing on specific topics are presented below.


Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Eligible candidates: Top-ranked students of any nationality with a certified good knowledge of English, who hold a recognized Bachelor’s degree in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Physics, Mathematics, Computing Science, Space Engineering, or closely related fields.

Academic prerequisites

To hold:

  • Either a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Physics, Mathematics, Computing Science, Space Engineering or related fields;
  • Or another recognized degree from accredited higher education institutions that certifies an equivalent amount of learning in the same fields, quantified as 3 years of university studies corresponding to at least 180 credits in the European Credit Transfer System, and that allows access to second-cycle programmes at the Master level in the higher education system within which the degree was obtained.
  • Or to be expected to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in the above-mentioned fields at latest
    • by the end of June of the starting year of the Masters Course, for applicants who need to apply for a visa to study in Italy, or
    • by the end of July of the starting year of the Masters Course, for applicants who are exempt from a visa application to study in Italy.

To possess an academic transcript of records that demonstrates the fulfilment of the following minimum requirements concerning the acquired knowledge in Mathematics and Physics:

  • Mathematical Knowledge: Linear Algebra, Mathematical Analysis in one or several variables, Linear operators;
  • Physics Knowledge: Basic knowledge of classic and modern Physics, Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Electromagnetism; Elements of Quantum Mechanics, Special Relativity and Nuclear Physics; basic knowledge of geometrical and wave Optics.
  • Skills in lab. activities, experimental physics data analysis, and programming.

Language prerequisites

Supply one of the following proofs of English proficiency:

  • Cambridge C1 Advanced First (formerly known as Cambridge English: Advanced, CAE) or higher level Cambridge certificates;
  • “International English Language Testing System” (IELTS) Academic test, minimum overall band score “Band 7” and not more than 2 years old;
  • Internet-based (iBT) TOEFL with minimum score 95 points and not more than 2 years old;
  • TOEFL Essentials with minimum overall band score 10 and not more than 2 years old;
  • UNIcert level “III”;
  • C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Native English speakers and applicants who have carried out their previous university studies in English, as certified by their university of origin, are exempted from providing such a proof.


Deadline: February 15, 2025

Cost/funding for participants


A number of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) scholarships are funded by the European Union in the framework of the 2021 – 2027 Erasmus+ programme. Not more than 10% of the available scholarships can be awarded to students with the same nationality, except for the case of nationals of targeted regions of the world, for which some additional scholarships are available.

An EMJM scholarship covers:

  • the participation costs and tuition fees;
  • a comprehensive insurance package for the entire period of participation in the programme;
  • a monthly allowance of 1,400 € paid directly to the student for the whole duration of the participation in the Master course (up to a maximum of 24 months). This is intended to cover travel and subsistence costs.

Admitted students beyond the number of available scholarships may seek and apply for other scholarships that might be funded, e.g., by their own Country and/or Institution of origin or by other organizations.

By submitting the application for admission to the MASS Master course, the applicant participates in the selection for the award of an EMJM scholarship, too. There is no separate application for the scholarship.

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