Erasmus Mundus Joint Master - Sustainable Biomass and Bioproducts Engineering (SBBE)

Deadline: February 15, 2025




  • Finland
  • Poland
  • Spain
Lappeenranta-Lahti, Wroclaw, Castilla-La Mancha


Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, as the first university in Poland ever, coordinates the EU Erasmus Joint Master Degree program (EMJM). The “Sustainable Biomass and Bioproducts Engineering” (SBBE) program is coordinated by Prof. Jolanta Warchoł from the Faculty of Chemistry. The EMJM-SBBE is the 2 years (4 semesters) program in the field of chemical engineering. It corresponds to 120 ECTS credits. Each recruited student (18-22 people/year) will be getting a scholarship (1400 EUR/month) for the whole period of study. The program is realized at 3 Full Higher Education Institution Partners from 3 European Union countries: Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST) Poland, University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) Spain, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT) Finland.


The education plan directly responds to the current labour market needs. SBBE graduates will be prepared to design, develop and implement process’ technologies and solutions for the sustainable utilization of renewable resources. They will also learn how to manufacture biobased products, including biofuels, bioenergy, biochemicals, bioplastics, paper, building materials, biocomposites, and about their applications. The new EMJM program includes:

  • FORMAL EDUCATION covers scheduled lectures and seminars – theoretical knowledge transfer. However, the greatest emphasis is put on practical process design and laboratory classes. We focus on knowledge, skills and attitudes building on chemistry of materials, biomaterials fabrication and characterization; fundamentals, design and optimization of bioprocesses; climate change and sustainable development. Special attention is paid to rural development – sustainable farming; management of natural resources, soil protection; bio-agriculture; sustainable transport modes; developing sectorial strategies and methodologies – how to save resources, reduce energy use and waste.
  • INFORMAL EDUCATION covers activities organized with the local communities (any of academic, cultural and social) such as study visits at one of the Associate Partner – Roztoczański National Park. This will allow students to familiarize with non-specialists’ opinion about green energy production, biomass and wastewater utilization in a frame of circular economy, sustainable natural water use. We also envisage building the sense of belonging by organizing additional joint social and cultural activities such as: trips to important historic, cultural and regional/local environmental spots; joint sport activities (e.g. mountain hiking); social events (e.g. international events held in the host city). A visit to Verla mill museum (Kouvola, Finland), a UNESCO World Heritage site, introduces the history and early pulping technology. We envisage meetings with ecologists and engineers from industry to allow students be updated with the current environmental friendly technologies.
  • NON-FORMAL EDUCATION provides additional educational activities beyond the main study program: Polish, Spanish, or Finnish language classes, workshops, summer schools, participation in additional scientific events taking place at the partner universities e.g. open scientific days, students’ conferences, invited lectures with famous scientists.

The teaching program of the Joint SBBE Master Program leads to the award of a joint degree. All partner university’s authorities will sign the Joint Master Degree Diploma certificate with the common diploma supplement.

Modules with corresponding ECTS provided by WUST, UCLM, and LUT



All modules target some specific skills and expertise to be acquired:


The group of lectures in Sem 1: Bio-based composites and polymers + Synthesis and fabrication of biobased materials + Microorganisms in synthesis, give the basis of biomaterials composition and synthesis methodology, while group of laboratory practice: Molecular analysis and Optimization of bio-based materials + Instrumental analysis of biomaterials’ structural and chemical properties + Thermogravimetry for oxy-combustion analysis, give the opportunity to acquire analytical skills in the preparation of samples, the ability to operate the advance instrumental equipment and most importantly experience in analysis of data obtained. These courses will be supported by research institutions specialized in advanced materials analysis (see the Associate Partners). The UCLM partner will support this module in Sem 2 in the course related to fabrication by the production of polymers directly from naturally occurring compounds or from bio-based materials. The LUT partner in Sem 3 will give technological course focuses on bio-based materials processing and applications in e.g. food packaging and textile fibrous materials.


This module refers to design of processes and technologies for the sustainable manufacture of bioproducts (materials, chemicals and energy) from renewable biological resources. In Sem 1 the WUST partner will start lectures and laboratory on Biochemical unit operations and reactors. Then in Sem 2, the UCLM partner will provide the group of lectures: Bioprocesses design + Bioprocesses simulation by AspenHysys and AspenPlus + Dynamic and control of bioprocesses, laboratory/bench scale work with a technical focus on methodology of numerical design and optimization of the processes, process control and industrial measurement. In the Sem 3 the LUT will give the course on development of new sustainable bio-products processes focusing on implementation, pilot scale demonstration and case studies in the field application.


In Sem 1 the WUST partner will give the theoretical basis and laboratory practice on Chemical-thermal biomass conversion processes + Biomass treatment, purification and modification to be marketed as biofuel. Then, in Sem 2 the UCLM partner will provide the group of lectures related to engineering aspects of different unit operation involved in the Production of biofuels (including lab-synthesis of biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas and waste biomass pyrolysis). In Sem 3, the LUT partner will give a course on Lignocellulosic biorefineries detailing current (e.g. Kraft pulping) and emerging (e.g. organosolv processes) large-scale processes employing lignocellulose as the raw material. The course includes a site visit to an industrial biorefinery. A project course Separation technology in biorefining implements a problem-based learning approach to develop the students engineering analysis and design skills in the context of separation unit operations.


The courses on Biobased economy + Recycling of materials + SigmaPro Lab will give fundamentals of circular economy and introduce the methodology of conversion of resources, residues, by-products and side streams into value added products. Good laboratory practice course will familiarize students with safety, consistency, high quality, and reliability of chemicals in laboratory. Group of lectures on Material and energy valorisation of waste in a circular economy will introduce the methodology of the valorisation of the biomass/biogenic fraction of waste into different bioenergy products (heat, power cooling, liquid and gaseous biofuels) as well as production of renewable chemicals. The courses on Project management tools for biomarket + Economic assessment + Business model (General rules, Canvas, DAFO) targeting on sustainable bio-economy related to sustainable economic development on issues such as climate warming and fossil resources, natural resource scarcity, biomass competition, biodiversity, waste streams, governance, social well-being.


The goal of this module is to guide novice students in writing an effective research methodology by helping them gain a clear understanding of a research structure as well as familiarise them with current trends in scientific data analysis. After finishing this set of courses, graduates will be capable of participating in applied research projects, designing and building assessment instruments, analysing and interpreting data, and translating research findings for application to educational settings.


Maintains by the partner universities with epical attention to: sport classes as compulsory at every level of study and beneficial for student health and way to create good relationships between students; philosophical classes as its important role in clarification of scientific concepts and theories, critical assessment of scientific assumptions or methods, and fostering of dialogue between science and society; language skills as the tool of modern communication. We define excellence in English language as the one of the teaching outcomes. In parallel, students will learn basics of the local languages to easy adaptation in different countries and assimilation with local student community.

Admission process

All eligible candidates are evaluated and ranked with a maximum score of 50 points according to the following criteria by the Consortium’s Selection Committee:

  • Grade Point Average of academic results of the student within his/her class.
  • Adequacy of the student’s background (academic courses) for the Master course.
  • Relevant merits associated to the CV.
  • The letter from BSc supervisor or Faculty Dean (Recommendation letter must be sent directly, uploaded on-line by its author).

The admission policy is intended to ensure equal opportunity of access to higher education for qualified European and Third-country students. In the first instance the Selection Committee selects those students who meet the Admission Requirements and afterwards establishes a ranking considering merits (according to the list of Additional Merits listed above). Then shortlisted 40 candidates will be invited for an on-line interview. Finally, the Committee prepares the list of candidates selected for EMJM scholarship as well as the reserve list.

The candidates from both lists are informed accordingly by mail or e-mail by the administrative officer of WUST. The candidates selected for EMJM scholarship must confirm their participation in SBBE program within one week.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

The minimum requirements for admission to the master are:

1. Strong academic background in appropriate disciplines

The SBBE Programme is open to excellent European and non-European students having acquired a BSc (or higher) equivalent diploma in Chemical, Environmental, and Mechanical Engineering, or in related fields.

Degree must give applicant eligibility to apply to a university Master’s studies in the country where the degree was completed.

If a candidate is in a process of obtaining the Bachelor degree, applicant can yet apply for the admission. In this case, applicant has to present, before the 31th of August, a letter signed by the university stating the expected date of a title obtained and provide a detailed transcript of records.

2. Demonstrated English language skills

Candidates must demonstrate  knowledge of English by proving proof of her/his education in English (secondary school diploma and/or bachelor degree) or by proving a certified language level equivalent to at least B2 according to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), for example:

  • TOEFL test: minimum score 78 (210 computer-based/547 paper-basedtest).
  • ELTS test: minimum score 6.0, at least 5.7 on each sub-score (Academic test and not the General one!).
  • Cambridge International Examinations: FCE level B2 with minimum score 72.

Not mandatory for students of the following nationalities: USA, UK, Ireland, New Zealand or Australia.

3. Rules from European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Candidates have to provide:

  • A residence certificate issued in accordance with the candidate’s municipality normal registration rules; or
  • A certificate from the candidate’s place of work, study or training issued by the employer or institution in question.

The document must have been issued within 12 months before the SBBE student scholarship's submission deadline, i.e. the Consortium’s official deadline for student selection.


Deadline: February 15, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

Full Erasmus Mundus scholarship provided.

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