Erasmus Mundus - Master’s in Journalism, Media and Globalisation (Mundus Journalism)

Deadline: January 10, 2025




  • Australia
  • Chile
  • China
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Germany
  • Lebanon
  • Netherlands
  • South Africa
  • United Kingdom
Sydney, Santiago, Shanghai, Prague, Aarhus, Hamburg, Munich, Beirut, Amsterdam, Cape Town, London


The Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Journalism, Media and Globalisation welcomes applications from graduate students around the world. You can apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, or as a self-funded student. The Mundus Journalism Master's offers a curriculum uniquely focused on developing an analytical and critical lens on journalism, media and globalisation. Since 2005 Mundus Journalism has been connecting people and building networks of like minded peers and colleagues across the globe!


We are launching an even stronger Mundus Journalism programme

Since we have now built solid foundations of infrastructure, governance and academic expertise and seen the graduation of 1000 students since 2005, the time has come for us to launch an even stronger programme.

The Mundus Consortium is welcoming a number of prestigious new universities to the programme. They will each bring new strengths and perspectives and help us put together a more comprehensive offering for our students, meaning that we can ensure that our programme remains a premium brand for all involved.

We have always built our programme according to contemporary perspectives, and we have now further refined our curricula based on extensive community feedback to ensure that Mundus Journalism graduates are the best equipped to uphold the highest possible standards for global journalism.

All of this means that our Mundus Journalism website will be under development during the next couple of months to reflect all of the ongoing changes to the new study programme. For all of those wishing to apply this year, the application requirements and deadline (10 January 2022) will follow the same procedure as in the previous call for applications, and this information is already available for you.

Why choose Mundus Journalism?

The Mundus Journalism MA programme gives you state-of-the-art insights into the current topics within journalism, media and globalisation. The curriculum combines academic, theoretical knowledge with journalistic skills. It will improve your ability to analyse, interpret and understand the global changes that increasingly challenge traditional boundaries between media, politics, technology, and culture. All in all, the programme prepares you to work practically towards improving and maintaining the societal and cultural legitimacy of journalism globally.

A vibrant and international community

Join the Mundus Journalism programme to engage with peers and staff from more than 100 countries across the globe in an ambitious, interdisciplinary and multicultural environment. The Erasmus Mundus Journalism master's degree offers you a truly unique and international educational experience. At Mundus Journalism, you will study at leading universities in at least two European countries, work with top researchers in media studies, political science and journalism, and gain an outstanding professional network for life.

Customise your Mundus Journalism degree

Year 1
All students spend the first year of the master’s degree in Aarhus, Denmark studying at both Aarhus University- taught by faculty from the Department of Political Science and the Department of Information and Media Studies - and the Danish School of Media and Journalism.

You can customise your studies by choosing to take electives or an internship as part of your second semester. Or you can apply to be one of the selected students who can study their second semester (30 ECTS) at one of our prestigious credit awarding universities.

The aim of the first year is to give you the analytical skills needed to identify and analyse cultural, political, and technological challenges to and opportunities for journalism across the globe. You will also learn how to integrate this sophisticated theoretical understanding with practical approaches, to assert journalism within a changing public sphere.

You can spend your second semester at one of our prestigious, credit awarding, universities*

  • Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
  • University of Technology Sydney in Australia
  • Fudan University in Shanghai in China
  • University of Cape Town in South Africa
  • Lebanese American University in Lebanon
  • University of Hamburg in Germany

* All students can go on Study Abroad. However, non-EU students with a Mundus scholarship, will unfortunately have to give up their scholarship while studying outside of the EU. This is because the EU scholarships for non-EU students are restricted to studying in countries within the European Union

Year 2

Second year, you will be studying in either Amsterdam, London, Prague or Munich.

In the second year, you will be able to specialise in the area of your choice to delve into field-specific topics and strengthen your reflexive journalism skills:

  • Politics & Communication at University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands
  • Totalitarianism & Transition at Charles University in Prague, the Czech Republic
  • Business & Innovation at City, University of London in the United Kingdom
  • Cultures & Contexts at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München in Germany

The specialisations in Totalitarianism & Transition and Business & Innovation offer more practical journalism training. On the other hand, the specialisations in Politics & Communication and Cultures & Contexts are more theory and research oriented.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Requirements for admission to the Mundus Journalism programme:

A bachelor's degree within a relevant field of study

  • When commencing the Mundus Journalism programme by the 1st of September, students must have completed a bachelor's degree (or the equivalent of a 3 year's EU BA-degree) in a relevant subject. Applicants who have not yet graduated from their BA degree at the time of application, can, however, still apply. 
  • All applicants need to include a transcript of records of all the courses completed within the application package. Applicants who have received their BA certificate must include this as well. Applicants who are yet to graduate, must forward documentation of a bachelor's degree to Aarhus University no later than the 1st of September to complete the enrolment process prior to course start.
  • Subjects within bachelor's programmes in Arts/Humanities and Social Sciences are by default considered to be relevant. Applicants who have completed other programmes, but whose qualifications are deemed by the Consortium to be relevant and adequate, may also be offered admission.
  • To ensure that the best candidates are admitted, the Consortium has decided to give priority to academic merit; candidates will only be admitted if they have an above-average bachelor’s degree (a minimum of an above-average class mark/GPA is expected).

Documentation of your English skills if you are not a native English speaker

The Erasmus Mundus Journalism programme is taught in English. Students must therefore be able to read academic textbooks and articles, take part in classroom discussions and lectures, and undertake written work and exams in English. Hence, we require a high command of English.

We require evidence of English language proficiency if you are not a native English speaker*. We only accept the tests listed below, as they reflect some of the essential features of academic language and thereby assesses whether you are ready to study in an English language environment. Due to visa regulations the test cannot be older than 2 years when the visa is issued.

Language tests

  • IELTS Academic test with a band score of 7,0 and a minimum score of 6.0 in each category** Due to Covid-19, we also accept the so-called 'Computer-delivered IELTS-test'. We do NOT accept the Global IELTS indicator
  • TOEFL test with a score of at least 100***. Due to Covid-19, we also accept the TOEFL iBT Home Edition (internet based)
  • Cambridge ESOL exams: Certificate of Proficiency (CPE) or Certificate in Advanced English with at least 190 points on the Cambridge English-scale**** 

*  We consider applicants to be native English speakers if they come from any of these countries: Antigua and Barbuda; Australia; The Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Canada; Dominica; Grenada; Guyana; Ireland; Jamaica; New Zealand; St Kitts and Nevis; St Lucia; St Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; United Kingdom; or United States of America

** Before taking the IELTS test you must select Aarhus University as receiver of your IELTS test results. The IELTS report should be scanned in a high-quality resolution and be included within the application package.

*** Before taking the TOEFL test you must select Aarhus University as receiver of your TOEFL test results. Aarhus University TOEFL-code is 8935. Failure to do so may result in a rejection of your TOEFL test results. If you have already taken the test, please contact the test centre in order for them to add Aarhus University’s TOEFL-code 8935 to your test. The TOEFL report should be scanned in a high-quality resolution and be included within the application package.

**** If you take a Cambridge ESOL exam, please share your results with Aarhus University through the Candidate Results Website ( You log on by using your ‘Candidate ID’ and ‘Secret Number’, which you get from the test center. Failure to share your test results through the Candidate Results Website may result in a rejection of your Cambridge ESOL test results. The Cambridge report should be scanned in a high-quality resolution and be included within the application package.

At least 3 months of journalistic experience

  • Due to the nature of Mundus Journalism programme, journalistic skills are required prior to course start, hence we ask for at least 3 months’ journalistic experience.
  • While there is no formal bar on applicants with related experience – such as, for example, writing news for government departments or press offices of non-governmental organizations – such applicants should bear in mind that the application process is extremely competitive. Applicants with more conventional journalistic experience may therefore be offered places ahead of those who lack it. However, we acknowledge that journalistic experience may take many forms. Hence "traditional" journalistic experience (composing stories for a published media outlet) is not the only accepted form of experience.
  • Since the consortium will evaluate your application as a whole, we cannot answer questions regarding the sufficiency of your specific experience beforehand. Our best recommendation is for you to give it a shot, send us an application, and make sure to elaborate on the relevance of your experience.
  • You are also welcome to give it a shot if your experience comes from an internship, however as noted above, applicants with more (conventional) journalistic experience may be offered places ahead of those who lack it. 
  • We need documentation (such as a contract, paychecks, or a reference from a professional journalist – preferably your former or current editor-in-chief) on how your experience equals (at least) three-months of full time journalism experience.


Deadline: January 10, 2025

Cost/funding for participants


Each year we receive between 400 and 500 applications and admit up to 80-90 students. We expect to have 23 Erasmus Mundus scholarships for the 2024-26 programme. As a consequence, around 25% of those accepted on to the programme will be offered admission as scholarship students, while 75% will be offered self-funded places. 

Only applicants being superior in all categories can expect to be offered admission as scholarship students. You can apply for admission to the Mundus Journalism programme and for a Mundus scholarship within the same application process.

Students who have already graduated with a 2-year MA degree cannot receive a Mundus scholarship. However, you can still apply for the programme and be considered for self-funded admission.

The Erasmus Mundus scholarships cover tuition fees, insurance, a contribution to student travel and installation costs, as well as a monthly subsistence allowance for the entire duration of the study programme. 

We offer 20 Erasmus Mundus scholarships for students from Partner Countries of €49,000 (€47,000 if travel distance from place of residence is less than 4,000 km)


You can be considered for this type of scholarship if:

  • You are NOT a resident of any of the EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Turkey, Serbia or former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
  • You must comply with the 12 months rule, i.e. you cannot have carried out your main activity (studies, work, private visits, tourism, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Turkey, Serbia or former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
  • You fulfil the admission requirements and selection criteria.

We offer 3 Erasmus Mundus scholarships for students from Programme Countries of €35,000


You can be considered for this type of scholarship if:

  • You ARE a resident of any of the EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Turkey, Serbia or former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
  • You are NOT a resident of any of the EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Turkey or former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia BUT you have carried out your main activity (studies, work, private visits, tourism, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Turkey, Serbia or former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
  • You fulfil the admission requirements and selection criteria.

Please note that you cannot receive this type of scholarship while studying at a Mundus Journalism university in your country of residence. E.g. if your country of residence is the Netherlands, you cannot receive an Erasmus Mundus scholarship while specialising in "Politics & Communication" at the University of Amsterdam for your second year of studies.

We also offer Erasmus+ stipends of up to €3500 to students not awarded a Mundus scholarship

  • All Mundus Journalism students going to the specialisation universities within the EU, who do not receive an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, can apply for an Erasmus+ stipend for the second year of their Mundus Journalism studies. So far, all eligible students have received this stipend. However, the EU has updated the requirements in accordance with the Covid-19 pandemic developments. 
  • Information and assistance on the Erasmus+ stipend will be provided at Aarhus University after course start.
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