Erasmus Mundus in Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technologies (RADMEP)

Deadline: February 09, 2025




  • Belgium
  • Finland
  • France
Leuven, Jyväskylän yliopisto, Saint-Étienne, Montpellier


The 2-year (120 ECTS) European Master in Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technologies (RADMEP) will provide a multidisciplinary and innovative programme covering the interactions between Radiation and MicroElectronics and Photonics, two Key Enabling Technologies for the future of Europe. Thanks to this EMJMD, students will develop useful professional and soft skills in the rich European cultural context.


RADMEP objective is to educate students in those advanced technologies, providing methodologies and introducing practical applications for their implementation in a variety of natural or man-made radiation-rich environments. RADMEP has two goals: first to improve their career prospects and second to respond to the needs of the industry, agencies and society.

The field of radiation effects on components and systems is historically linked to space and nuclear power plants. With technological integration, components and systems have become sensitive to the natural atmospheric environment. In the 1990s, the effect of atmospheric neutrons started to be considered in the development of aircraft electronics. The integration of electronic and photonic technologies continues to evolve, today it is the electronic systems at ground level that are sensitive to natural radiation. Digital data storage has been an issue for some years now, and it is necessary to bury computers and data centers to protect them. In the context of the energy transition, where we are developing more electric aircraft, electric and autonomous mode of transportation, it is necessary to take this new constraint into account to ensure the reliability of the systems. The dismantling of nuclear power plants will require radiation-resistant optoelectronic and electronic systems, first to observe what needs to be dismantled and then to have the tools to dismantle the sites. Space is undergoing a revolution with the New Space, which consists in using commercial components to make satellites more intelligent and give them unequalled observation and analysis capacities, but which requires the reliability of these technologies, which were not originally intended for space. It will no longer be possible to develop an electronic or photonic system for which the safety of people is essential without recourse to the radiation analysis of which the students trained by the RADMEP Master’s degree will be capable.

Thanks to RADMEP, students will obtain fundamental knowledge and experience in those two technologies, their behaviors under irradiation. The first semester 1 will take place at Jyväskylän yliopisto (JYU, Finland) and the semester 2 at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL, Belgium). For the third semester, a choice between two different specializations will be offered to the RADMEP students. First one, taking place at Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne (UJM, France) will focus its programme on Radiation Effects on Photonics technologies while the second one will focus on Radiation Effects on Microelectronics and Advanced Electronic Technologies and will take place at Université de Montpellier (UM, France). RADMEP students will undertake a 6-months master thesis either in an industrial, an agency or in a research center, for example from the large RADMEP network of more than 35 associate partners.

Mobility Scheme 

Learning Outcomes

At the end of RADMEP Programme, students should be able to:

  1. Apply knowledge of radiation effects, microelectronics and photonics fundamentals
  2. Design and conduct experiments involving radiations, micro-nanotechnologies, photonic or optoelectronic technologies
  3. Analyse and interpret data by data processing or other advanced intelligence methods
  4. Identify, formulate and solve electronic or photonics problems
  5. Design a system, component, or process to meet industrial needs
  6. Have an ability to finctuion on multidisciplinary, multicultural and geographically spread teams
  7. Understand the professional and ethical responsibility
  8. Communicate effectivelyin oral, written and other media forms
  9. Have a broad education necessary to understand the impact of science solutions in a global and societal conext and to advance sustainability
  10. Recognize the need to engage in lifelong learning and the ability to do so.

The definition of above learning qualities are variable as they are the result of the close involvement of our industrial partners in the learning design of RADMEP. Hence they are likely to change from one semester to another to best meet the requirements of employers.

Awarded Degree

Successful completion of the RADMEP Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree will result in the award of multiple Master’s degrees (i.e. 4 national diplomas issued by 4 higher education institutions from 4 European countries and fully recognized in these respective countries). In line with the Bologna Accords, those degrees benefit from a wide recognition in Europe and beyond.

According to the concentration which has been chosen by the graduate, the consortium will deliver either multiple diplomas from:

  • JYU, KUL and UJM (specialization in Photonics)
  • JYU, KUL and UM (specialization in MicroElectronics)

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Entry requirements/Eligibility criteria

Below are the minimum requirements to be eligible for the RADMEP programme. Please note that additional eligibility requirements apply for applicants to be considered for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) scholarship, notably ineligibility of applicants who have already benefited from an EMJMD scholarship.

Administrative process

  • Compliance with the application process calendar and deadlines;
  • Authenticity, completeness, certification (scan of original document or certified translation), translation (English version only) of application files.

Academic prerequisites

  • Applicants must hold a bachelor of science (or any nationally recognized first cycle degree equivalent to 180 ECTS), preferably in the fields of microelectronics, photonics and physics. (While this condition must necessarily be fulfilled at the time of enrollment, the consortium accepts applications from students in the last year of their higher education degree);
  • Applicants must possess a solid academic background in the general fields of physics, photonics, semi-conductor physics and microeletronics.

Language requirements

  • The tuition language is English. Students are notably expected to produce a Master Thesis in English. A strong command of written and oral English is therefore requested. Applicants will have to demonstrate during application an English language proficiency equivalent to level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). (Link to correspondences between CEFR levels and common language proficiency scales around the world that will be used).
  • Level of English will be assessed on the basis of test scores provided by the applicant, the cover letter and the interview.


Deadline: February 09, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

Erasmus+ EMJMD scholarships are funded by the European Union, to help Joint Master Degree such as RADMEP to attract the best European and international students. Those are very generous scholarships grants, which can virtually cover all expenses, including travel and subsistence costs associated with joining the RADMEP programme during 2 years. Grant awarded The actual amount of the scholarships will vary if you are considered from (nationality or residence) a Programme country (i.e. member states of the EU and former Yugoslav, Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey) or Partner country (the rest of the world). 

Type of costs covered by the EMJMD scholarship

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