Euro-Asian Erasmus Master in Medical Technology and Healthcare Business (EMMaH)

Deadline: February 16, 2025




  • France
  • Germany
  • Portugal
  • Taiwan
Lille, Hamburg, Porto, Taipei


EMMaH master is a multidisciplinary master, focusing on the study of medical technologies through various fields of expertise: biomedical engineering, healthcare and business. MedTech industry experiences rapid innovation cycles and employs a growing number of healthcare professionals. To respond to these challenges, EMMaH prepares students to be specialised in the development, regulation, improvement and business management of technical and organisational healthcare solutions.


EMMaH is a professionalising master that allows students to work in an international environment by combining theoretical analysis and concrete case studies in partnership with various health organisations.

Graduate are awarded a joint diploma co-signed by the EU partners, the MSc. from TMU (depending on the student’s choice for the Master thesis) and digital graduation certificates.

History of the master

EMMaH is a two-year joint Master degree covering a rich multidisciplinary curriculum, from biomedical technologies and clinical research to healthcare business. The healthcare diagnostics sector is challenged by novel disruptive technologies and healthcare practices toward a patient-centred vision. This fast-moving sector, boosted by innovation and demographic evolutions, must confront changes in the healthcare and business landscapes.

The European Master in Medical Technology and Healthcare Business EMMaH is a joint programme awarded by four HEIs: Université de Lille in France (ULille), Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg in Germany (HAW), Instituto Politécnico Do Porto in Portugal (IPP) and Taipei Medical University in Taiwan (TMU).

The Faculty of Life Sciences at HAW Hamburg, the ILIS faculty at the ULille have a long history of academic cooperation and already run a joint degree programme at master level in biomedical engineering.

In 2013, the idea of developing a new joint master programme emerged by including a third partner in order to broaden the content of the curriculum and to aim at an even more international studentship.

The idea of adding a new partner emerged and in January 2015, they welcomed IPP in Porto. The partners were guided by the idea that Europe's strength lies in its diversity.

The new partnership was founded to encourage students to study within an international group in different European settings for a better mutual understanding of cultural diversity. The three institutions also brought three different fields of expertise to the partnership: HAW puts emphasis on technical aspects, IPP on clinical aspects and ULille on economic aspects of medical technology and healthcare business.

Thanks to these specificities, the programme overcomes traditional disciplinary boundaries. The design of the new joint programme European Master in Medical Technology and Healthcare Business started in 2015. A trilateral cooperation agreement was signed in 2016 to manage the joint curriculum and its implementation. The first intake of students took place in September 2017.

In 2021, the steering committee decided to include a new partner to the EMMaH programme: Taipei Medical University in Taiwan (TMU); based on the already existing cooperation between TMU and ULille. A new cooperation agreement is currently being signed.

The EMMaH programme is taught in English and starts in September each year with a group of students that stays together during the whole cycle. From the beginning, all partners valued EMMaH for being in line with the international framework of joint programme and the definition from the Lisbon Convention.

Consortium partners

The European Master in Medical Technology and Healthcare Business is a joint and multidisciplinary master program organized by three higher education institutions. EMMaH was designed during 2015 and a cooperation agreement was signed in 2016. The curriculum for this Master’s program has been designed, implemented and administered jointly by the three partners and started in September 2017.
In 2021, a new partner joined the master program: Taipei Medical University, and a new cooperation agreement is currently being signed between the four partners.

  • Université de Lille – UFR3S-Ingénierie et Management de la Santé (ILIS)
  • Hamburg University of Applied Sciences — Fakultät Life Sciences (HAW Hamburg)
  • Instituto Politécnico Do Porto - Escola Superior de Saúde (ESS P. Porto)
  • Taipei Medical University – College of Biomedical engineering (TMU)

Curriculum Overview

The general objectives of this master are to (1) incorporate knowledge for the development of competences and skills within management and product marketing with applications in the medical field, and (2) enable students to adapt to change and overcome present and future challenges of the international market. 

It also intends to push students to develop specific skills such as:

  • understanding and developing different scenarios from medical, technical, clinical and economic points of views;
  • developing methodological, social, cultural and personal skills;
  • acquiring knowledge about product management and marketing in the medical field;
  • being capable of engagement and flexibility in an international context. 

Finally it promotes contact between students with different educational experiences at European HEIs and an understanding of Asian experience.

Thanks to the structure and content of the curriculum, students can achieve the following intended learning outcomes:

process and interpret clinical data; apply business orientation to the healthcare; interact with multiple stakeholders such as hospitals, biotech companies or health institutions; imagine new technical and business solutions to enhance patients’ well-being.

Thus, EMMaH will contribute to enhance the attractiveness of European Higher Education around the world and attract talent to Europe through academic cooperation and individual mobility. 

Aside from the relevance of these scientific areas to the expansion of the medical industry, the geographic locations of this consortium’s 4 institutions bring unique added value to attract excellent students from around the world.

Students enrolled in EMMaH have access to training, facilities, hospitals, and expertise not available in one academic setting alone and only possible through the consortium cooperation.

Mobility program

The students enrolled in EMMaH master spend a first semester in Hamburg, Germany to study at HAW-Hamburg, a second semester at Porto, Portugal to study at IPP; a third semester at Lille, France to study at ILIS. 

They are offered to spend the fourth semester at Taipei, Taiwan to write their master thesis at Taipei Medical University and do an internship in one of their partners’ organizations.

They can also write their master thesis and do an optional internship anywhere else in the world.


Master in Medical Technology and Healthcare Business (120 ECTS)

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate


Academic requirements 

  • Student application for admission in the EMMaH programme is entitled for students holding a Higher education (HE) undergraduate degree (e.g., Bachelor degree, Licence, 180ECTS) or a recognised equivalent level of learning in accordance with the EMMaH Master programme.
  • The expected scientific background is the following: Health Sciences, Biomedical engineering, Audiology, Clinical Physiology, Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy or equivalent. 
  • Candidates should provide in the application procedure a convincing demonstration that they have a strong background related to the indicated fields.
  • Students should provide a proof of HE undergraduate degree by application with their official academic transcript and average grade.
  • Students who do not yet have their official HE undergraduate degree by application date may apply by submitting their latest academic transcript translated in English and officially approved by their higher education institute which must display their marks on each module taken and average grade so far. If selected, they have to provide their official degree or certificate of HE undergraduate degree achievement by the 30th of August, or their enrolment to the programme will be canceled.

Language proficiency

The whole EMMaH programme is taught in English and English proficiency is therefore a basic requirement. All non-English native speakers must attest a valid B2 English level (CEFR – Common European Framework of Reference) or equivalent:

  • IELTS 6.0 to 6.5;
  • TOEFL iBT 88;
  • Cambridge First or Advanced;

2 years full-time studies minimum in English (certificate from the previous university).

Applicant must provide a certificate for their English level at the time of the application, as a mandatory document.


Deadline: February 16, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

Study grants

Erasmus Mundus grant

By applying to the EMMaH Master programme, you can apply for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) scholarship, by mentioning your choice while filling in the application form.

The EMJM scholarship amounts to 1400€ per month, for a total duration of 24 months. It includes a waiver for participation fees and covers all living costs of the students (travel, accommodation, visa, etc.).

Students from all over the world are eligible for EMJM scholarships under some conditions:

  • the applicant has never been beneficiary from a EMJM scholarship nor a Erasmus Mundus Master Course and Students who have already benefited from an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) scholarship can apply for a 'new generation' Eramus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) scholarship
  • the applicant undertakes to waive any other EMJM scholarship for the duration of the EMMaH course
  • no more than 10 % of the total number of scholarships awarded during project implementation should be awarded to candidates from the same nationality (this rule does not apply to top up scholarships for targeted regions of the world, if applicable)
  • the financial support shall be repaid by the scholarship holder in case of fraud or false declaration.

For further information about EMJM scholarships, please consult the Erasmus+ Programme guide for rules and regulation (website of the European Commission) or the selection procedure section or contact us writing to


Admitted students can obtain UFA grant as the EMMaH master is included in the catalog of UFA trainings. Students benefit from the grant when they are in a different country than the one in which they applied. The grant can go from one semester to two semesters depending on the student situation. For example, a student registered at Lille can benefit from the grant during his/her semester in Hamburg+his/her semester in Porto. The grant is directly proposed and managed by the partner universities once students have been accepted to the program. Students receive 300€ per month. UFA also offers language training previous to the start of the semester in Lille and in Hamburg. For more information on UFA:

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