FUSION-EP - European Master of Science in Nuclear Fusion and Engineering Physics

Deadline: February 15, 2025




  • Belgium
  • Czech Republic
  • France
  • Germany
  • Spain
Gent, Prague, Metz, Marseille, Stuttgart, Madrid


Magnetic confinement fusion is a field aiming at delivering a sustainable, carbon-free massive energy production track within a few decades. The field has changed gear since the ITER International Organisation has been set up and started to build the ITER device in the EU. The FUSION-EP programme, created in 2006, aims at training the next generations of magnetic confinement fusion physicists and engineers. Since the academic year 2019/2020, FUSION-EP shifted the coordination from University of Gent to Aix-Marseille University in order to put forward new objectives.


The FUSION-EP programme is organized in two periods of increasing spezialisation in two different countries, until the 3rd semester's distinct track possibilities: Fusion Sciences and Fusion Technology. A very comprehensive insight into the cutting-edge R&D in nuclear fusion is guaranteed by the broad range of expertise available in the Consortium.

In addition to its strong internationalization, a unique feature of FUSION-EP is the stimulation of the students' learning performances by innovative training methods. One on-line and three mobility joint sessions are implemented throughout the curriculum, during which, the students practice their academic knowledge in research situations. They enrich their set of transferrable skills by working in a multicultural environment. Each summer a 4-day event is a further opportunity for the students to meet each other and visiting scholars and lecturers.

The fourth semester is focused on the application of the learning outcomes in a professional situation. This placement period is used to prepare the Master thesis at a partner or in industry. The defense of the student’s master thesis is held in public during the Summer event, attended by all students.


Every student will stay at two different host universities, each during 2 semesters.

The host universities are:

  • Ghent University, Gent
  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3) or Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Madrid
  • Université de Lorraine, Nancy/Metz
  • Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart
  • Aix-Marseille University, Marseille
  • Czech Technical University, Prague

Self-funded EU and non-EU students already present in one of the partner universities for M1 can apply for regular Erasmus+ exchange support when going to one of the other partner universities for M2.

During the second semester the M1 students are invited to meet the M2 students during 2 days in Cadarache (near ITER)

During the 3rd semester the students will stay two weeks at the IPP Prague research centre (see Joint Experimentation) and during the last semester all students will spend two weeks at CEA-IRFM in Cadarache near ITER. (see Joint Practicum)

During the month of July, each year in a different partner university, both M1 and M2 students spend one week together for the Summer Eventwhere the M2 students defend their master thesis and graduate.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Minimum graduate admission requirements:

  • A bachelor's degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution (minimum 3 years study or an equivalent 180 ECTS)
  • Sufficient undergraduate training to do graduate work in the chosen field
  • A satisfactory academic average and ranking within the peer group

The application to the FUSION-EP master programme is open to all students who have or are in the process of obtaining a Bachelor's degree or a recognized equivalent academic degree of minimum 3 years study (180 ECTS or more)  in physics or engineering (nuclear, materials, chemical, electrical). 

Applicants with another degree but with experience or knowledge in one of these fields can be admitted on decision by the FUSION-EP Steering Committee on the basis of their CV and other evidences.

Minimum knowledge about (a course credit proving this minimum knowledge is mandatory):

  • Quantum mechanics, comparable to the content of the following edition: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, by Brian Harold Bransden, C J Joachain (ISBN: 047021161X). 
  • Statistical physics or Thermodynamics, comparable to the content of the following edition: Statistical Physics, by Mandl, (ISBN10: 0471915335 or ISBN13: 9780471915331(The Manchester Physics Series)
  • Electromagnetism, comparable to the content of the following edition: Classical electrodynamics, by J.D. Jackson (ISBN: 0-471-30932-X)

Admission decisions are based on a combination of factors, including academic degrees and records, the statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, test scores, language skills and relevant work experience, if any. We also consider the appropriateness of your goals to the FUSION-EP programme. In addition, consideration may be given to the expectable contribution of your background and life experience to an educationally beneficial mix of students.

Language requirements:

(TOEFLE PAPER: 580 TOEFLE  CBT: 230 TOEFLE IBT: 90  IELTS: 6,5 with a minimum of 6.0 for each part) or Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE), grade C - CAE, or a proof that you have been enrolled  and successful for at least two years in a 100% English-speaking programme

Highly recommended: 

GRE test on physics, especially if you have studied in a non-European university.

Transcript of results

Note that your application will not be considered  if you do not upload the transcript of results of the last two academic years.

EMJMD scholarship eligibility

Students who have previously obtained an EMJMD scholarship or an Erasmus Mundus Master Course/Joint Doctorate scholarship are not eligible to apply for an additional scholarship under the EMJMD action. EMJMD scholarship holders cannot benefit from another EU funded scholarship scheme to follow the same EMJMD course and this for the entire period of the course.


Deadline: February 15, 2025

Cost/funding for participants


About 15 two-years EMJMD Scholarships can be obtained during the selection procedure.

Eligibility to these scholarships is defined according to the Erasmus+ programme.

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