FemTechLab (autumn 2024 cohort)

Deadline: As soon as possible


Trainings & Fellowships


  • Online
  • United Kingdom
Virtual, London


The global ecosystem of startups, experts and investors in women’s health and wellness. We are unlocking the blue ocean of female health & wellness for a fairer, better world.

Join the revolution!


The Leading Global FemTech Accelerator

  • Superstar Experts - Work with world-class experts from Google, Maven, SVB, Bumble, NHS, OCON, and, any more
  • Top Investors - Pitch to the most prominent healthtech and femtech Angels and VCs in the world
  • Mental Fitness - Grow as a confident, resilient leader. Business success startswith the founders

The 12-Week Program

Our program is uniquely designed around the specific needs of the women’s health technology sector.
The format is a hybrid between virtual and in-person sessions. The majority of the workshops and mentoring will be conducted virtually. There will be two intensive in-person bootcamps in London.


  • Twice a year, we run a 3 month program that helps 10-15 selected startups take their products to market.
  • During the program, our startups get access to world-class experts and resources to scale their product development, access relevant go-to-market channels, and raise funds.
  • Alongside business growth, we help founders grow as leaders to set them up for future success and scale.

Welcome Week

First week of the program is all about getting to know each other and setting ambitious goals for the upcoming months.

  • meet fellow cohort participants and get to know each other’s stories
  • meet experts and share your product demos
  • define personal and business goals for the program
  • define big vision and strategy

Money Mondays

Fundraising is not just about finding investors. During the Fundraising Sprint, founders will work through key challenges that come with raising funding:

  • fundraising and valuation strategy
  • legals
  • selling your vision & pitch prep
  • cashflow strategy and tax

There is nothing that prepares founders better for pitching, than actually pitching. We won’t wait until Demo Day to introduce you to investors. Throughout the program, founders will have curated, one-to-one meetings with global venture capital firms, funds, and angel networks.

Week 2-4 - Product Sprint

The program starts with a two-week Product Sprint where founders will attend workshops, receive individual feedback, and future-proof their product strategy by:

  • aligning product features to clinical and patient expectations
  • building a scaleable AI & data strategy
  • avoiding common data privacy mistakes
  • finding the best ways to engage customers using UX & gamification methodologies

Week 5-10 - Market Sprint

Building a great product does is not enough for business success, a lot of life-changing FemTech products never get to customers! We’re changing this. Creating a winning marketing & distribution strategy for each startup is the goal of our Market Sprint.

We will cover the following:

  • finding the best go-to-market channels for your product or service
  • marketing to the consumer through social media
  • finding distribution partners and marketplaces
  • navigating the complexities of getting into public health systems in Europe (e.g. NHS)
  • partnerships with insurance
  • partnerships with healthcare & life sceince corporates
  • B2B sales to corporates and big pharma
  • expanding into the US market 

By the end of Week 6, each startup will have a refined proposition statement and pitch materials.

Demo Day

Fundraising is not just about finding investors. During the Fundraising Sprint, founders will work through key challenges that come with raising funding:

  • cashflow strategy and tax
  • fundraising strategy
  • legals
  • selling your vision & pitch prep

Every Friday - Leadership & Mindset Coaching

We believe that company success starts from founders mental health and resilience. Therefore, every friday we will offer workshops and individual sessions on a range of topics including:

  • overcoming imposter syndrome
  • burnout prevention
  • leadership & culture
  • mindfulness
  • talks from inspiring FemTech & HealthTech founders 

The program also includes HR workshops covering:

  • hiring strategy and growing teams
  • company culture
  • diversity in teams
  • efficient remote working

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

What we are looking for

We target early-stage FemTech companies on a mission to make the world a better place by empowering women.

  • Early-stage FemTechs: You are an early-stage startup that leverages technology to create and scale innovative solutions for female health & wellness.
  • Strong Founders: You are ambitious and passionate founders, open to learn and grow during the program.
  • Disruptive Product: You are building a tech product with a mission to make an impact and disrupt the status quo.
  • MVP Ready: You have at least an MVP or prototype tested, have user feedback and now working on your go-to-market strategy.

What qualifies as FemTech?

Software, diagnostics, and products for:

  • Female specific health issues such as fertility & birth control, menstruation & period care products, menopause, chronic conditions & hormonal disorders, pelvic health, pregnancy & post pregnancy, breast feeding, sexual wellness.
  • Emerging health spaces that recognise gender specific healthcare, wellness & mental health such as osteoporosis, breast cancer, autoimmune conditions, stroke, thyroid issues, chronic fatigue, anxiety, and depression.
  • Products that empower women: such as personal finance and education.


Deadline: As soon as possible

Cost/funding for participants


There is no fee to apply. For those companies accepted into the program, FemTech Lab takes 5% of the fully diluted equity of your company, at the current valuation. If you have raised significant capital already, we may adjust our offer as appropriate. We are part of over 100 strong angel investor network, and we will be helping with funding for all our accelerated companies.

We will offer a couple of paid places in our cohorts to companies that pass our selection process, but don’t match our investment strategy.

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