German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) - International PhD Program

Deadline: April 24, 2025




  • Germany
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg


The Helmholtz International Graduate School for Cancer Research in Heidelberg is the interdisciplinary and international PhD program for all students working at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). Our PhD students conduct research at the forefront of basic, computational, epidemiological and translational cancer research.


The DKFZ International PhD Program is a structured program providing its doctoral researchers with tailored mentoring and training in cancer research. The doctoral research projects are conducted at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg or Dresden, or its partner sites across Germany within the German Cancer Consortium, National Centers for Tumor Disease, the Helmholtz Institute for Translational Oncology and the DKFZ-Hector Cancer Institute at the University Medical Center Mannheim.

Reflecting the breadth of scientific topics represented within the Program, our doctoral researchers are enrolled in top universities across Germany, pursuing doctoral titles that best suit their scientific expertise. These range from Dr. rer. nat. (natural sciences), Dr. sc. hum. and Dr. med. (human sciences and medicine) to Dr.-Ing. (engineering sciences).

The DKFZ International PhD Program has a lively network of active members, who organize regular scientific networking activities and social events. In collaboration with the DKFZ Career Service & Alumni Relations, the Program offers comprehensive guidance and career development resources, providing a strong foundation upon which our members take their next career step. Our alumni pursue a diverse range of career opportunities in academia and industry.

The DKFZ is Germany’s largest biomedical research institute and has an international and dynamic work environment, providing students with access to state-of-the-art research facilities and exceptional resources. More than 500 PhD students in over 100 divisions and research groups carry out research to unravel the causes and mechanisms of cancer development and to identify novel tools for diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

“When I found out about the international PhD Program at the DKFZ, I knew this was where I wanted to be: Cutting edge cancer research in one of the most renowned institutes in Germany in a beautiful and multicultural city is the perfect combination. My PhD studies at the DKFZ are a unique experience not only academically but they also enable my personal growth and cultural exchange.”
(Antonino from Argentina, PhD student at the DKFZ)

Online Application

Please apply using our Online Application System (the system will open approx. two months before the next application deadline).

In the application form, you ar asked to provide information about your educational qualifications, honors, skills and interests.statement of motivation is also required and letters of recommendation from two referees. When filling in the online form, remember to have electronic copies (PDF files of not more than 3MB) of your academic certificates and English language certificate to upload with your application. If you have questions about the online application process, please check the Application Guidelines and FAQs.


Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

University Degrees

Applicants holding (or expecting to hold) a university master's degree (MSc or equivalent) including a written master's research thesis are eligible to apply. Our PhD students typically have a background in (molecular) biology, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, mathematics, computational biology, computer science or epidemiology/public health studies.

Applicants still studying for their degree should anticipate to receive it not later than 6 months after the application deadline. A provisional certificate or bona fide statement from the University, stating the examination marks already obtained, should be provided. During completion of the online application form, you will be required to upload a scanned copy of your certificates as a JPEG or PDF file of not more than 3MB.

In case you hold a degree that is NOT a MSc but that you think is equivalent to a MSc (including a written master's thesis), please contact the Graduate Program Office, listing the name of the degree in the original language and the English translation and we will inform you whether you are eligible to apply. 

Degrees from countries outside the European Union are subject to a recognition procedure if a faculty of a German university is chosen. The faculty may ask for additional qualifications or an entrance examination to be completed in the early phase of the thesis work. Payment might be lower in this period.

If you hold a bachelor degree, you are unfortunately not eligible to apply. However, you might be interested in the Master's Program Major Cancer Biology, organized by the German Cancer Research Center in collaboration with the University of Heidelberg.


Deadline: April 24, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

PhD Funding

All PhD positions at the DKFZ are fully funded for three years. The salaries are competitive by national standards. There is no tuition fee.

All PhD students at the DKFZ are enrolled at the Helmholtz International Graduate School for Cancer Research, regardless of how they are funded.

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