As soon as possible
United Kingdom United States of America Worldwide
The German students who qualify for a Haniel scholarship from the study foundation each year are given the perfect preparation for a future in an international company. This gives them the opportunity to then embark on business-related postgraduate studies at leading universities around the world.
The Haniel Programme comprises a further degree course abroad and an internship of at least two months. Both must be organised in advance by the applicants themselves. Apart from classic projects like MBA or LL.M courses, applicants are encouraged to propose their own ideas. Former scholars included an architect with the aim of a Master’s degree in Real Estate Development in New York – or an Arabic specialist who took a Master’s in Economics in International Development in Cairo.
Opportunity for graduates
Together with the German National Academic Foundation, the Haniel Foundation has been supporting young graduates since 1992. It offers up to eight scholarships every year for a business-related postgraduate course in or outside Europe. This allows young German scholars to acquire supplementary qualifications to take up responsibilities in multinational companies and international organisations.
Open to all subject areas
The scholarship program is one of the most highly subsidised programmes in Germany. It consists of a Master's degree course lasting at least two semesters. This is then followed by an internship of several months. The minimum requirement for applicants is a Bachelor's degree. The German National Academic Foundation is in charge of the application process and selects the scholars to receive support.
Das konkrete Studienvorhaben ist vom Bewerber selbst zu formulieren. Es sollte sein Interesse an wirtschaftlichen Fragestellungen widerspiegeln. Die Zulassung an der gewünschten Hochschule sowie die Vorbereitungen für das Praktikum liegen in der Verantwortung des Bewerbers.
Nach einer Vorauswahl werden die „Finalisten“ zu Auswahlgesprächen im Februar/März eingeladen.
Bewerbungsschluss ist der 15. November. Es gilt das Datum des Eingangsstempels der Studienstiftung! Bewerbungsunterlagen sowie die FAQ zum Bewerbungsverfahren können auf der Homepage der Studienstiftung unter www.studienstiftung.de/haniel.html heruntergeladen werden.
Opportunity is About
Candidates should be from:
Description of Ideal Candidate
Deadline: As soon as possible
Cost/funding for participants
Aufnahme in die Studienstiftung
Monatliches Vollstipendium (in europäischen Ländern 1.200 Euro, in Großbritannien, den USA und den meisten außereuropäischen Ländern 1.500 Euro)
Übernahme der Studiengebühren für max. 2 Jahre (in den USA bis zu 14.000 Euro/Jahr, in Großbritannien bis zu 12.000 Euro/Jahr und in allen übrigen Ländern bis zu 10.000 Euro/Jahr)
Einmaliges Startgeld in Höhe von 500 Euro
Einmalige Reisekostenpauschale in Höhe von 1.000 Euro
Internships, scholarships, student conferences and competitions.