Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) - Summer Student Program (2025)

Deadline: February 23, 2025


NGO & Institutes Fellowship & Research


  • Germany
Bautzner Landstraße 400, 01328 Dresden


Our summer student program is addressed to senior university students of natural and related sciences, who want to join our research teams in Dresden some time between July and September. University students from all over the world are welcome to apply.


Welcome to our research center in „Florence on the Elbe“

Each summer between July and September, the HZDR offers the possibility to join our research groups and participate in their activities.

This offer applies to international senior university students of natural sciences and related areas.

Our researchers design a project plan for you, supervise, and coach you throughout the whole project. A selected range of lectures and lab tours, which introduce you into the different branches of our research center, complete the program.

With this program, we contribute to the development of scientific research at an international and interdisciplinary level. We are convinced of the synergetic effect of integrative knowledge.

What is the goal of the program?

Research at the HZDR has many facets, providing students with the unique opportunity of working in natural sciences (physical and life sciences) while focusing on fundamental or application driven research or technology development. Summer students will be an integral part of research groups. The tasks, which will be assigned to the summer students, will include hands-on operations in the labs to data analysis, scientific computing and theoretical science. It is a good opportunity to learn about day-to-day scientific life.

In which language is the program conducted?

English will be the language of communication at the workplace. We expect applicants to be fluent in English (spoken and written).

How long will the Summer Student program last?

Students and their supervisors can agree on the period of time they will be at HZDR. The minimum length of stay is six weeks and the maximum is nine weeks. Based on previous years' experience, we recommend a stay of eight weeks. It is important that participants are present during the entire lecture period (calendar week 31 to 35).

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Who will become an HZDR summer student?

Participants will be selected based on the quality of their resume, their academic grades and the content of the letter of recommendation from a professor, group leader or scientist from their university, capable of evaluating the applicant’s performance and achievements.

Am I an eligible candidate for the Summer Student Program?

If you are interested in applying for the summer students program, please check that you fulfill the following requirements:

  • You are a university student of natural sciences (physical or life sciences) or related studies.
  • You must have a valid university enrollment covering the whole period of the program from July till September 2025.
  • You must have finished at least 3 years of total university studies before the upcoming summer (Bachelor degree or official confirmation required).
  • You can prove a good academic performance through your grades and a letter of recommendation written by a professor or scientist from your university who knows you and your work and is in the position to evaluate it.
  • You have good knowledge of the English language in order to take part in all activities of the program.
  • Applicants already holding a master's degree but not being student of a different course as well as PhD students are not eligible for the program.
  • Students who had a contract/stipend at HZDR one year before first of July of the targeted year are not eligible for the summer student program.
  • If you are not enrolled at a university (e.g., you are holding a bachelor's degree and you are only planning a master's studies course) you are not eligible for the summer student program.


Deadline: February 23, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

What kind of support will the students receive?

The students will receive the following scientific and financial benefits:

  • Scientific lectures (between calendar week 31 and 35)
  • Individual discussions and meetings with their supervisor
  • Feedback about their overall performance at the end of the program
  • Free accommodation during the whole stay
  • A grant of 36,-€ per day (enough to cover everyday expenses)
  • Travel insurance and bus tickets
  • There will be no financial support available for the flight tickets or other trip costs.
  • Generally, students are responsible for trip and visa issues.
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