Holcim Awards 2025

Deadline: February 11, 2025


Creative Ideas Design


  • Online


The Holcim Awards is the world’s most significant competition for sustainable design and showcases the potential for sustainable design and sustainable construction approaches to transform the building sector.



  • The Holcim Awards competition recognizes and promotes projects that combine sustainable design and sustainable construction with architectural excellence.
  • The global competition is conducted in five geographic regions: Europe, North America, Latin America, Middle East Africa, and Asia Pacific.
  • Independent expert juries will evaluate submissions and nominate the winners.

What's New

  • The revised competition supports a redefined mission of the Foundation to accelerate the global movement for sustainable construction and stimulating the transfer of knowledge across the community.
  • Holcim Awards will be held bi-annually starting from 2023, with results announced in the same calendar year.
  • Entries are evaluated using the Foundation’s renewed goals for sustainable construction (Uplifting places, a Healthy planet, Viable economics, and Thriving communities).
  • The entry process requests more detailed sustainability data points.

How to Enter

  • Entry is free.
  • The next Holcim Awards competition will open for entries in late 2024 and close in early 2025.
  • Jury meetings will be held in mid-2025 and the results of the competition will be announced in late 2025.
  • Entry content includes a project summary, details on the project author/team, images, and information on the sustainability data points that are most relevant to the project.
  • Submissions must be in English.
  • No limit to the number of entries an individual/team may submit.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate


  • Project must not have started construction before January 1, 2024.
  • Projects may be at the following stages: detailed design, completed design, under construction, and completed construction.
  • Projects must be client-supported – commissioned by a client for the purpose of real-world execution. The project submission must include contact details of the client who may be contacted for due diligence purposes if the project is nominated for a prize by the jury.


Deadline: February 11, 2025

Cost/funding for participants


  • USD 1 million in total prize money (USD 200,000 per region) will be shared between winners of a Holcim Awards Gold, Silver, Bronze prize, and additional Acknowledgement prizes in each region.
  • Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners from all regions will be invited to the prize announcement to be held at the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2025.
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