Innovate UK Grants

Deadline: As soon as possible




  • United Kingdom


Businesses and research organisations can apply to funding competitions to help them develop their innovations. Browse, register and apply for our current competitions, or find out about those opening soon.


All of the current and forthcoming funding competitions run by Innovate UK are published here.

You can apply for funding to test the feasibility of your idea, research and develop it and demonstrate it in a prototype.

Innovate UK funding competitions cover the following industry sectors:

  • emerging and enabling technologies
  • infrastructure systems
  • health and life sciences
  • manufacturing and materials

We also have an open programme that is not sector based. Browse, register and apply for our current competitions.

For regular competition updates, sign up to our newsletter.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

The eligibility criteria are described in both the Competition Brief and the Competition Guidance for each competition. Your project will need to both meet the eligibility criteria and directly address the scope of the competition if it is to be considered for funding within a particular competition.


Deadline: As soon as possible

Cost/funding for participants

Funding varies for each competition. The Competition Brief and the Competition Guidance for Applicants will state the levels of funding available for each competition. Some competitions will have co-funders in the form of other public sector bodies, in addition to Innovate UK. Details of any co-funders for a specific competition are available in the Competition Brief.
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