Institute for Political Ecology - Junior Fellowship Programme

Deadline: As soon as possible


Fellowship & Research


  • Croatia


Institute for Political Ecology (IPE) is a research and educational organisation that designs alternative development models and innovative institutional frameworks for democratic political and economic transformation of society. The Institute addresses contemporary ecological changes as social phenomena that reduce or magnify social inequalities and influence power relations. IPE carries out transdisciplinary research and educational programmes in cooperation with domestic and international institutions and organisations. Based on these, IPE provides expert analyses and a discussion platform for social movements and political and economic actors in Croatia and abroad that advocate ecologically sustainable, just and democratic society.

This junior fellowship programme aims to support research and advocacy work of young scholars who have demonstrated exceptional motivation to tackle key social, political and environmental challenges of the 21st century.


The primary output of the fellowship will be a draft policy paper of publishing standard or a draft academic article (possibly in co-authorship with senior researchers associated with IPE). The fellowship is open to all academic disciplines, but research undertaken by the selected candidate should be related to the Institute’s priority research topic: “SUPER DONUT: Sustainability on the periphery – distilling numbers for tomorrow”. Therefore, we particularly aim for applicants with a background in (ecological and heterodox) economics, (critical) development studies, political ecology and similar fields.

The SUPER DONUT research project builds on Kate Raworth’s doughnut model that visually quantifies the constraints of planetary boundaries and social thresholds, with the green ring or doughnut representing the space within which we must strive to remain. IPE's "Degrowth Donut" reshapes the original model to reflect the constraints of a safe, just and sustainable degrowth transition by rethinking the idea of thresholds and planetary boundaries. It visualizes the scale and possible pathways for the transformation of national and global sociometabolic practices by dividing boundaries and thresholds into three domains: cultural, socioeconomic, and biophysical. Understanding that excesses and shortfalls of current and foreseeable socio-metabolic practices exist in cultural, socioeconomic and biophysical aspects of nations’ social metabolisms allows us to build on nations’ sustainability potentials. The aim of the model and its visual tool is to inform their populations about the direction and scale of the change strategies they could adopt to contribute to the global effort of maintaining the planetary population within the safe and just operating space of the doughnut under known advantages and constraints of the 21st century. The project’s focus in 2021 will be continuing to develop the visualisation tool and the online user console. You can learn more about it here: This year’s fellow will help prepare the technical and narrative presentation of the degrowth donut concept and interactive data visualisation console. They can use it to develop localised interpretations of degrowth or postgrowth perspectives, local strategies or conditions for implementing a specific concept or idea rooted in the post-growth or degrowth debate.


To apply for the fellowship, candidates are invited to prepare a motivation letter indicating a topic to which they would like to devote their fellowship time in accordance to the above described Fellowship program. Candidates are encouraged to develop their autonomous research proposals in line with the research objectives set out in this call and should not expect content instructions from IPE staff and associates in the application phase.

An application must include:

  • a motivation letter in English (1 page, font 12),
  • a curriculum vitae in English, including a list of publications (academic and/or those demonstrating social engagement),
  • two letters of recommendation (minimum one academic),
  • voice contact details (telephone, Skype) for interview, and
  • preferred date of starting the fellowship.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

As a minimum set of requirements, the candidates are expected to have:

  • a Master’s level degree (or equivalent) in any academic discipline,

  • an active competence in English,

  • quantitative skills and a basic command of international databases.


Deadline: As soon as possible

Cost/funding for participants

The IPE junior research fellowship is a full-time, 6 months long paid fellowship. Fellows are required to work from the IPE office in Zagreb. The fellowship can start at your earliest convenience.

The fellow will receive a stipend of EUR 800 net per month (in HRK equivalent) to cover accommodation, living expenses, travel, health insurance and other costs related to their stay in Zagreb. In addition, IPE will provide the fellow with office space and in-house research and administrative facilities. Halfway through their fellowship, the fellow will present their research project to the IPE team and should expect an evaluation of their outputs and cooperation with the IPE team by the Academic Council of IPE.

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