Intercultural Trainer Academy (Summer Academy 2024) - Jacobs University

Deadline: As soon as possible

Program Starts: August 05, 2024

Program Ends: August 16, 2024


Summer & Winter Schools


  • Germany


Do you want to become an Intercultural Trainer?

Are you working in the training or education field and seek to refresh and deepen your theoretical knowledge on intercultural competence?

Are you interested in delivering training on intercultural competence and seek to learn more about training design, tools, and methods?

The Intercultural Trainer Academy has it all for you, bringing together theory and practice on intercultural competence and intercultural training.


General Information

Our living and working environment is affected by globalization and internationalization. Hence, the ability to effectively communicate and interact with others in intercultural settings has become a necessity. Intercultural competence is widely considered one of the key skills needed to succeed in ever more diverse societies and workplaces. Still it is one thing to acquire intercultural competence, but it is quite another to pass it on to others. It requires extensive knowledge and skills. This is what the Intercultural Trainer Academy will equip you with.

The Intercultural Trainer Academy is an intensive 10-day program which offers the opportunity to become an intercultural trainer. It is organized twice a year in January, organized by InterCultur and Jacobs University, and in August, organized only by InterCultur. The Intercultural Trainer Academy offers a unique blend of theory and practice tailored to your individual needs and interests. Theoretical input from intercultural scholars will be complemented by insights from lecturers and practitioners of InterCultur and Jacobs University Bremen on how to teach intercultural competence in intercultural trainings.

Upon successful completion of the full 10-day course you will receive an Intercultural Trainer Certificate.


The Intercultural Trainer Academy does not only allow you to deepen your understanding of theoretical frameworks regarding intercultural learning, but also to further develop your practical competencies and knowledge, enabling you to work as an intercultural trainer in various settings.

We strongly value combining theory and practice – thus, our Intercultural Trainer Academy is run by a team of academics and trainers, all of which are experts in their field with extensive experience in international environments.

Topics covered (for more information, see course overview)

  • Intercultural theory and research (from cross-cultural psychology perspective)
  • Training design and facilitation (for different target groups)
  • Learning and teaching styles in different cultural contexts
  • Tools and (experiential learning) methods for intercultural training
  • Visualization techniques


The Intercultural Trainer Academy uses a strong blend of theory and practice, complementing practical sessions with input on intercultural theory and research.

In the summer edition of the Intercultural Trainer Academy, organized by InterCultur, all topics are covered using a blend of theoretical and practical parts throughout the entire 10-day program. Theoretical parts are taught by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kühnen from Jacobs University Bremen and practical sessions are facilitated by experienced trainers from InterCultur gGmbH, such as Prof. Annette Gisevius, Dr. Nadine Binder and Lea Schaumann. In contrast to the winter edition, the group is not split up during the first four days (because the total group size in summer is smaller). To obtain the certificate “Intercultural Trainer” (issued by InterCultur gGmbH) the full 10-day program has to be completed.

In the winter edition of the Intercultural Trainer Academy, organized by InterCultur and Jacobs University Bremen, the group is split up during the first four days. Group A  (those with prior training experience) get a chance to learn more about theory and research in the intercultural field with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kühnen from Jacobs University. Group B* (those with a strong academic background in intercultural theory) get an opportunity to learn more about training basics with experienced trainers from InterCultur gGmbH, such as Prof. Annette Gisevius, Dr. Nadine Binder and Lea Schaumann. On days 5-7, the groups come together to deepen their knowledge and skills in a blend of theoretical and practical parts on topics such as training design, training methods, and learning and teaching styles in different cultural contexts. On days 8 to 10 you will design and facilitate a 70-minute intercultural training session and receive intensive feedback from the group and instructors. Upon succesful completion of the full 10-day course, participants are awarded the certificate “Intercultural Trainer” issued by Jacobs University and InterCultur gGmbH.

* Please note that some spots in Group B are reserved for Master students at Jacobs University. We reserve the right to close registration for Group B once the maximum number of participants has been reached. 

Please note: In the winter edition, enrolled university students can obtain 5 European Credit Points (ECTS) upon completion course. To receive ECTS, students also need to submit a  paper (details will be provided by the instructor).

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate


The Intercultural Trainer Academy seeks to support people who are interested in teaching intercultural competence, such as:

  • Trainers, who have already gathered experience and would like to start working in an intercultural context.
  • Professionals and/or multipliers, who are committed or devoted to intercultural learning, e.g. teachers or practitioners in the field of international youth work.
  • Advanced university students with an intercultural area of studies or/and their own international experiences, who would like to pass their theoretical knowledge through practical trainings.


Deadline: As soon as possible

Program starts:

August 05, 2024

Program ends:

August 16, 2024

Program Starts: August 05, 2024

Program Ends: August 16, 2024

Cost/funding for participants

The tuition fee for our face-to-face Academy is 1.400€ for the full 10-day course, including Intercultural Trainer certificate. The tuition fee covers participation in the course and all course material and does not include participants’ accommodation, travel costs, visa, and insurance.

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