Internship programme of German business for the countries of the Western Balkans

Don’t waste time! Increase your chances 3x.

Deadline: November 14, 2024




  • Germany


Annually, the Internship Programme of German Business offers up to 75 students and young graduates the opportunity to gain practical experience by doing internships in companies in Germany.

Triple your chances
of getting selected!


The scholarship holders have the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge they have acquired during their academic education within the framework of their company-specific internships in Germany.

They enrich their studies with practical knowledge, gain further understanding of their future professional developments and set milestones for their professional careers. The Internship Programme of German Business gives the scholarship holders an insight into market economy and corporate culture in Germany. By doing so, scholarship holders become familiar with modern management methods and increase their soft skills by living and working in Germany.

The internships last between three and six months. Scholarship holders are assigned to internship positions which match their academic background and their professional interests. The Internship Programme of German Business offers internships both in large and small as well as medium-sized companies. The Programme gives young professionals the opportunity to gain valuable professional and personal experience in Germany. It provides comprehensive organisational and administrative support and covers most of the costs before and during the stay of scholarship holders in Germany.

After completion of the internship, the scholarship holders are integrated into a very lively alumni network, which regularly offers a variety of further training measures to keep the alumni always up to date with current economic developments and labour market needs of their home countries.

Applying for the Internship Programme of German Business 

Join our Internship Programme of German Business for the Countries of the Western Balkans and become a scholarship holder of our generation 2025. Apply for a paid three to six months internship in a German company in Germany starting 1st July 2025.

The call for application will be open 1st October until 14th November 2024.

Doing an internship in Germany will change your life:

  • You will close the gap between your academic knowledge and the implementation of it on the labour market
  • You will find out in which direction you would (not) like to go regarding your further professional career.
  • You will increase your soft skills while living and working in Germany.
  • You will be able to dive into the experience of living on your own and be responsible for all aspects of everyday life yourself.
  • You will find friends for life! 

By joining our Internship Programme of German Business, you will become one of the 65 scholarship holders from the Countries of the Western Balkans who you will meet during the introductory week prior to the beginning of your internships. You will receive organisational and administrative support. Additionally, most of the costs prior and during your stay in Germany will also be covered.

This Programme will not end with your last day of internship. Upon your return to your home country, you will be integrated into a very lively alumni network which regularly offers a variety of further trainings to keep up to date with current economic developments and labour market needs of your home.

Are you interested? Do you need any further information? Check out the steps on how to apply and the information provided below. Feel free to come back to the project team with additional questions.

We can provide internships in the following professional fields:

  • Business Administration, Economics and Law
  • Finance
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Computer Science and Business Informatics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering and Logistics
  • Technology, Natural and Environmental Sciences
  • Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Journalism
  • Agriculture

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Who Can Apply?

  • You are either an undergraduate student (bachelor) and are enrolled at least in your 5th semester or higher when applying, or a Master or PhD student.
  • You are a young graduate who has graduated in 2023.
  • Your field of studies has a focus on economics, business administration, various fields of engineering such as electrical engineering, software engineering or chemical engineering, agriculture and food-industry, architecture or journalism. Check out the details on the right side.
  • You are not older than 28 years at the time of application
  • You have a good command of the English language. Knowing German is always an asset.
  • Knowing German language is a precondition for an internship in the fields of architecture, auditing, or commercial law (minimum required knowledge of German language: B2)
  • You are from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia and study or have completed your studies in one of these countries.

You are not eligible to apply, if:

  • You are from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro or Serbia, but are enrolled as a regular student at universities outside these countries.
  • You already completed BA or MA more than 1 year ago.
  • You completed your studies outside the region.
  • You study in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, or Serbia as a foreign student, but are originally from another country.


Deadline: November 14, 2024

Cost/funding for participants


The Programme provides comprehensive support and guidance in all organisational steps before and during the stay in Germany. Most of the costs during the preparation in your home country and your stay in Germany are covered by the Programme.

Organisational and administrative support

  1. The Programme supports you regarding:
    • the entire process of application and internship time
    • the communication with companies
    • the search for accommodation, communication with landladies/ landlords, and the signing of rental contracts
    • administrational procedures in Germany (health insurance, registrations, taxes)
  2. The Programme takes care of:
    • the visa application process
    • work permit
    • travel arrangements to Germany and back home
    • the mid-term meeting of your generation
  3. The Programme prepares you for your stay in Germany
    • exchange of experience with alumni and mentoring by alumni

    • preparatory meetings and team buildings in your home countries before leaving for Germany

    • introductory week (in Berlin and its surroundings: organisation, accommodation, travel arrangements). It will take place in the end of June 2024 and participation is obligatory for all scholarship holders

    • intercultural training during the introductory week

    • co-financing of a German language course during the internship

Financial assistance

  1. Finances:
    • a monthly scholarship of 400 EUR is provided by the German government
    • Companies either provide a sufficient paycheck for interns or take care of the costs of your accommodation and insurance
  2. Covered by the Programme:
    • preparatory meetings in home countries
    • flight ticket to Germany and back home
    • introductory week in Berlin
    • train tickets to the internship places
    • mid-term meeting in Germany
    • The visa is free of charge
  3. Participants cover:
    • costs for the translation of documents
    • travel expenses in home country to the interview, for the visa application, as well as to the airport and back home
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