Let's be the Pulse of Europe!

Deadline: As soon as possible




  • Worldwide


There has been an alarming increase of radicalisation in political life. Societies are divided and formerly reliable political structures and alliances are being disregarded and may perhaps dissolve as fundamental values are being increasingly ignored. Nationalist and protectionist tendencies only increase our current global problems. This must be countered! We need a united Europe today more than ever. At stake is nothing less than the preservation of an alliance to secure peace and to guarantee individual freedom, justice and legal security. Only together is the influence great enough to master global challenges and to help shape the changing world order.


Our aim

The preservation and shaping of a united Europe today is more important than ever before. We are convinced that a majority of people believe in the fundamental idea of the European Union and are not prepared to sacrifice it to nationalistic and protectionist tendencies. We confront these destructive voices because we believe in the reformability and the continued development of the European Union. Therefore, let us become louder and more visible! We must all send out positive energy to counteract all these negative tendencies. The European pulse must be felt everywhere!

At the center is our future and the question of which world we want to live in.  We can actively shape it.  Decisions that will set the path for the future are upon us. We Europeans must courageously take our fate into our own hands. Now is the time to get involved and to become active – not against, but for something. It is not the time for protests. It is time to stand up for the foundations of our community of values in a positive sense. Therefore, we want to bring as many people as possible together in as many places as possible.

We hope to achieve, through these means, a new European awareness and consciousness that connects people and nations.

Our contribution

We become active and go into the streets

“Every 1st Sunday of the month is Pulse of Europe Day!” At the same time, we meet everywhere in Europe and set visible and audible signs for the future of a united Europe, for democracy, the rule of law and peace.

In just a few weeks, it was possible to mobilize tens of thousands of pro-Europeans to join in demonstrations and rallies and attract the attention of politicians and the media.

At our Sunday demonstrations, a positive and lively environement among all generations is regularly created.  They have become places where political will and opinion on Europe has arisen.

In many European locations Pulse of Europe is not only present on the streets and squares through its monthly Sunday rallies, but also through special events.

Become part of the Pulse of Europe movement in a city close to you.

We demand commitment – of all.

Democracy is the responsibility of each and every one of us. Indispensable at the voting box but also beyond that! We believe it is more important than ever to talk to each other and we want to revive and intensify the political discourse.

At the same time, we are calling on all political parties to highlight the importance of a united Europe and to address it as the urgent issue that it is.  National interests always impact the interests of the community and must be treated as such.

A sustained and speedy development and design process is needed to make a united Europe viable. We view the involvement in this process as an obligation for all political and social actors.

We are Europe activists

The European Union is not perfect. We raise problems, draw attention to grievances, confront the leaders with mistakes and inadequacies and demand changes and reforms. The freedom to do so springs from our political independence from parties, offices and lobbyists. We pursue our goals through special activities and campaigns, through public relations, demonstrations and rallies.

We are promoting a European civil society

A united Europe needs as its foundation a genuine European community, a European civil society, carried by mutual solidarity, connectedness and mutual genuine interest.

It is about a European identity. We are faced with the great task of becoming European citizens and learning to think in a European way and becoming part of this larger entity despite our differences of opinion, cultural background, desires and concerns. We seek unity and diversity!

Such a broad social cohesion requires more than institutions and rules and more than smart ideas on how to improve both. This is only the necessary basic framework. Europe needs a heart and a soul. The path to both of these are our emotions. Europe must inspire joy again! It is precisely this joy and emotion that Pulse of Europe wants to kindle.

Our self-image

Pulse of Europe is a movement that pursues no partisan aims, is not linked to any interest group and is nondenominational. Diversity is good thing and the European idea can be realized in a variety of ways. How – should be decided at the ballot boxes.

Pulse of Europe is independent and financed exclusively through donations. In particular, we receive no financial support from European and other political institutions or organisations.


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Deadline: As soon as possible

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