NATO - Internship Programme 2026

Deadline: May 20, 2025


International Organizations


  • Belgium
NATO Headquarters in Brussels


If you would like to gain experience working for a political and military alliance that promotes freedom and security, then the NATO Internship Programme might be for you!


NATO offers six-month internships to applicants in the third year of their university studies, or recent graduates of a bachelor or master's programme. Internships apply to a broad range of expertise and skillsets, providing opportunities in areas like political affairs, defence and security, innovation, operations, communications, business support and human resources, finance, science and technology, and infrastructure and facilities. 

Internships take place at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium – an exciting city that serves as a meeting point for many European and other international organisations, and a hub of activity and networking for young professionals.

The NATO Internship Programme offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn from the NATO community while gaining six months of valuable work experience and a greater knowledge of the inner workings of the Alliance!

NATO needs your skills!

The NATO Internship Programme has four main objectives:

  • To provide interns with the opportunity to learn from the NATO community and get a better understanding and a more balanced view of the Organization.
  • To improve NATO's access to theoretical and technical knowledge that the intern can apply through practical work assignments.
  • To contribute to creating a more diverse workforce.
  • To expand knowledge and understanding of NATO in member countries.

Internships are being offered in the following Divisions:

  • Defence Investment Division (DI)
  • Defence Policy and Planning Division (DPP)
  • Emerging Security Challenges Division (ESCD)
  • Executive Management Division (EM)
  • Operations Division (OPS)
  • Political Affairs and Security Policy Division (PASP)
  • Public Diplomacy Division (PDD)
  • Joint Intelligence and Security Division (JISD)

How to apply?

  • Please use the e-recruitment system to submit your application. We cannot accept any spontaneous applications or applications sent per mail/email.
  • If you wish to apply for the NATO-funded internship, you have to submit your application during the opening of the call. For the GRANT-funded internship, you can apply throughout the year.
  • Please do not wait for the last day to apply! Any request for support (including technical support) might take up to 3 working days to be addressed, so if you contact us the last days, we cannot guarantee that the needed support can be provided to you.
  • You do not have to fill in the entire form in a single session. You can save your information as a draft and log in later to amend it, and/or finalize the form.
  • Please provide as many details relevant to the internship position you are applying for as possible. This will help us to assess your candidature.
  • We advise you to read the requirements of each internship and to apply only if you meet them with a maximum of 5 applications.

The screening and evaluation of applications will be conducted in May/June based on the information you submitted in your application and according to the requirements of the internship position.

Your application will be first reviewed by the Internship Programme Office to ensure that you meet the required qualifications before being passed on to the hiring managers. If your application is not successful, we will inform you of its outcome.

Shortlisted candidates may be contacted in May/June to participate in an interview. The final selection will be made in summertime (for internship starting in either March or September the following year). Once you have been selected, the start date of your internship will be determined based on divisional needs and your availability.

About NATO

Security in our daily lives is key to our well-being. NATO’s purpose is to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means.

  • POLITICAL - NATO promotes democratic values and enables members to consult and cooperate on defence and security-related issues to solve problems, build trust and, in the long run, prevent conflict.
  • MILITARY - NATO is committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes. If diplomatic efforts fail, it has the military power to undertake crisis-management operations. These are carried out under the collective defence clause of NATO's founding treaty - Article 5 of the Washington Treaty or under a United Nations mandate, alone or in cooperation with other countries and international organisations.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

In order to apply for an internship at NATO, you must fulfil all criteria outlined below on the application date:

  • Age: you will be over 21 years of age
  • Nationality: you will be a citizen of a NATO Member State.
  • Educational status: at least two years of university completed and enrolled in a third year OR having obtained your highest degree less than a year prior.
  • Languages: proficiency in one of the two official NATO languages: English or French. A working knowledge of the second is considered an asset. Knowledge of other languages may also be considered an asset for certain positions.

If you are a national of NATO partner countries (PFP/EAPC), contact your Delegation at NATO Headquarters directly for information on potential internships within the Delegation.


Deadline: May 20, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

Benefits package:

  1. Internship stipend: If you are selected for one of the 2026 internship sessions through the NATO-funded programme, you will receive a monthly stipend of EUR 1,235.
  2. Travel: Once the Internship Office has confirmed your start date, you will be provided with a prepaid flight/train ticket from your place of origin at a return economy rate, and for an amount of up to EUR 1,200. If you are traveling to Brussels by car, these costs will be reimbursed.
  3. Leave: You will be entitled to 15 days of paid leave during the six-month internship period.
  4. In-house training: During the internship, you will take part in an induction programme and monthly briefings to provide you with an overview of NATO's activities and structure. The briefings present unique opportunities to meet experienced staff and officials from across the Alliance, to discuss topics of interest with them and with other interns. Visits to other institutions, like the European Parliament, will also be organised.
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