PeaceTech Lab - Volunteer with the Lab

As soon as possible
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Deadline: As soon as possible


NGO & Institutes


  • Online
  • United States of America
Washington, D.C.


Volunteer With PeaceTech Lab.

You’re looking to bring your talents to PeaceTech Lab, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. From helping stop hate speech in South Sudan to empowering girl tech entrepreneurs in India, PeaceTech Lab is putting the right tools in the right hands to build peace. We couldn’t do it without you. Fill out this volunteer interest form, and we’ll contact you with open opportunities.


Volunteers can support the Lab through mentorship, training, user testing, event support, and more. Just let us know a little about yourself so we can look for the right opportunity for you. 

PeaceTech Lab works to reduce violent conflict using technology, media, and data to accelerate and scale peacebuilding efforts.


An independent nonprofit organization, the Lab brings together engineers and activists, MBAs and conflict experts, social scientists, data scientists, and other innovators to develop effective peacebuilding solutions.



  • CONVENE FOR RADICAL COLLABORATION - PeaceTech Lab will harness the power of cross-discipline and cross-generational collaboration among conflict management professionals, the tech sector, academia, and government.
  • BUILD FOR LOCAL ADOPTION - Unlike many tech developers, PeaceTech Lab is focused on building solutions for environments where violent conflicts occur, which are often low-bandwidth, power-deprived, and dangerous.
  • CONNECT FOR SPEED AND AGILITY - The Lab will be a data hub, having partnerships with social media and big data companies to develop tools for early warning, decision-making, collaboration, and evaluation.
  • INSPIRE A GLOBAL INDUSTRY - PeaceTech Lab will inspire an industry of peacetech entrepreneurs who innovate and build products that both save lives and invite private sector investment.

The PeaceTech Lab is currently housed in the headquarters of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) adjacent to the National Mall in Washington, DC.

In the future, we will be located in USIP’s Potomac Annex Building 7. Once the site of the Washington Naval Hospital and the U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, this is a historic center for science and technology and a fitting home for what will be the nation’s first facility where engineers and scientists work alongside experts in peacebuilding to save lives. 

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Deadline: As soon as possible

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