Rotman Portfolio Management Competition

Deadline: September 22, 2024

Program Starts: October 01, 2024

Program Ends: December 11, 2024


Business Plan


  • Canada
  • Online


Undergraduate and graduate students from universities across the Globe are invited to participate in the 2025 Rotman Portfolio Management Competition (RPMC) hosted by the BMO Financial Group Finance Research and Trading Lab at the Rotman School of Management.


Using the Rotman Portfolio Manager platform, teams will compete to generate the highest risk-adjusted returns between Opening Day and Closing Day. The top-performing teams will present their strategies to a panel of portfolio managers and investment professionals who will present the prize.

The participating teams will manage an investment portfolio of $1 million (CAD) for approximately 2 months with securities listed and traded in actual markets, gaining hands-on experience in portfolio management. 

Competition Timeline

  • Briefing Session (Hybrid event): October 1st, 2024
  • Analytics Period: October 1st, 2024 – October 20th, 2024
  • Portfolio Management Period: October 21st, 2024 – November 29th, 2024
  • Final Report and Video Submission Period: November 30th, 2024 – December 8th, 2024 (11:59pm EST)
  • Portfolio Q & A and Awards Ceremony (Hybrid event): December 11th, 2024


BMO Financial Group Finance Research and Trading Lab  

Rotman School of Management , Room 290, North Building  

105 St. George St.  Toronto, ON M5S 3E6 , Canada


  • Participants must be current undergraduate or graduate students in a degree program at a university.
  • More than one team per university can compete.
  • Two or Three student members are required per team.
  • Faculty advisors or staff members can accompany each team.
  • Faculty advisors or staff members cannot compete as a team member.
  • We encourage diverse and inclusive teams; each participating team should be composed of different genders


  • Construct a diversified portfolio through an analysis of the financial performance of individual equities, with the aim of achieving a higher Sharpe ratio and Alpha compared to the benchmark portfolio.
  • Engage in active trading throughout the trading period by investing in multiple individual stocks. 
  • Continuously assess, rebalance, and determine the positions and weights of the securities, ultimately culminating in the formation of a well-diversified portfolio by the conclusion of the trading period. 
  • Upon completion of the trading period, retain in the portfolio only those securities that align with specific investment principles. 
  • Provide a comprehensive explanation of the investment strategy employed to compose the final equities portfolio in the project report.  


  • Participants will only be allowed to trade restricted securities listed on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges.
  • Company market caps must be greater or equal to US $1B at the time of purchase.
  • Exclusively individual stocks that are listed on Canadian and U.S. stock exchanges.
  • Long only
  • No short selling
  • No ETF's or indices
  • No leverage in trading

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate


Deadline: September 22, 2024

Program starts:

October 01, 2024

Program ends:

December 11, 2024

Program Starts: October 01, 2024

Program Ends: December 11, 2024

Cost/funding for participants

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