Scholarships for Int. Students - M.Sc. Quantum Science & Technology at the Abbe School of Photonics (autumn 2025)

Deadline: June 15, 2025




  • Germany
Albert-Einstein-Straße 6, 07745 Jena


The Master of Science in Photonics (M. Sc.) is a Master's degree course providing multidisciplinary coverage in the field of optics and photonics. The two year program comprises four educational stages and the course schedule ranges from fundamental subjects and upstream scientific aspects in the engineering field along with relevant and important business courses. Students enrolled in the two-year program receive dedicated tutorial support and are trained for technical and scientific positions in industry and academia.



  The program comprises four educational stages:

  • Stage I: Adjustment. This stage provides students with the necessary background knowledge in optics, structure of matter and in condensed matter physics.

  • Stage II: Fundamentals. This stage provides students with a solid background in the following important topics dealing with optics and photonics: laser physics, optical metrology and optical design. It also provides hands-on experience in the optical laboratory.

  • Stage III: Specialization. This stage allows students to acquire specialized knowledge selected from about 20 advanced courses.

  • Stage IV: Practical photonics training and Master's degree thesis. An 8-week industrial internship is scheduled for each student after the second semester of study. According to their specialization, students perform a nine-month research project based on a current topic of research. At the end of the program, the students carry out an advanced scientific labwork in photonics and document their results in a Master's degree thesis.

The Master's degree program is complemented by German and English language courses as well as ASP training courses provided by internationally renowned guest professors.



Application deadlines in 2025

  • January 15 (1st priority deadline for all applicants)
  • March 1 (2nd priority deadline for all applicants)
  • April 15 (3rd priority deadline for all applicants)
  • June 15 (rolling admission deadline for EU applicants)
  • August 30 (rolling admission deadline for German applicants and applicants with a valid German residence permit)

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Prerequisites and application requirements

Applicants must have obtained or be about to obtain a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification in Physics, Natural Sciences, or Engineering. The following documents are required for the online application:

  • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.) or Bachelor of Technology (B. comprising significant exposure to physics fundamentals, or an equivalent or higher degree in the same areas. If you have not yet finished your current academic degree, you may apply likewise with a preliminary transcript of records including all completed courses thus far;
  • a comprehensive curriculum vitae (CV). Please list all stages of your education in chronological order. Further, we need a clear statement about your current status and/or occupation including information on current employments, unemployment, or parental leave;
  • letter of motivation (500 words at maximum and to be typed);
  • a copy of your passport;
  • your school leaving certificate with marks;
  • transcript of records with marks;
  • a proof of proficiency in English by
    • TOEFL or an equivalent English test (minimum points/grades): TOEFL PBT (550), TOEFL CBT (215), TOEFL IBT (85), IELTS (6.5), ESOL (CAE), or
    • German "Abitur", or
    • a completed former academic degree at an English-speaking university (proof given by a certificate of a university), or
    • a statement of your English skills as a native speaker.
  • If applying for a scholarship, two additional letters of recommendation from professors are required.


Deadline: June 15, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

Scholarships from the Abbe School of Photonics

International students wishing to obtain the degree of M.Sc. Photonics or the M.Sc. Quantum Science & Technology at the Abbe School of Photonics can apply for one of our scholarships during the regular application procedure. These scholarships are based on criteria of academic excellence and are granted regularly for 12 months, and they comprise a stipend of currently 992 Euro per month (budget updated in 2024) and additional German language courses. In very exceptional cases, also scholarships for up to two years are granted, those are then covering the entire two-year Master's degree. Approximately ten scholarships are currently available per year. German students are not eligible for this scholarship scheme. Scholarships can only be awarded to students who are physically in Jena and are studying on-campus, not online.

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