Service Civil International (SCI) - Discover your Peacebuilding Superpower

Deadline: September 25, 2024

Program Starts: September 26, 2024

Program Ends: September 26, 2024


Summer & Winter Schools


  • Belgium
  • Online
Zoom, Belgium - FL


Are you interested in exploring new tools, methods, valuable links and materials for practicing peace in everyday life?


Join Taylor O'Connor to Discover your Peacebuilding Superpower!

The second event of our webinar series "Tools for Peace" is here!

With Taylor, you will discover how to use your unique talents and abilities to make change on any social issue you care about, for a more peaceful and just world. Get ready to use our framework, mapping 100+ different types of peacebuilders, to identify your unique talents for building peace - your peacebuilding superpower!


About the trainer

Taylor O'Connor is the founder of Everyday Peacebuilding ( and a certified ‘peace nerd’ obsessed about exploring creative ways to build peace. On the professional side, Taylor worked for years as a peacebuilding consultant with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and UN agencies. He spent his free time researching and documenting thousands of ways people around the world build peace. He's building a global community of peacebuilders from all over the world and he supports them to launch collaborative projects for peace.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate


Deadline: September 25, 2024

Program starts:

September 26, 2024

Program ends:

September 26, 2024

Program Starts: September 26, 2024

Program Ends: September 26, 2024

Cost/funding for participants


Participation fee

There is NO participation fee for the webinar.

Accommodation and food

The webinar will take place in ZOOM.

Travel reimbursement

Not applicable

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