Share Discovery Village - Volunteering

Deadline: As soon as possible


NGO & Institutes


  • United Kingdom
Northern Ireland


Do you have the time and skill to be a volunteer? Whatever your skills or experience ... Whatever your ability or time commitment... Enquire about the volunteering opportunities at the Share Discovery Village.


Do any of these reflect your interests or abilities?

  • Volunteering on Weekends
  • Short-term Volunteering, 1-2 weeks
  • Long-term Volunteering, 3-6 months
  • International Volunteering
  • Volunteers With Disabilities
  • Summer Volunteering
  • Senior Volunteers
  • Residential for the Duke of Edinburgh Award 

How can you help? 

Share needs people to help out in all areas on site from helping our core of highly skilled staff run a variety of activities, to helping in the kitchens or bar, to caring for or befriending some of our many elderly or special needs guests. You do not need to have qualifications or previous experience to get involved. We believe that everybody has something to share and no matter where your skills or interests lie we will be very grateful for whatever it is you have to give. 

Who will you be working with?

Share works closely with many different groups and societies every year. Many of our 10,000 guests come from the M.S. Society, the Down Syndrome Society, the Muscular Dystrophy Society, the RNIB, the NDCS, as well as primary and secondary school groups, youth groups, church groups, scouts and guides and many, many more. All in all we work with a very diverse range of people for whom we need a diverse range of volunteers. 

When does Share need you?

Share needs volunteers all the time. Whatever time you can give will be very much appreciated. A week, a weekend, even a day; we will always be glad of the extra help. Any time on your hands is time which SHARE and its guests can use.

For young people participating in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, volunteering at the SHARE meets the “residential” requirements. DofE volunteers are welcomed for a minimum of one week to act as carers/companions to guests, activity role models for our Summer Language Programme or maintain the site on our Work Camp.  

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Short-term volunteers from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland must be a minimum of 16 years of age. Long-term and those from overseas must be a minimum of 18 years of age. All volunteers are offered programmes of induction and training to support development of their work at Share.

Every summer Share welcomes about 15 international volunteers from all over the world to assist with all duties and enjoy centre life. These volunteers stay between 1 week to several months, living and working alongside our staff and other volunteers. They participate in a variety of jobs from helping those with disabilities, to working in the Centre's garden, to assisting our Arts programme.


Deadline: As soon as possible

Cost/funding for participants

Food and accommodation are provided for all volunteers during their stay. Volunteers have access to all the facilities offered at Share. Accommodation for short term volunteers is provided on-site and for long term volunteers is provided in two houses, both located one-quarter mile from the main Share site.

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