Short-term Traineeships in the European Economic and Social Committee (autumn traineeship 2025/26)

Deadline: March 31, 2025

Program Starts: September 01, 2025

Program Ends: February 28, 2026


Government International Organizations


  • Belgium
Rue Belliard 99-101, 1000 Bruxelles


Unpaid traineeships for short periods (minimum one month, maximum three months) are occasionally available with no age limit for university students and recent graduates.



To apply, please submit an on-line application form.

This will remain valid for six months. If we are in a position to offer you a traineeship during that period, we will get in touch with you and ask you to submit the supporting documents: a copy of your university diploma(s) (candidates without a diploma can provide a certificate confirming attendance at a university or college of an equivalent level), proof of valid health insurance, a police certificate and a medical certificate (proving that you are medically fit to carry out the traineeship).


Get to know the European Economic and Social Committee

The EESC is not like other EU bodies. It is a unique forum for consultation, dialogue and consensus between representatives from all the di erent sectors of "organised civil soci- ety", including employers, trade unions and groups such as professional and community associations, youth organisations, women's groups, consumers, environmental cam- paigners and many more.

The EESC has always been an integral part of the EU: it was set up in 1957 by the Treaty of Rome, to advise EU decision-makers and ensure that ordinary people across the conti- nent have a say in Europe’s development.

The European Parliament, Council and Com- mission are legally obliged to consult the EESC when passing new laws on a wide range of topics. The EESC examines the proposals and draws up opinions based on agreement reached between its members.

In addition, the EESC adopts own-initiativeopinions on topics members believe to be im- portant in the interests of EU citizens. It also produces exploratory opinions, requested by EU law-makers when they want an over- view of civil society’s views, and publishes in- formation reports on topical issues. The EESC also develops ideas re ecting the demands of civil society on a project basis and carries out impact assessments to monitor the e ect of EU legislation.

The EESC is made up of three groups: Em- ployers – Group I, Workers – Group II and Various Interests – Group III. The aim is to build consensus between these groups so that EESC opinions truly re ect the economic and social interests of EU citizens.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Short traineeships are intended for young university graduates who, in the course of their studies or in some other connection, have already acquired either a qualification in the areas where the EESC is active, or good knowledge of the socio-occupational organisations operating in the European Union.

I haven't got my final diploma yet – can I apply?

Candidates must hold a recognised university-level degree attesting to the completion of at least three years of studies, or a certificate confirming that the candidate has achieved a level of education corresponding to three years of university study.

I am a PhD student – can I apply?

Yes, there is no limit as long as you have a university-level qualification.

I am 33 years old – can I apply?

Yes, there is no age limit.

I am a non-EU citizen, can I apply?

The EESC is offering some positions for non-EU university graduates. Therefore, your application is welcome.

If a traineeship is not a compulsory part of my studies, can I still apply?

Yes, you can, provided you hold a recognised university-level degree attesting to the completion of at least three years of studies, or a certificate confirming that you have achieved a level of education corresponding to the sixth semester of a university course.


Deadline: March 31, 2025

Program starts:

September 01, 2025

Program ends:

February 28, 2026

Program Starts: September 01, 2025

Program Ends: February 28, 2026

Cost/funding for participants

What do we offer:

  • a monthly grant corresponding to 50% of the monthly amount granted to long-term trainees;
  • a mobility allowance;
  • a travel allowance (if applicable).
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