Smart Cities and Communities (SMACCs) - Erasmus Mundus

Deadline: February 15, 2025




  • Belgium
  • Finland
  • Greece
  • Spain
Mons, Vaasa, Thessaloniki, Araba, Edinburgh


The Programme is designed to educate the next generation of engineers and researchers in Smart Cities and Communities by bringing together 4 of Europe’s most prestigious universities and promoting collaboration with industry through research. Students will have the opportunity to acquire new and valuable skills and benefit from state-of-the-art research at regional and transnational level, fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, employability, knowledge exchange and multidisciplinary learning.



The course programme is spread over 2 academic years and made up of 4 semesters (120-ECTS, thus 30 ECTS/semester) in total. During the three first semesters, students take courses, taught by the four core SMACCs HEIs, and related with the four specialization areas of the SMACCs:

  • University of Mons (UMONS) develops a specialization in ‘Sustainable Urban Planning, Energy and Transport’
  • International Hellenic University (IHU) develops a specialization in ‘Information and Communication Technologies’
  • University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) develops a specialization in ‘Energy Efficiency in Buildings’
  • University of Vaasa (UWasa) develops a specialization in ‘Smart Grid Solutions’

The common language of instruction for the programme is English (although some extra courses offered by partners may be in their native languages, see below).

More particularly, students select a mobility path before the start of the programme, which determines the university in which they will study during the first three semesters. Concretely, students spend their 1st and 3rd semester at UPV/EHU and UWasa (the order depending on the chosen mobility path) and make a choice between UMONS and IHU for the second semester.

The fourth semester is fully dedicated to the preparation of a Master thesis,

The student gets the specialization of the university where 60ECTS have been completed.

The type of mobility promoted within the EMJM SMACCs is compulsory physical mobility. The consortium believes indeed that cultural blending is a key element of the Erasmus Mundus programme, which cannot be achieved correctly in case of remote teaching. From the pedagogical point of view, since the admitted students tend to have a heterogeneous background, given the very broad nature of Smart Cities, presential teaching is favored to deal with these differences in terms of competences at the beginning of the programme, to encourage interactions. Nevertheless, distance learning may be employed in specific cases: for including seminars given by renowned guest-speakers from academia/industry who cannot travel physically; in case of new sanitary restrictions, etc.

SMACCs Associated Partners

The SMACCs consortium is helped by a strong ecosystem of more than 50 public (universities, municipalities, etc.) or private Associated Partners from Europe and the whole world, active in the field of Smart Cities, in order to boost the students’ exposure to the professional sector and high-level research communities.

The Associated Partners cooperate in the course development, may host students for internships and propose thesis topics in relation to professional realities, expose the students to high-quality guest lecturers, act as potential employers, etc. which will ultimately boost the employability of the SMACCs graduates.


Students select a mobility path before the start of the programme, which determines the universities in which they will study during the first three semesters. Concretely, students spend their 1st and 3rd semester at UPV/EHU and UWasa (the order depending on the chosen mobility path) and make a choice between UMONS and IHU for the second semester. The fourth semester is entirely dedicated to the preparation of the Master Thesis, which must be mainly supervized by one of the universities of the student’s mobility path. 

The type of mobility, which is promoted within the EMJM SMACCs, is compulsory physical mobility. The consortium believes indeed that cultural blending is a key element of the Erasmus Mundus programme, which cannot be achieved correctly in case of remote teaching. Nevertheless, distance learning may be employed in specific cases: for including seminars given by renowned guest-speakers from academia/industry who cannot travel physically, in case of new sanitary restrictions, etc

Each year, partner universities organize in turn a summer school that takes place in July, and a Winter Schol that takes place in January. SMACCs students must participate to at least one Summer School and one Winter School during their curriculum.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

To be admitted to the SMACCs Master’s Programme in Smart Cities & Communities, candidates need to have at minimum a Bachelor degree in engineering (mechanical, chemical, electrical, civil, environmental, architectural, etc.) or in sciences (physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, operation) or in economics BUT with an engineering background. A case-by-case study will be employed for other degrees (i.e., architecture, law, business, social, etc.), with an equivalent academic degree of minimum three years of undergraduate study corresponding to 180 ECTS. Students in their final year of their Bachelor degree may be admitted in the Master programme on the condition that their Bachelor degree is awarded before they enrol to the programme.

Preferably, the candidates should be:

  • Engineers with a Bachelor degree (3 years) in engineering (mechanical, chemical, electrical, civil, environmental, architectural, etc.) or in sciences (physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, operation) or in economics BUT with an engineering background while a case by case study will be employed for other degrees (i.e., architecture, law, business, social, etc.),
  • Engineers with a Master degree (MSc, BSc + 1 or 2 years) in engineering (mechanical, chemical, electrical, civil, environmental, architectural, etc.) or in sciences (physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, operation) or in economics BUT with an engineering background while a case by case study will be employed for other degrees (i.e., architecture, law, business, social, etc.),
  • Engineers/Scientists, etc. looking to start a career in Smart Cities and Communities, R&D units or in field-related companies;
  • Candidates looking for an ideal preparation for a PhD (or R&D position) in the fields of energy, transport, ICT, buildings, smart cities, etc.

Only students having at least a Bachelor or Master [degree awarded before September 15 of the year the SMACCs programme starts (*)] and who satisfy the relevant prerequisites will be eligible.

(*) this means the candidates can apply with the condition that they will have their Bachelor degree before September 15 of that year.

  • Candidates must agree to complete the academic curriculum in two consecutive academic years and according to the terms in the study contract as specified by the SMACCs consortium.
  • If a candidate has completed his/her previous studies with English as the language of instruction, the SMACCs programme can usually accept this as evidence of the English level (an official letter from the student’s university is required for confirmation). Candidates who completed their Bachelor and/or Master degree taught exclusively in English from Australia, United Kingdom, USA, New Zealand, South Africa or Canada, automatically meet the English language requirements.
  • All other candidates have to provide proof of an appropriate level of competence in the English language. Applicants must demonstrate an appropriate level of their competences in the English language through a standardized test. The attainment of a B2 level (Effective Operational Proficiency) in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is acceptable.

Scholarship eligibility

Only candidates who have been accepted for a place on this programme are eligible for a scholarship.

EMJMD student scholarships cover the entire 2-year duration of the Master course and are awarded exclusively for a full-time enrolment. Scholarship candidates must have already obtained a first higher education degree or demonstrate a recognised equivalent level of learning according to national rules and legislation in place.

Students who have already obtained an EMJMD scholarship or are former EMMC (Erasmus Mundus – Action 1) or Erasmus Mundus Master/Doctoral scholarship holders are not eligible for an additional scholarship under the EMJMD action. Students benefiting from an EMJMD scholarship cannot benefit from another EU grant while pursuing their EMJMD studies.

Candidates who will only obtain their first higher education degree at the end of the academic year preceding the EMJMD student intake concerned by the EMJMD scholarship can nevertheless apply for a scholarship and can be selected by the consortium, under the condition that the student obtains the required degree prior to the beginning of the Master course intake concerned.

Eligibility Notes:

  • Students whose citizenship is one of the Erasmus+ Partner Countries count as Partner Country students.
  • Partner Country students who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, training or work) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any Programme Country are considered as Partner Country students
  • The five-year reference period for this 12-months rule is calculated backwards as from the submission deadline (defined by the consortia) of applying for an EMJMD student scholarship.
  • Students whose citizenship is one of the Erasmus+ Programme Countries count as Programme Country students. Students with a Partner Country citizenship who do not fulfil the Partner Country criteria defined above (12months rule) count as Programme Country students.
  • Students with a double nationality (of a Partner and of a Programme Country) must specify the nationality under which they submit their scholarship application.
  • For each student and each intake, actual participation costs in excess of the EU grant contribution for Programme/Partner Country students will be covered by the consortium and will on no condition be charged to the scholarship holder, i.e. the SMACCs consortium grants the EMJMD scholarship holders a fee waiver.
  • Each applicant’s place of residence will be verified on the basis of the provision of the documents listed in the EU PRADO website. For example:
    • a residence certificate issued in accordance with the candidate’s municipality normal registration rules;
    • a certificate from the candidate’s place of work, study or training issued by the employer or institution in question.

Both documents must have been issued within 12 months before the submission deadline of applying for an EMJMD student scholarship, i.e. the consortium’s official deadline for student application.

Contribution to the subsistence costs are:

  • Not given to scholarship holders for the EMJMD periods (study/research/placement/thesis preparation) spent in their country of residence;
  • Not given to scholarship holders from a Partner Country for the EMJMD periods exceeding three months (indicatively the equivalent of 15 ECTS credits) spent in any Partner Country.


Deadline: February 15, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

EMJM Scholarship holders benefit from a grant of 1400€ per month of study, with a maximum of 24 months.

Furthemore, the consortium will not charge tuition fees to EMJM scholarship holders.

The scholarship will be a contribution to the costs incurred by the beneficiary students and shall cover travel, visa, installation and subsistence costs. It is calculated on the basis of a monthly unit cost for the entire period needed by the enrolled scholarship holder to complete the study programme (pro-rata of the actual number of days). This period covers study, research, placement activities, thesis preparation and defence, in line with the requirement of the joint Master. During this period, the scholarship can only be awarded in full, and to full-time students.

The scholarship is awarded for full-time enrolment, and will cover the entire duration of the Master programme (i.e. 24 months maximum). A reduced duration of the scholarship is applicable in case of recognition of prior learning (with a minimum scholarship duration of one academic year).

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