Sony World Photography Awards - 2024 Student Competition

Deadline: November 29, 2024




  • Online
  • United Kingdom


The Student competition is one of the world’s leading programs for photography students. Each year, all registered universities are given a unique 1st challenge, with a time frame for their students to respond and submit a series of between 3-5 images per institution


A shortlist of 10 students are then selected and given a 2nd and final challenge, to which they will respond with a series of between 5-10 images.

For photography students worldwide 

  • Student is free to enter for anyone undertaking a full-time photography course

  • Institutions must be registered for their students to take part

  • 1st challenge to submit 3-5 images / 2nd challenge to submit 5-10 images

  • 1 winner plus up to 10 shortlisted photographers

2023 Brief


For this year’s student competition, we’re asking entrants to centre their projects around Home.

A universal theme that can be interpreted in myriad ways, show us through five to 10 images a story where the theme ‘Home’ is the focal point. From capturing a place that you (or a subject) hold close, to documenting quotidian life, to what home symbolises to a group or community, show us in your own visual signature what home can signify. You might want to think about the theme beyond the physical sense: home can for many unlock memories and trigger events from the past.

Your images can be taken on any device, shot in any style – be black & white or colour – and approached from whichever angle you feel is best. While creative responses are encouraged, it’s key to stick to the brief. If your institution is not registered yet, you can register here. For information relating to this year’s brief or any other questions please email Panos Pomonis at

* A programme refers to a formalised photography course/credit/module/foundation which is taught at higher education level, within a diploma / Bachelor of Arts / Master of Arts curriculum.



Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

  • The Competition is open to all students of photography from World Photography Organisation’s selected Universities.
  • All Entrants must be aged between 18 and 30 years of age at the time of Competition’s deadline. All entries must confirm, on application, their acceptance of the rules of the Competition and these Terms and Conditions.
  • All entries to be uploaded by 30 November, 2023.
  • By entering the Competition, each Entrant agrees and acknowledges that World Photography Organisation is permitted to receive his/her registration data. All personal information will be used by World Photography Organisation in accordance with its privacy policy.
  • Students are required to submit three (3) - five (5) images responding to a brief.  To enter, institutions must be registered and you must give your images to your tutor.

Images from all participating students will then be judged by the selected World Photography Organisation judging panel to choose a shortlist and overall winner. The selected shortlist  will be announced after being deemed suitable by the World Photography Organisation after February 1, 2024.


Deadline: November 29, 2024

Cost/funding for participants


  • Student Photographer of the Year receives €30,000 worth of Sony digital imaging equipment for his or her institution and inclusion in the Sony World Photography Awards Exhibition at Somerset House, London.
  • 10 shortlisted photographers receive lights and  accommodation to the Awards ceremony in London, a range of Sony digital imaging equipment,  publication in Sony World Photography Awards book and inclusion in the Sony World Photography Awards Exhibition at Somerset House, London.
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