St. Gallen Symposium - Aspiring Leaders (2025)

Deadline: March 31, 2025


Trainings & Fellowships


  • Online
  • Switzerland


The Aspiring Leaders represent the incoming generation of business leaders, both from the start-up and the corporate world. Through the cross-generational dialogue at the St. Gallen Symposium they sharpen the decision making by bringing the perspective of the middle generation. They form an interdisciplinary network which creates the opportunity to mingle with peers and allow new insight. The symposium creates inspiration for innovative and transformative ideas and leads to action in their corporate or own company.


How to select Aspiring Leaders

The selection process will be conducted by your company until 31 March. Possible selection methods are:

  • Selecting candidates who have a good fit between job profile and network they can build through the St. Gallen Symposium partner community
  • Participation in the St. Gallen Symposium as part of a company-wide established incentive system for especially promising candidates


Founded in 1969, the St. Gallen Symposium is the world’s most longstanding and relevant platform for cross-generational dialogue. By bringing together leaders of today and tomorrow on key questions of our time, we aim to inspire current decision-makers to lead with the next generation in mind.

More than 50 years ago, the St. Gallen Symposium was initiated by a group of students at the University of St.Gallen at a time of upheaval. Racial segregation in the US, the Vietnam War, and struggles to come to terms with the German past fuelled conflicts among generations. Today, in light of the climate crisis, rising inequalities, and rapid technological change, younger generations are again raising their voices as they reflect on the ways their futures are being compromised by current developments.

The St. Gallen Symposium aims to serve as the seismograph of the issues that divide and those that unite generations and as the key platform, where cross-generational dialogue fosters mutual understanding and joint action. We works towards our vision and mission by actively bringing together the key voices and concerns of all generations, through our annual main symposium each May at the University of St.Gallen, our year-round dialogue initiatives, as well as cutting-edge research and publications on next generation concerns and ways to renew the ties that bind generations.

What makes us unique is the fact that the symposium is driven by the next generation itself: the International Students’ Committee (ISC) is a group of around 30 students at the University of St.Gallen who pause their studies for a year to fully devote themselves to our initiative. Every year, they travel the world to engage in ca. 1300 cross-generational meetings with our more than 350 partners, recruit our Leaders of Tomorrow who represent the next generation at our annual symposium, and engage in the communication, operations and digital innovation of our work.

The ISC is supported and strategically guided by the St. Gallen Foundation of International Studies, a team of professionals and student project managers . Our Board of Trustees ensures the impactful use of our resources towards our mission. With this unique cross-generational set-up with our own organisation, the St. Gallen Symposium promotes dialogue across generations on the most pressing issues of our time.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate


Profile of a Corporate Aspiring Leader and Emerging Entrepreneur:

  • Future executive decision maker
  • Between 30 and 45 years old
  • Currently senior manager with a key role in the company
  • Potential short to mid-term promotion to the executive level
  • Potential to profit from the network of the St. Gallen Symposium


Deadline: March 31, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

Benefits for the Aspiring Leaders

  • Enriching discussions: Shape debates and get involved in transgenerational and interdisciplinary discussions about the most pressing topics of today. Gain new insight and improve decision-making amidst ever-growing complexity and scale.
  • Connections: Connect with more than 400 partner companies and get to know the most promising young talents from all across the globe.
  • Leadership Skills: Take part in special side events for the Aspiring Leaders on practical leadership skills with our world-renowned speakers and seasoned business leaders.
  • Connecting corporate and start-up world: Be part of the unique Aspiring Leader group drawing together corporate and start-up leaders for mutual inspiration.
  • Aspiring Leaders Evening: Dinner and Fire Side Chat on Wednesday before the official start of the conference.
  • Community: Become part of an active Alumni Network with interesting peers and events!
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