TRIUMF Undergraduate Student Program

Deadline: As soon as possible


Companies Government


  • Canada
4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, B.C.


TRIUMF hires about 70 undergraduate students from across the country and abroad every year. As Canada's national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics we are offering a work experience in a research setting at the frontier of science. The jobs offered reflect the broad range that the TRIUMF divisions have to offer and include particle and nuclear physics, accelerator science as well as nuclear medicine.


The year is organized in three terms of 4 months each.

  • Winter term: January-April
  • Summer term: May-August
  • Fall term: September-December

New jobs are posted every 4 month, but 8 month extended placements are also common. Since TRIUMF is a national laboratory, a job offer includes a return air fare for candidates outside British Columbia.

About us

TRIUMF is Canada’s particle accelerator centre. From the hunt for the smallest particles in the universe to the development of new technologies, including next-generation batteries and medical isotopes, TRIUMF is pushing the frontiers in research to advance science, medicine, and business.

Research Topics

TRIUMF’s programs in scientific research, education, and commercialization have enjoyed considerable success—and many have had substantial impact. This section describes those successes. Ultimately, these programs are based on pure research in subatomic physics and exploit the opportunities provided by TRIUMF’s core facilities and its synergy with the university research community.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

  • You must apply to any posted student job that you are intrerested in. 
  • You must be enrolled at an accredited Canadian post-secondary institution and be legally entitled to work in Canada.
  • You must be currently enrolled in your second (first in Quebec), or higher, year of studies in the physical sciences or engineering.
  • You must have achieved high academic standing;
  • You must also send in the following documents:
    1. a completed application form in pdf format, with the document name being "yourlastname.pdf"
    2. a letter of recommendation from your university department chair.  TRIUMF will also accept a letter from another faculty member who may know the student better. This is to aid in cases where the chair does not know the applicant directly. This letter can be sent electronically as long as it comes from the referee.


Deadline: As soon as possible

Cost/funding for participants

  • Salaries will be in the range $1900 to $2700 per month, depending on work experience and the number of academic terms completed.
  • Airfare (Airfare not applicable for Greater Vancouver, Fraser River Valley, and Vancouver Island institutions. Ferry and car mileage paid for Vancouver Island institutions) return from the home institution will be paid by TRIUMF.
  • Students will receive a $2000 scholarship on the satisfactory completion of a report on their research.
  • There are weekly student seminars and lectures given by leading Scientists in their field.
  • Social activities are organized by the 40 undergraduates TRIUMF usually has on site each summer.
  • Vancouver and its environs is a world-famous vacation destination, with much to offer students during their non-working hours and weekends.
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