Teach First - Training Programme (start in Autumn 2024)

Deadline: As soon as possible




  • United Kingdom


Our Training Programme is your chance to free your potential and be part of something that matters.


Join the UK's largest teacher training and leadership programme. You’ll get:

  • a fully funded, internationally recognised leadership qualification and professional coaching worth over £10k
  • a salary from day one in the classroom
  • opportunities for quick progression – and pay increases to match
  • access to our 15,000-strong network of teachers, leaders and businesses.

Duration: Two years (optional third year to complete Master's Degree)


Let’s make education fairer

Too many young people aren’t fulfilling their potential at school. We should, and can, do better.

Pupils from poor backgrounds are less likely to succeed in the classroom and less likely to go on to university or well paid jobs. The cycle continues from generation to generation, widening social inequality. It’s a cycle we’re determined to help break.

The stats are sobering

  • Pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds are more than 18 months behind when they leave secondary school
  • 28.5% of pupils eligible for free school meals achieved five good GCSEs including English or Welsh and maths in 2017, compared to 60.8% of those who aren’t
  • The poorest pupils are half as likely to go to university as their wealthier peers.

Unlocking potential

Our challenge is to build an education system in which all young people thrive, regardless of their background. Schools in low income areas are already doing a brilliant job in tough circumstances. We want to support them to keep improving and overcome the barriers they face.

There’s no quick fix. We work with schools for the long term, developing inspiring teachers and effective leaders, and connecting them to networks of support. We started in 2003 and some impressive strides have already been made:

  • We’ve placed more than 10,000 teachers in low income areas positively impacting over 1 million children.
  • Pupils in our partner schools improve their GCSE results by one grade overall.
  • Within two years of partnering with us underperforming school departments improve GCSE results from 9% lower than others in the same school to 16% higher, on average.
  • Our teachers are over seven times more likely to progress to senior leadership positions early in their career than those from other courses.
  • 63% of our former trainees who are still teaching work in schools in low-income areas

Behind every stat are thousands of lives

It’s easy to get lost in the numbers. They’re important and one way we can measure success. But teachers work with people. Every positive statistic represents young lives changed for the better. That’s where the real satisfaction is, giving pupils the chance to fulfil their potential.


Summer Institute

Summer Institute is your initial training before you start in the classroom in September - delivered as a combination of in-person and online content. It is designed to equip you with the core skills and knowledge needed to succeed as a teacher.

You’ll be able to complete Summer Institute full-time over five weeks, or part-time over nine weeks to work around your existing commitments.

During Summer Institute you’ll:

  • receive high quality training that provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to set you up for success
  • meet your Teach First Development Lead who will support with your training on the programme
  • receive subject specific training
  • spend time in school practicing lesson planning and teaching pupils

and lots more.

Your first year

From day one you'll be in classroom, starting with 80% of a fully qualified teacher's timetable (60% for Primary and Early Years). Plus, you’ll earn at least the basic salary for an unqualified teacher.

You’ll spend most of your time in school but also attend training days and conferences. You’ll build your knowledge of teaching theory, get more practical training and, no doubt, swap a load of stories with other trainees. Throughout the programme you’ll be supported, trained and assessed by a Teach First expert, a mentor at your school and a university tutor.   

Once you complete your first year on the programme, you’ll have Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and be part-way to your Postgraduate Diploma in Education and Leadership (PGDE).

The summer holidays

Take a work placement with one of our supporter organisations such as Accenture, The Bright Ideas Challenge, The Lord Mayor's Appeal and Citi. It’s optional, but there’s lots in it for you.

  • Experience a different sector to help you clarify your career goals.
  • See how leadership skills you’re building in school are valued in other workplaces.
  • Hone those skills so you go back to class an even better teacher.

Your second year

Now an Early Career Teacher (ECT), your salary will go up to at least £25,900. You’ll be teaching a fuller timetable and may have the opportunity to further build your leadership credentials with responsibilities such as:

  • becoming a subject or year leader
  • mentoring pupils as they think about what to do after school
  • running a club that helps pupils aim higher and achieve more

During the year you’ll continue towards the successful completion of your PGDE. We’ll still be there supporting you alongside your school and university, through training days, conferences and one-to-one support.

After the Training Programme

Continue progressing at your school, apply for jobs in other schools or explore completely different sectors.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Eligibility requirements for our Training Programme

Find out what qualifications and criteria you need to meet to be eligible for our Training Programme.

To be eligible to apply for our Training Programme, you need:

  • 2.1 degree or above (2.2 degrees will also be considered)
  • A degree or A-levels that satisfy the curriculum requirements listed below
  • Grade C/4 or equivalent in GCSE maths and English for secondary teaching. Grade C/4 in one GCSE science subject is also required (in addition to maths and English) for primary teaching.

We do not have a minimum requirement for total UCAS points to apply to the programme (or the equivalent).

In certain cases we might be able to utilise further degrees, or certain degrees (i.e. BSc Psychology/Sports Science or Accounting and Finance) combined with a STEM subject knowledge enhancement course post-offer, to support curriculum area eligibility. Please contact your recruiter to discuss this further.


Deadline: As soon as possible

Cost/funding for participants


Earn a competitive salary from day one:

You’ll earn from the outset – no fees, no debt. During their first year of the Training Programme, Teach First trainees will be at point two on the unqualified teacher scale if teaching secondary, and point one if teaching primary/ early years. This will then rise in year two to a minimum of point one on the classroom teacher scale. You’ll also receive corporate coaching worth an estimated £900 and a fully-funded teaching qualification.

From September this year starting salaries for teachers will increase by 8.9 per cent.

Gain internationally recognised qualifications

Completing our programme will earn you a Postgraduate Diploma in Education and Leadership (PGDE), worth double the credits of a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE). 99% of people who qualify as teachers with us achieve the top two grades (good or outstanding). You’ll also have the option of completing a master’s degree part-time over a third year.

Because they’re recognised across the world, your qualifications will allow you to teach abroad, too.

Join a growing community of graduates and career changers

Join a network of like-minded individuals who understand the potential in all young people, and the challenges that affect their education. At every stage of your career, this community will be on hand to share ideas, offer support or simply have a chat.

Our community is made up of people from many different backgrounds. In 2020, 31% of new trainees joined us from another career, 26% had graduated in the past two years, and 43% came straight from university. Your diversity is your strength: wherever you're coming from, you've got a set of unique skills to bring to the classroom - enabling you to develop as a fantastic teacher.

Make a difference in the classroom from day one

As soon as the school year kicks off in September you’ll be in the classroom. Not just observing lessons. Actually teaching them. You’ll be helping pupils from the poorest backgrounds reach their full potential. It’s far from your average day job – expect surprises, challenges and an unmatched sense of fulfilment.

Access to rapid career progression opportunities

After completing the Training Programme (and when you’re ready), we’ll help you to step up and lead change at school. This support makes our teachers over seven times more likely to progress to senior leadership roles early in their career than those who train through Higher Education Institution routes. With career progression comes salary progression: middle leaders working outside London can earn up to £40,500 per year, and headteachers can earn upwards of £100,000.

During your training you’ll get the chance to take on work placements with businesses and organisations that support us, opening the door to even more opportunities. You'll also build a solid list of skills in the classroom, setting you up to impress any employer.

Close support from your school and from us

You’ll have a mentor in school you can turn to whenever you need. You'll also have a university tutor to assess your progress. A dedicated Teach First expert will oversee all your training and help with any issues inside or outside the classroom. We’re with you every step of the way.

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