Teach for India - Volunteers

Deadline: As soon as possible


NGO & Institutes


  • India


Education is fundamental to an equitable society. An excellent education equips children and youth with the knowledge, skills, values, and mindsets needed to be empowered individuals and responsible citizens. The fact that a high-quality education has wide-ranging benefits for individuals and societies has been demonstrated, time and again, by countries across the world. With nearly 1 in 4 people below the age of 14 years, India today stands at an inflection point; where we go from here depends in large part on our ability to provide equal opportunities for all children to attain an excellent education.



Step into our classrooms and share your knowledge, experience and skills with our children by volunteering to teach and/or assist our Fellows. Help us plan, execute and/or archive our events across the country to further strengthen the movement.

It takes a movement of people contributing in different ways towards educational equity. Here are 10 ways to join the movement; small and big steps that will get us to our vision that one day all children will receive an excellent education.

1. Share your skills in art/ dance/ theatre to bring arts into a child’s learning

2. Tutor or mentor a child once a week on Sundays

3. Conduct a student/teacher exchange between a high-income school and a low-income school

4. Pay for a counselor in a school, or a teacher for children with special needs

5. Gift board games or educational aids to a classroom

6. Donate 5 percent of your salary each month to education

7. Launch a social media campaign around educational equity

8. Thank someone who has been a teacher to you

9. Be a role-model for children around you.

10. Widen Teach For India’s reach by sharing our success stories and writing about our initiative across platforms.

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Deadline: As soon as possible

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