The BMZ African-German Leadership Academy (2025)

Deadline: As soon as possible

Program Starts: May 05, 2025

Program Ends: November 21, 2025


Trainings & Fellowships


  • Germany
  • Ghana
  • Online
The 2025 edition of the BMZ African-German Leadership Academy took place from May to November. The 2025 edition is scheduled between April and November, and organised into five connected learning blocks: three part-time online and two full-time in-person phases.


The Shaping Futures: African-European Network on Development and Sustainability with its Academy (Shaping Futures Academy), is a dialogue and training programme targeted at early to mid-career professionals from participating African, (Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia, Togo, and Zambia) and European (EU+) countries. The Shaping Futures Academy aims to empower future leaders on both continents by bringing together like- minded peers to reflect on their roles in their respective communities and institutions. They jointly develop strategies on how they can induce or support change processes for a transformation to sustainability in the present and future contexts.

The Shaping Futures Academy welcomes participants from a various sectors (civil society, academia and think tanks, public administration, business and media) to encourage transdisciplinarity and to promote networking and knowledge exchange.

The Shaping Futures Academy is hosted by the German Institute for Development and Sustainability (IDOS) and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The programme is conducted in English.


The format of the dialogue and training programme sees 25 participants from government institutions, think tanks and research institutions, civil society and the private sector brought together to share their experience of and expertise in working in the area of sustainable development. Participation in the programme also facilitates networking opportunities with German and European stakeholders from various sectors and with representatives from African institutions.

Format and Content

The Shaping Futures Academy is grounded on three essential elements that contribute to capacity development: knowledge, action and leadership.

  • The knowledge element offers participants the space to exchange and jointly learn about the themes of governance and sustainability, on both a global and local level. In the academic modules, participants strengthen their analytical capabilities through engagement with different concepts and the direct interaction with diverse scientific and practice-oriented stakeholders. This includes encounters in discussions, workshops and visits to selected institutions.
  • The action elements offer participants the opportunity to combine and expand their knowledge and skills as well as to put them into practice. Working independently in small and changing group constellations, participants collectively develop mini-projects and assignments that allow them to connect their various expertise in diverse learning formats.
  • The leadership element focusses on developing individual and collective competencies, including strengthening dialogue skills, problem solving, exchanging perspectives, teamwork, reflecting on one’s values, and building strong and trustful relationships, which will also benefit the participants’ home institutions. 

The programme, delivered in a block format, utilizes a range of training methods used to cultivate learning, including but not limited to facilitated sessions, workshops, open space and bar camp formats, presentations, discussions, excursions, expert interviews, and role-play. The Shaping Futures Academy works under the premise that knowledge acquisition is not passive but requires open and active engagement. Through collaborative peer learning, participants benefit from an exchange of different perspectives, hone their critical thinking skills, and develop shared values

The format of the Academy is based on the training concept developed in the frame of the MGG Academy. 

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Application and Requirements

The Shaping Futures Academy targets early to mid-career professionals from participating African (Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia, Togo and Zambia) and European (EU+) countries.

Potential participants of the Shaping Futures Academy should:

  • be a national or permanent resident of one of the participating countries
  • be 25 – 40 years old*
  • work on issues relevant for sustainable development and governance
  • have at least three years’ work experience (non-remunerated experience is also recognised)
  • have the support of their employer (written support required as part of application)
  • have a very good command of the English language (equivalent to B2 level of the CEFR)
  • be respectful of other cultures
  • be open to teamwork, reflection and a broad variety of working methods
  • be available to participate for the entire duration of the Academy
  • adhere to the principles of timeliness and respectful conduct during interactions; and
  • have a valid passport (at the time of travel) 

* Older applicants, who have taken longer periods of parental leave, may be considered.


Deadline: As soon as possible

Program starts:

May 05, 2025

Program ends:

November 21, 2025

Program Starts: May 05, 2025

Program Ends: November 21, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

Scholarship/Financial assistance

In order to facilitate participation, successful applicants to the Shaping Futures Academy will be awarded a scholarship, covering the following:

  • Travel to and from Germany and Ghana
  • Accommodation for the duration of the in-person phases
  • A monthly living allowance to cover living costs in Germany and Ghana for the duration of the in-person phases
  • Health, accident and personal liability insurance for the duration of their stay in Germany and Ghana
  • Subsidy to help meet technical requirements of the online phases of the programme

Please note that the scholarship awarded is not sufficient to provide financial support for participants’ families.

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