The Culture and Art Programme - Nordic Culture Point

Deadline: September 11, 2025




  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Iceland
  • Norway
  • Sweden


The Culture and Art Programme supports Nordic cooperation within art and culture. You can apply for funding for a project with artistic and/or cultural quality which promotes a multifaceted and sustainable Nordic region.


Which activities are funded?

The programme grants support to projects within all areas of art and culture, in all project phases: preliminary work, production, presentation and dissemination. However, you cannot apply for funding for activities which have already been conducted.

You can apply for support for projects that invest in cultural and artistic productions and creative work as well as to organise and implement projects that develop skills within the field of art and culture. Support can be granted for all types of costs that are directly associated with the project.

For example, the projects may entail:

  • creation or dissemination of works, projects and initiatives that require a creative process
  • creation of meeting places between artists/cultural bodies and the public
  • development and dissemination of knowledge and/or work methods
  • organising discussions and debates, as well as seminars and workshops

You cannot apply for funding for:

  • tours with already existing works or productions
  • running costs of institutions or other activities
  • basic financing of projects which run for several years – such as ongoing costs for an annual festival
  • productions of works without the active involvement of partners other than artists themselves, e.g. solo performances or album recordings.
  • film and TV productions, productions of computer games and book publishing.
  • projects that are part of an education or training course
  • commercial activities that aim to generate a financial profit
  • projects outside the artistic or cultural area, for example, sports events.
  • projects which have already started before the decision on support by us has been approved and dispatched
  • activities that have already been completed. At the earliest, activities that are supported by the programme may begin 10 weeks after the application deadline.

Application periods: 11.08.2025 – 11.09.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Who can apply?

Everyone who is active within the field of art and culture can apply, provided that the project fulfils the programme’s criteria and the cooperation includes minimum three countries, of which two are Nordic, that is, either Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, the Åland Islands, the Faroe Islands and/or Greenland.

Applicants can be:

  • individuals
  • groups
  • organisations, institutions and companies

It is neither necessary for the applicants to live or work in the Nordic region. Furthermore, it is neither necessary for the person or members of the group to have Nordic nationality, as long as the Nordic dimension of the project is fulfilled in other ways.


Deadline: September 11, 2025

Cost/funding for participants


You can apply for support for all phases of a project, from preliminary work to implementing a full scale project. The amount applied for should be reasonable considering the scale of the project. The larger the amount applied for, the larger the requirement for self-financing from, for example, other funding bodies. Co-financing is considered a key part of the project’s conditions.

Projects can be granted:

  • up to EUR 7,000 with full financing
  • up to EUR 40,000 with at least 30% co-financing
  • up to EUR 100,000 with at least 50% co-financing

Therefore this means that the grant from the Culture and Art Programme can cover between 50 – 100% of the project’s total costs, depending on the size of the applied grant.

In-kind financing can count towards co-financing. In-kind financing consists of goods or services as payment instead of cash. For example, voluntary work. How you estimate the working hours of volunteers should be specified in the budget and the amount must be reasonable considering the tasks and their duration.

Support from other Nordic organisations

It is also possible to apply for support from other pan Nordic institutions and organisations, such as, for example, the Nordic Culture Fund, for the same project. The total funding from the Culture and Art Programme and other Nordic organisations may not exceed 85% of the budget.

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